Sažetak | Arheološki dokazi o kontroliranoj upotrebi vatre mogu se pronaći na gotovo svakom brončanodobnom nalazištu, osobito unutar naselja. Razina očuvanosti takvih nalaza ovisi o mnogo čimbenika no često se radi o uništenim strukturama koje se mogu zabilježiti samo prilikom arheoloških iskopavanja u fotografiji ili crtežu.
U ovome se radu obrađuju dokazi o kontroliranoj upotrebi vatre iz naselja kasnog brončanog doba koje je otkriveno na nalazištu Kalnik-Igrišče. Analiza je obavljena na nalazima koji su prikupljeni u iskopavanjima provedenima u razdoblju između 1988. i 2019. godine. Vršena je revizija rezultata istraživanja iz 1988. i 1989., dok je glavnina rada temeljena na tek istraženoj građi iz novih sezona iskopavanja. Svi su nalazi razmotreni unutar konteksta pronalaska, a u radu se donosi i pregled do sada otkrivenih sličnih tvorevina s područja Panonske nizine i Balkana sa svrhom stjecanja uvida u način organizacije domaćinstava na širem području kulture polja sa žarama.
Obradom arheološke građe, na nalazištu Kalnik-Igrišče ustanovljena je prisutnost nekoliko pirotehnoloških tvorevina, s različitim fizičkim karakteristikama pa tako i funkcijama, koje nam pružaju uvid u različite aspekte života ljudi u prošlosti, od organizacije domaćinstva, prakse pripreme hrane do tehnologije proizvodnje. Riječ je o ognjištima, vatrištima i pećima koje predstavljaju arheološki zapis očuvan in situ, a podrazumijevaju da se upotreba vatre dogodila u s namjerom i u kontroliranim uvjetima.
Vatrišta karakterizira kameni vijenac, a s obzirom da su u njihovoj blizini pronađeni ulomci prijenosnih ognjišta, pretpostavlja se da su služila termičkoj obradi hrane.
S druge strane, ognjišta se bolje očuvaju, a prema kontekstu pronalaska razlikujemo vanjska i kućna ognjišta. Kućna ognjišta su smještena u natkrivenom prostoru tj. unutar objekta, uz njegov sjeverni zid te su bila namijenjena procesiranju, pripremi i termičkoj obradi hrane. Za razliku od spomenutih, vanjska ognjišta se dovode u vezu s radioničkim prostorima otvorenog tipa u kojima se odvijala metalurška aktivnost odnosno proizvodnja brončanih predmeta. Zajednice kasnog brončanog doba su u gradnji ognjišta upotrebljavale kamen i fragmente keramike za supstrukciju koji su u kombinaciji sa slojevima zapečene glinene smjese dobar termo izolator. Ovakva priprema nije isključiva za određeni geografski prostor, kao ni za određeno razdoblje već od samih početaka pojave tehnološke karakteristike ostaju iste i/ili slične. To je dobar pokazatelj da je tehničko rješenje usko povezano s praktičnim potrebama, te da nije kulturno ili religijski uvjetovano. Kada su ognjišta dotrajala bila su obnavljana pa se na temelju slojeva supstrukcije može ustanoviti intenzitet upotrebe takvih struktura. Na Igrišču II dodatno se ističe jedno kućno ognjište iz opožarenog objekta zbog složene strukture, s integriranom posudom, izdignuto od razine tla.
Specijalizirane peći nisu pronađene, ali se u okviru radioničkog konteksta na položaju Igrišče II pretpostavlja postojanje pirotehnološke tvorevine u obliku jame.
Dokazi kontrolirane upotrebe vatre, ali i značajan pokazatelj raznolikosti u pripremi hrane tijekom kasnog brončanog na nalazištu Kalnik-Igrišče predstavljaju i različiti nalazi keramičkih posuda i predmeta poput peka, lonaca, prijenosnih ognjišta s rešetkom te ulomak ognjišnog prijeklada i tronošca. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Archaeological evidence of the controlled use of fire can be found at almost every Bronze Age site, especially within the settlement. The level of preservation of such finds depends on many factors, but they are often destroyed structures that can only be recorded during archaeological excavations in photography or drawing.
This paper discusses the evidence of the controlled use of fire from the Late Bronze Age settlement discovered at the Kalnik-Igrišče site. The analysis was performed on the findings collected in excavations conducted between 1988 and 2019. The results of the 1988 and 1989 surveys were revised, while the biggest part of the work was based on newly researched material from the new excavation seasons. All findings are considered within their context, and the paper provides an overview of similar structures discovered so far from the Pannonian Plain and the Balkans in order to gain insight into the organization of households in the wider field of urnfield culture.
The processing of archaeological material at the Kalnik-Igrišče site revealed the presence of several pyrotechnological structures, with different physical characteristics and functions, which provide us with insight into various aspects of human life in the past, from the household organization, food preparation practices to technology. These are firesides, hearths, and furnaces that represent an archaeological record preserved in situ and imply that the use of fire occurred intentionally and under controlled conditions.
The firesides are characterized by a stone wreath, and since fragments of portable hearths were found near them, it is assumed that they were used for food processing.
On the other hand, hearths are better preserved, and two types are distinguished. Firstly, there is the hearth located in a covered area i.e., inside the house, along its north wall, that was used for processing and preparation of food. In contrast to the mentioned, there are hearths that are associated with open-plan workshops in which metallurgical activity and the production of bronze objects took place. Late Bronze Age communities used stone and fragments of pottery for the substructure of the hearth, which in combination with layers of baked clay mixture were a good thermal insulator. Such preparation is not exclusive for a certain geographical area, nor for a certain period, but from the very beginning of the appearance, the technological characteristics remain the same and/or similar. This is a good indication that the technical solution is linked to practical needs, and that it is not culturally or religiously conditioned. Hearths were used for a long time and they were usually rebuilt, so the intensity of the use of such structures can be established based on the substructure layers. On the Igrišče II site, one hearth from the burnt building stands out due to its complex structure, with an integrated vessel, raised from ground level.
Specialized furnaces were not found, but within the workshop context at the Igrišče II site, the existence of a pyrotechnological structure in the shape of a pit is assumed.
Evidence of controlled use of fire, but also a significant indicator of diversity in food preparation during the Late Bronze Age at the Kalnik-Igrišče site are various finds of ceramic vessels and objects such as bakers, pots, portable hearths, and a fragment of a fire dog and tripod. |