Sažetak | Početkom otvorene agresije JNA i pobunjenih Srba na Hrvatsku 1991. godine, općina Novska odigrala je malu, ali značajnu ulogu u obrani. Uspješnom organizacijom i suradnjom vojnih i civilnih institucija te hrvatskih građana, zaustavljen je napad 5. korpusa JNA iz Banja Luke koji se želio probiti do Virovitice i Varaždina te odsjeći Slavoniju od ostatka Hrvatske. Gubitkom Novske, protivničke snage bi učvrstile svoj položaj u Zapadnoj Slavoniji i tako ugrozile daljnja mjesta, pogotovo općinu Kutina. Malobrojni i slabije naoružani hrvatski branitelji žestoko su pružali otpor kako se ovi ciljevi ne bi ostvarili. Iako su početkom listopada 1991. JNA i pobunjeni Srbi postigli neke teritorijalne uspijehe i ugrozili Novsku sa sjevera, istoka i juga, ali sam grad nikada nije dospio u njihove ruke. Formiranjem OG Posavina te uvođenjem u borbu svježih snaga i oružja, obrana se stabilizirala i to u onom trenutku kada je to bilo najpotrebnije. Nakon zaustavljanja daljnjeg napredovanja protivnika započele su i prve oslobodilačke akcije na prostoru cijele Zapadne Slavonije od kojih je za Novsku izuzetno bitna operacija „Orkan-91“. Dolaskom zime, jakom otporu protivničkih snaga te iscrpljenosti hrvatskih vojnika konačni ciljevi poput oslobađanja Jasenovca i presjecanja Okučana od Lipika i Pakraca nisu ostvarena, ali je zato oslobođen sjeverni sektor općine Novska koja se ponovo povezala s općinom Pakrac i rasteretila granatiranja iz tih područja na sam grad Novsku. Potpisivanjem Sarajevskom primirja 3. siječnja 1992. prestaju ratne operacije obiju strana čime su općina Novska i njeni građani pošteđeni daljnjih razaranja i ubijanja. Domovinski rat 1991. godine bio je glavna i nezaobilazna tema u hrvatskim i stranim medijima tada. Od sredine 80-ih godina hrvatsko novinarstvo prolazilo je kroz postupnu liberlaizaciju čiji je vrhunac bio 1990. tijekom prvih višestranačkih izbora. Nakon dolaska HDZ-a na vlast i pobjede dr. Franje Tuđman kao predsjenika Republike Hrvatske, javni mediji su se ponovo našli pod direktnom ili indirektnom kontrolom nove državne vlasti. Umjesto komunizma i Jugoslavije počela se javljati ideja demokracije i samostalne hrvatske države. Od kraja ljeta 1991. dolazi do proglašenja ratnog stanja gdje se odvija kontrola informacija koje hrvatski mediji izvještavaju. U općini Novska to je bio Ratni Press Centar pod upravom HV-a. |
Sažetak (engleski) | At the beginning of Croatian war of independence or „Homeland war“ as it's known in Croatia the Yugoslav peoples army and croatian Serbs started an open military agression against Croatia in 1991. The small county of Novska in Western Slavonia front played a small but significant role in it's defense. With the successful organization and cooperation of military and civilian institutions and Croatian citizens, the attack of the JNA's 5th Corps from Banja Luka, which wanted to break through to Virovitica and Varaždin and cut off Slavonia from the rest of Croatia, was stopped. With the loss of Novska, the opposing forces would strengthen their position in Western Slavonia and thus endanger further places, especially the county of Kutina. The small and poorly armed Croatian defenders fiercely resisted attacks in order to prevent these goals from ever being achieved. Although in early October 1991 the JNA and croatian Serbs achieved some territorial successes and threatened Novska from the north, east and south, the town itself never fell into their hands. With the formation of Opreational group or OG „Posavina“ and the introduction of fresh forces and weapons into the fight, the defense stabilized at the moment when it was most needed. After stopping the further advance of the opponents, the first liberation actions began in the entire area of Western Slavonia, of which Operation "Hurricane-91" is most important for Novska. With the arrival of winter, strong resistance from enemy forces and the exhaustion of Croatian soldiers, the final goals such as the liberation of Jasenovac and the intersection of Okučani from Lipik and Pakrac were not achieved, but the northern sector of Novska county was liberated and re-connected with Pakrac. By signing the Armistice in Sarajevo on January 3rd, 1992. the war operations of both sides ceased, thus finally saving the county of Novska and its citizens from further destruction and killing. The Homeland War in 1991 was a major and unavoidable topic in the Croatian and foreign media at the time. Since the mid 1980s, Croatian journalism has undergone gradual liberalization, culminating in 1990 during the first multi-party elections. After Croatian Democratic Party (HDZ) won the first multiparty elections and Franjo Tuđman got elected as President of the Republic of Croatia, the state media had found themselves again under the direct or indirect control of the new state government. Instead of communism and Yugoslavia, the idea of democracy and an independent Croatian state began to emerge. Since the end of the summer of 1991, a state of war has been declared, where the control of information reported by the Croatian media has taken place. In the case of Novska county, it was the „War Press Center“ run by Croatian army. In the examples of Croatian national television or HRT, public newspapers „Vjesnik“ and local radio station from Novska we have multiple examples of information that were given partialy to public at the time. This is easily explained since JNA and croatian Serbs could gather information and use it for future assaults. It is important to note that political message behind those information were not pro war or anti Serbian. Instead they were motivated to achieve peace and make Croatia fully independent and democratic country that is run under western European principles. |