Sažetak | Cilj ovog rada je istražiti koliko mladi vole i žele čitati u svoje slobodno vrijeme. Uza sve preporuke, teoriju i smjernice koje knjižnice, knjižare, roditelji i učitelji žele prenijeti mladima, koliko informacija zapravo dopire do njih i jesu li im usmjerene na pravi način. Jesu li im društvene mreže zaokupile cijeli prostor slobodnog vremena ili im otvorile kanale za lakše praćenje interesnih područja. Mladi kao skupina u sivoj zoni između djece i odraslih podižu vlastiti bunt i smjernice koje su im potrebne, a koje često prati pojava i razvoj novih medija. Teorijski dio koji rad obuhvaća odnosi se na povijesni pregled, definiranje mladih kao skupine, te poticanje čitanja. Nakon toga spominje se svrha knjižničnih usluga za mladež i kultura čitanja na internetu, te platforme koje se tamo nalaze i što nude svojim korisnicima. Rad će se dotaknuti i fan fiction djela, o kojima će biti pitanja i u istraživačkom djelu. No, prije toga, spomenuti će se primjeri dobre prakse poticanja čitanja u Hrvatskoj nakon čega slijedi istraživanje. Anketu, tj. upitnik istraživanja ispunjavali su učenici srednjih škola u Samoboru. Anketa se može podijeliti na dva dijela. Prvo o želji za čitanjem i drugo o tome kako su oni zadovoljni sa svojim lokalnim tj. mjesnim knjižnicama. U istraživanju se tražilo stajalište mladih o tome vole li čitati, što najradije čitaju i kako biraju to štivo. Čitaju li fanfiction djela, koliko vremena provode na društvenim mrežama, te jesu li čitali više za vrijeme lockdowna. Odgovarali su na pitanja što najviše vole raditi u svoje slobodno vrijeme, te što misle da bi trebalo promijeniti u njihovim knjižnicama. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The main goal of this paper is to explore how much young people love and want to read in their spare time. With all the recommendations, theory, and guidelines that libraries, bookstores, parents and teachers want to transmit to young people, how much information actually reaches them and whether it is directed to them in the right way. Have social media taken up all their free time or have they opened channels to easily follow their interests. Young people as a group are in the gray zone between children and adults, so they raise their own rebellion and the guidelines they need, which are often accompanied by the emergence and development of new media. The theoretical part of the paper is referencing to the historical overview, defining young people as a group, the importance of information literacy, and encouraging reading in general. After that, the purpose of library services for young people and the culture of reading on the internet is mentioned, as well as the platforms that are located there and what they offer to their users. The paper will also broach the subject of fan fiction works, which will be discussed in the research work. However, before that, examples of good practice of encouraging reading in Croatia will be mentioned, followed by research. The survey, i.e. the research questionnaire, was filled out by high school students in Samobor. The survey can be divided into two parts. The first part defines the desire to read and second part, determines how satisfied they are with their local libraries. The research sought the opinion of young people about whether they like to read, what they like to read and how they choose to read. Are they reading fanfiction works, how much time do they spend on social media, and did they read more during the lockdown? They answered questions about what they like doing most on their spare time, and what do they think should change in their libraries. |