Sažetak | Ovaj je završni rad analiza poredbenih frazema u švedskom jeziku. Poredbeni frazemi i dalje su nedovoljno istražen jezični fenomen unutar švedske frazeologije i zbog tog razloga nisu u potpunosti jasne granice između njih i ostalih frazema kao što su primjerice idiomi. Poredbeni frazemi, ili liknelser kako se zovu na švedskom, su fraze koje karakterizira slikovitost, konotativnost i ekspresivnost. U kontekstu ostalih frazema, uz pomoć frazeološke tipologije Emme Sköldberg, opisuju se kao ustaljene poredbe koje ne stoje same, već čine dio rečenice. Nadalje se analizira njihova struktura, koja je kao što pokazuju svi primjeri u radu, najčešće trodijelna, oblika A+B+C, kao i sintaktičke funkcije koje oni mogu imati unutar rečenice. Ključni dio ovoga rada bavi se njihovim leksičkim sastavnicama te značenjima koja se ostvaruju pri uspoređivanju manje ili više bliskih pojava. Upravo se na temelju sličnosti između pojava, odnosno logičnosti veze između sastavnica poredbeni frazemi dijele na one s više ili manje prozirnim značenjem. Drugim riječima, neki su poredbeni frazemi više idiomatični od drugih i trebali bi se manje shvaćati kao doslovni, a samim time su i manje slikoviti. Upravo je posebnost poredbenih frazema ta da uspijevaju prenašati značenja iz jedne domene u drugu, a pritom dočaravati, isticati i pojačavati karakteristike različitih situacija, pojava, ljudi i osobina na kreativan način. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This bachelor thesis is an analysis of Swedish similes. Similes are still not enough researched linguistic phenomenon within swedish phraseology and for this reason the boundaries between them and other phrasemes such as idioms are not entirely clear. Comparative idioms, or liknelser as they are called in Swedish, are phrases characterized by imagery, connotativeness and expressiveness. In the context of other idioms, with the help of Emma Sköldberg's phraseological typology, they are described as established comparisons that do not stand alone, but form part of a sentence. Furthermore, their structure is analyzed, which, as shown by all the examples in the thesis, is usually three-part, of the form A+B+C. Their syntactic functions are analyzed as well. The key part of this paper deals with their lexical components and the meanings that are realized when comparing more or less similar phenomena. It is precisely because of the similarity between the phenomena, that is, the logic of the connection between the components, that similes are divided into those with more or less transparent meaning. In other words, some similes are more idiomatic than others and should be taken less literally, and thus are less figurative. The charm of comparative idioms is that they manage to transfer meanings from one domain to another, and at the same time evoke, highlight and enhance the characteristics of different situations, phenomena, people and traits in a creative way. |