Sažetak | Ovaj diplomski rad obrađuje različite aspekte urbanog razvoja Splita za francuske uprave u razdoblju od njezine uspostave 1806. do odlaska Francuza iz grada 1813. Nakon višestoljetne stagnacije pod Mlečanima i kraće austrijske uprave, Split je zajedno s Dalmacijom bio administrativno priključen Kraljevini Italiji, a onda i Ilirskim pokrajinama u sastavu Napoleonova Carstva, čija je ekspanzija krajem 18. i početkom 19. stoljeća mijenjala geopolitičku sliku Europe i svijeta. Takav je povijesni rasplet samo dodatno obogatio ionako reprezentativnu baštinu našega grada.
Autor se nastojao dotaknuti gotovo svih elemenata ključnih za davanje kritičkog suda o ovoj kratkoj i revolucionarnoj epizodi iz splitske povijesti. Bavio se tako suvremenim geopolitičkim, vojnim, administrativnim, socijalnim, kulturnim, znanstvenim, crkvenim i dr. prilikama te privredom u širem smislu. Prilikom toga je zadirao u svakojake prevrate i probleme splitske svakodnevice. Kategoričkom obradom spomenutih grana i često komparatističkim pristupom je nastojao doprinijeti boljem razumijevanju ove uprave, sa svim njezinim pozitivnim i negativnim obilježjima. Pritom je grad često stavljao u kontekst dalmatinskih prilika, budući da je njegova sudbina bila krojena u sklopu puno značajnijih društveno-političkih i vojnih gibanja s ove strane Jadrana i šire. Glavni protagonisti nove uprave u ovim krajevima bili su maršal A. Marmont, vojni zapovjednik Dalmacije i kasnije guverner Ilirskih pokrajina te civilni namjesnik V. Dandolo. Uz ove je zaslužne i dojmljive pojedince, u Splitu i drugdje u nas, djelovao cijeli niz istaknutih vojno-administrativnih lica, na čiji se doprinos autor nastojao osvrnuti koliko i na one koji su ovo razdoblje obilježili na mnoge druge načine.
Francuska je uprava u mnogočemu bila učinkovita i progresivna, a opet u mnogočemu represivna i neshvaćena. Znanstveno istraživanje u kontekstu shvaćanja punog ili potencijalnog doprinosa iste urbanizaciji Splita gotovo je nemoguće provesti do kraja s obzirom na nagli prekid njihove ionako kratkotrajne vladavine. Upravo su zbog takvih i sličnih praznina odrazi, percepcija i ostavština Francuza, u znanstvenim i društvenim krugovima ostali aktualnom, te u Splitu i šire popularnom temom od njihova odlaska pa sve do današnjih dana.
Ovaj rad je u suštini kompilacija znanstvenih zaključaka i spoznaja iz poglavito domaće literature, obogaćena dijelovima memoarske, arheološke i arhivske građe zastupljene u korištenim djelima. Autor je njime u konačnici nastojao ukazati na mogućnosti i potrebe, odnosno na potencijal u vidu daljnjih istraživanja i reinterpretacija ove uprave i razdoblja u cijelosti. Split je kasnije ostao pod (drugom) austrijskom upravom sve do raspada Austro-Ugarske 1918., te je za tog razdoblja imao koristi i od onoga što su ranije učinili Francuzi, a što je djelomice vidljivo i danas. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This master’s thesis deals with various aspects of urban development of Split for the French administration in the period from its establishment in 1806 to the departure of the French from the city in 1813. After several centuries of stagnation under the Venetians and a brief Austrian administration, Split, together with Dalmatia, was administratively attached to the Kingdom of Italy, and then to the Illyrian Provinces as part of the Napoleonic Empire, whose expansion in the late 18th and early 19th century changed the geopolitical picture of Europe and the world. Such a historical development only further enriched the already representative heritage of our city.
The author tried to touch on almost all the elements that are crucial for making a critical judgment about this short and revolutionary episode from Split’s history. He dealt with contemporary geopolitical, military, administrative, social, cultural, scientific, ecclesiastical and other occasions and the economy in a broader sense. In doing so, he encroached into all kinds of upheavals, and everyday problems in Split. By categorical processing of the mentioned branches and often with a comparative approach, he tried to contribute to a better understanding of this administration, with all its positive and negative characteristics. At the same time, he often put the city in the context of circumstances in Dalmatia, since its destiny was part of much more significant socio-political and military motions on this side of the Adriatic and beyond. The main protagonists of the new administration in these regions were Marshal A. Marmont, the military commander of Dalmatia and later the governor of the Illyrian provinces, and the civil governor V. Dandolo. Along with these deserving and impressive individuals, in Split and elsewhere in our country, there was a whole series of prominent military-administrative figures, whose contribution the author tried to look back on as much as those who marked this period in many other ways.
The French administration was in many ways efficient and progressive, yet in many ways repressive and misunderstood. Scientific research in the context of understanding the full or potential contribution of the same to the urbanization of Split is almost impossible to complete in view of the abrupt end of their already short-lived reign. It is precisely because of such and similar gaps that the reflections, perception and legacy of the French in scientific and social circles have remained topical and popular matter in Split and beyond since their departure until today.
This work is essentially a compilation of scientific conclusions and findings from mainly domestic literature, enriched with parts of memoirs, archeological and archival material represented in the works used. In the end, the author tried to point out the possibilities and needs, that is, the potential in the form of further research and reinterpretation of this administration and the period in its entirely. Later, Split remained under (second) Austrian administration until the collapse of Austria-Hungary in 1918, and during that period it also benefited from what the French had done earlier, which is still partially visible today. |