Sažetak | Predmet su diplomskoga rada tjelesnost i tijelo u odabranim romanima Slavenke Drakulić,
točnije u romanima Frida ili o boli, Kao da me nema i Optužena. U svojim se romanima Slavenka
Drakulić bavi temama ženskoga tijela i tjelesnosti te opasnostima kojima je žensko tijelo izloženo,
kao što su bolest, silovanje i zlostavljanje. Tako u romanu Frida ili o boli autorica analizira tijelo
preko bolesti i prometnu nesreću koja je snašla slavnu slikaricu Fridu Kahlo. Fridino je tijelo krivo
jer je ona ograničena, teško joj je ustajati i hodati, ona nema samopouzdanja i boji se odbijanja,
zbog čega se povlači u sebe. Nadalje, u romanu Kao da me nema glavna junakinja S. žrtva je
učestalih silovanja za vrijeme boravka u ratnome logoru, zbog čega je zauvijek oštećena. Ipak,
smogla je snage i razvila ljubav prema svojemu djetetu, unatoč tome što je ono „podsjetnik“ na
strahote koje su je zadesile. U trećem, ujedno i posljednjem romanu pod naslovom Optužena
autorica se bavi tjelesnim i emocionalnim zlostavljanjem te zanemarivanjem djeteta. Djevojčica
cijelim romanom trpi tjelesnu i psihičku bol te osjeća traumu tijela koje je podložno fizičkom
kažnjavanju, uskraćivanjem hrane i vode, obavljanja osnovnih fizioloških potreba, potrebi za
šutnjom, izloženo neprestanim lažima te zabrani pokazivanja ikakvih emocija, što rezultira
katastrofalnim posljedicama. U skladu s time, vidljivo je da se Slavenka Drakulić u svojim
romanima bavi temama koje se smatraju tabu temama u današnjem društvu i kojima se ne
posvećuje dovoljna pažnja, barem ne kroz perspektivu kroz koju tim temama pristupa sama
autorica. Takve traume nad tijelom rezultiraju odvajanjem žrtve od samoga tijela i rasapom
identiteta, pa su psihičke posljedice takvih trauma iznimno teške. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The subject of this paper is physicality and the body in selected novels by Slavenka
Drakulić, more precisely in the novels Frida ili o boli, Kao da me nema and Optužena. In her
novels, Slavenka Drakulić deals with the topics of the female body and physicality, as well as the
dangers to which the female body is exposed, such as disease, rape and abuse. Thus, in the novel
Frida ili o boli, the author analyzes the body through illness and the traffic accident that befell the
famous painter Frida Kahlo. Frida's body is to blame because she is limited, it is difficult for her
to get up and walk, she has no self-confidence and is afraid of rejection, which is why she
withdraws into herself. Furthermore, in the novel Kao da me nema, the main character S. is a
victim of frequent rapes in a war camp, so she is permanently damaged. Nevertheless, she found
strength and developed love for her child, despite the fact that it is a „reminder“ of the horrors that
befell her. In the third and last novel entitled Optužena author deals with physical and emotional
abuse and child neglect. Throughout the novel, the girl suffers physical and mental pain and feels
the trauma of her body, which is subject to physical punishment, deprivation of food and water,
the fulfillment of basic physiological needs, the need for silence, exposed to constant lies and the
prohibition of showing any emotions, which results in catastrophic consequences. Accordingly, it
is evident that in her novels Slavenka Drakulić deals with topics that are considered taboo topics
in today's society and that are not given enough attention, at least not through the perspective
through which the author herself approaches these topics. Such traumas to the body result in the
separation of the victim from the body itself and the disintegration of identity, so the psychological
consequences of such traumas are extremely severe. |