Sažetak | Brojni čimbenici utječu na proces odrastanja i socijalizacije djeteta u obitelji, a jedan od važnih je stil roditeljstva. Cilj ovog rada jest prikazati različite spoznaje o utjecaju različitih roditeljskih stilova na razvoj djece. U literaturi se najčešće navode četiri stila roditeljstva koji imaju svoje osobitosti i rezultiraju različitim ponašanjem djeteta. Autoritativan (demokratski, dosljedan) roditeljski stil predstavlja odgovorno ponašanje roditelja koji postavlja jasne granice, pravila ponašanja i zahtjeve, ali istovremeno djetetu pruža mnogo topline, ljubavi, razumijevanja i potpore. Djeca odrasla u takvom okružju najčešće ima-ju visoku razinu samopoštovanja te u svom ponašanju pokazuju znatiželju, kreativnost i slobo-dno izražavanje mišljenje i emocija. Autoritarni (autokratski, kruti, strogi) roditeljski stil karakterizira visoka razina kontrole i nadzora roditelja koji traži disciplinu bez mnogo topline i potpore. Roditelji su autoriteti koji postavljaju zahtjeve i određuju pravila, ne uzimajući u obzir potrebe i prava djeteta. Posljedica autoritarnog roditeljskog stila često je niska razina prosocijalnog, a visoka razina agresivnog i samodestruktivnog ponašanja. Djeca odrasla u takvom okružju teško se prilagođavaju različi-tim socijalnim situacijama, sklona su promjenama raspoloženja, često povučena ili agresivna, nepovjerljiva, bez spontanosti u ponašanju. Permisivan (popustljiv) roditeljski stil temelji se na roditeljskom zadovoljavanju svih djetetovih zahtjeva, jer su uvjereni da tako na najbolji način iskazuju svoju ljubav. Kako pravi-la nisu jasno određena, ovaj roditeljski stil onemogućuje djetetu stjecanje normi i pravila pona-šanja te se ona kasnije slabije snalaze u situacijama u kojima se susreću s autoritetima. Djeca odgajana ovim stilom češće su impulzivna, nekontrolirana, samouvjereno nametljiva i asocijal-na, često uključena u neprihvatljive aktivnosti mladih i nasilnička ponašanja. Zanemarujući (zapuštajući, ravnodušni) roditeljski stil opisuje roditelje koji ne pokazuju interes za djetetove potrebe, uspjehe i neuspjehe. Pred dijete se postavljaju mali zahtjevi, a pri tome izostaje iskazivanje topline i potpore. Zanemarujući roditeljski stil najčešće se povezuje s najnepoželjnijim razvojnim ishodima kod djece. Reakciju na takav stil odgoja dijete najčešće pokazuje u obliku neprijateljstva i otpora, što često dovodi do školskog neuspjeha i asocijalnog ponašanja. Iako su stilovi roditeljstva pod utjecajem brojnih čimbenika kao što su ekonomske pri-like, struktura obitelji, osobine roditelja i osobine djeteta, neosporno je da sigurnost i ljubav koju roditelji pružaju djetetu čine osnovu njegovog razvoja i zdravlja |
Sažetak (engleski) | There are numerous factors that influence the process of growing up and socialization of a child in a family, one of the essential ones is the parenting style. The aim of this work is to present different insights into the influence of different parenting styles on children’s devel-opment. In the literature there are usually four parenting styles identified - each with its own distinctive features resulting in various behaviour patterns in children. Authoritative (democratic, consistent) parenting style represents responsible parental behaviour which sets clear limits, rules of conduct and demands and at the same time provides a child with warmth, love, understanding and support. Children growing up in that kind of environment have a high level of self-esteem and exhibit curiosity, creativity and are comfor-table in freely expressing their thoughts and feelings. Authoritarian (autocratic, rigid, strict) parenting style is characterized by a high level of parental control and supervision, seeking discipline without much warmth and support. The parents represent authority which sets demands and makes rules completely disregarding the child's needs and rights. The consequence of authoritarian parenting practices is a low level of pro-social behaviour and a high level of aggressive and self-destructive behaviour. Children raised in such environment find it difficult to adjust to various social situations. They are also inclined toward mood swings and are often reserved or aggressive, distrusting and without any spontaneity in their behaviour. Permissive (lenient) parenting style includes parents who (satisfy all of their child's ne-eds and wants. By doing so, they are convinced this is the best way to express their affection. Since the rules are not clearly set, this sort of parenting style makes it impossible for the child to acquire norms and the rules of conduct. As a result, the child will be less successful in dea-ling with future situations where authorities are present. Children raised in such manner are often impulsive, without control, obtrusive and asocial and are often engaged in youthful misconduct and violent behaviour. Neglecting (uninvolved, indifferent) parental style depicts a parent who shows no in-terest in their child's needs, achievements and failures. The expectations of the child are very low and there is lack of warmth and support. Neglecting parenting style is related to the most undesirable development issues in children. A child usually reacts to this sort of parenting through exhibiting hostility and resistance which results in underachievement at school and asocial behaviour. Although parenting styles are influenced by a number of factors such as economic circumstances, family structure, parents' and children's characteristics, it is the se-curity and love parents convey to their children that is, without a doubt, the basis of their de-velopment and health. |