Sažetak | Prebogata je tradicijska kultura našega naroda, a jedan od fenomena su i tradicijske frizure. Vrijedne su da se o njima razgovara i promišlja jer su najčešće pletene i osmišljavane od velikog broja pramenova što je jedinstvena svjetska baština. Takvo bogato ukrašavanje glava djevojaka karakteristično je za hrvatsko stanovništvo. Etnologinja dr. sc. Jelka Radauš Ribarić u svom istraživanju „Slavonska djevojačka pletenica“ navodi nekoliko različitih fenomena pa tako piše o prvim zapisima ovakvih frizura na kovanom novcu te kamenim plastikama. Iznosi nekoliko pretpostavki o podrijetlu pletenica, navodi zajedničke karakteristike, ali i razlike frizura rimskih kraljica i djevojaka Slavonije, Srijema i Baranje. Blanka Žakula svojim istraživanjima na terenu usustavljuje osnovne značajke djevojačkih frizura te navodi osnovne razvojne faze. Inspiriranost umjetnikom Jagorom Bučanom i njegovom izložbom „Glave“ gdje se umjetnik prikazuje publici u tehnici frotaža s motivima ženskih glave s uređenim frizurama prema hrvatskoj tradicijskoj baštini, predlaže se korištenje grafičkih tehnika i to frotaža, grataža, kolažnog i karton tiska, pečatnog tiska, monotipije te kolagrafije. Ako dječji razvoj želimo učiniti kvalitetnim onda on mora biti integriran, tj. mora objedinjeno skrbiti za sva područja djetetova razvoja. Ako se složimo s tvrdnjom da su grafičke tehnike jedne od složenih tehnika tada je dobro koristiti ih upravo kao sredstvo poticanja cjelokupnog dječjeg razvoja i likovnog izražavanja. Važno je poznavati osnove grafike, načine rada i postupke. U vrtićkoj dobi postupak grafičkih tehnika vrlo je jednostavan i lako pamtljiv. Djecu raduje kada se likovnost ne izražava samo crtanjem. Niz postupaka koje grafika zahtijeva dodatno potiče njihovu maštu i kreativne procese ali i radne navike probavanjem različitih tehnika, materijala i to sve kroz igru i zabavu. Uloga odgojitelja je nezamjenjiva. On osmišljava teme, potiče djecu te pribavlja materijale. Uz to mora poznavati djecu i njihove razvojne mogućnosti te njihove potrebe. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The traditional culture of our people is exceptionally rich, and one of the phenomena are traditional hairstyles. They are worth talking about and reflecting on, since they are most often braided and designed from a large number of locks, and this is a unique world heritage. This kind of abundance in heads ornamentation heads of girls is characteristic for the Croatian people. Ethnologist Jelka Radauš Ribarić, PhD lists in her research Slavonian Girls` Braid several different phenomena, so she writes about the first records of such hairstyles on coins and stone sculptures, she makes several assumptions about the origin of the braids, she mentions common characteristics, but also differences in hairstyles of Roman queens and girls of Slavonia, Syrmia and Baranja. Blanka Žakula, through her field research, establishes the basic characteristics of girls' hairstyles and states the general stages of development. Inspiration with the artist Jagor Bučan and his exhibition "Heads", where the artist is shown to the audience in the frottage technique with female head motifs with created hairstyles according to the Croatian traditional heritage, it is proposed to use graphic techniques, namely frottage, grattage, collage and cardboard printing, stamp printing, monotype and collagraphy. If we want to improve the children's development, then it must be integrated, namely it must include all areas of the child's development. If we agree with the thesis that graphic techniques are one of the most complex techniques, then it is good to use them as a means of encouraging overall children's development and artistic expression. It is important to know the basics of graphics, ways of working and procedures. At kindergarten age, the procedure of graphic techniques is very simple and easy to remember. Children are happy when art is not only expressed by drawing. A series of procedures that graphics requires stimulate their imagination and creative processes even further, but also their work habits by trying different techniques, materials; all through play and fun. The role of the teacher is irreplaceable. He develops topics, encourages children and acquires materials. In addition, he needs to know the children and their development potential, as well as their needs. |