Sažetak | Strip je niz naracijom povezanih prizora. Strip dolazi od američkog naziva comic strip što doslovno znači komična traka. Njegovo postojanje povezano je s pojavom masovnih medija. Iako u početku egzistira kao dodatna zabava za čitatelje novina ubrzo postaje neovisni medij ili kako se voli kazati "deveta umjetnost". U 19. stoljeću, u radovima europskih i američkih ilustratora, počeo se oblikovati strip kakvoga poznajemo danas. Kao oblik masovnog medija, strip je nastao početkom 20. stoljeća u SAD-u s pojavom stripova u dnevnim novinama gdje je standardizirano nekoliko odlika (sličice u nizu, tj. engleski: "strip", te tekst u balonima i dr.). Ovakva kombinacija riječi i slike se ubrzo proširila svijetom i uskoro su izdavane jeftine knjige novinskih stripova, a kasnije i originalni strip albumi. Osobitost stripa je njegova vremenska dimenzija koja se ostvaruje nizanjem kadrova, što stvara sličnost između stripa i filma. Kadar je okvir u kojem se vizualizira neka radnja. Tema označava ono o čemu se radi u stripu radi, i potrebno je smisliti unaprijed. Kadar je određen planom i rakursom. Odnos slike i teksta može biti riješen na različite načine: često je tekst u "oblačiću", ali može biti i bez njega, ili na dnu kadra, ili čak izvan kadra. Strip nas prati tijekom cijelog života, od djetinjstva, odnosno škole, do odrasle dobi. Nalazimo ga preko školskih udžbenika do dnevnik novina. Obrađuje se kao nastavna tema u školama. U ovom diplomskom nalazi se primjer pripreme i održanog sata obrade stripa Borovnica, poznatog hrvatskog strip-autora Darka Macana. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The strip is a series of connected narrative scenes. Comic book comes from the name of the American comic strip which literally means comic strip. His existence is linked to the advent of mass media. Although initially existed as an entertainment for the readers of the newspaper soon became independent media, or as he likes to say "ninth art". In the 19th century , in the works of European and American illustrators , comic book began to take shape as we know it today . As a form of mass media , the comic was created in the early 20th century in the United States with the advent of comics in the daily newspaper where several standardized quality ( images in sequence, ie English , " comic " , and the text in the balloons , etc. ) . This combination of words and pictures quickly spread , and soon the world were issued cheap books of newspaper comics , and later the original comic albums . The peculiarity of the comic book is its time dimension , which is achieved by stringing staff , which creates a similarity between the comic and the movie . The frame is a frame in which to visualize an action . Topic indicates that what it is doing in the comic book , and you need to figure out in advance . The frame is determined by the plan and point of view . The ratio of image and text can be solved in different ways : it is often the text in the " bubble " , but it can be without it , or at the bottom of the frame, or even outside of the frame . Strip accompanies us throughout life , from childhood or school to adulthood . It is found through school textbooks to journal papers . It is treated as a teaching theme in schools . In this diploma is an example of preparation and held an hour processing Borovnica comic , famous Croatian comic - by Darko Macan . |