Naslov Medijsko informiranje građana o recikliranju na području grada Zagreba: analiza sadržaja portala i stavovi stručnjaka
Naslov (engleski) Media Informing on Waste Recycling in the City of Zagreb: An Analysis of Portal Content and Expert Views
Autor Arijana Petek
Mentor Dunja Majstorović Jedovnicki (mentor)
Član povjerenstva Dunja Majstorović Jedovnicki (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Gordana Vilović (član povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Tena Perišin (član povjerenstva)
Ustanova koja je dodijelila akademski / stručni stupanj Sveučilište u Zagrebu Fakultet političkih znanosti Zagreb
Datum i država obrane 2020-06-30, Hrvatska
Znanstveno / umjetničko područje, polje i grana DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti Novinarstvo
Sažetak Diplomski rad „Medijsko izvještavanje o recikliranju na području grada Zagreba: analiza
portala i stavovi stručnjaka“ za cilj je imao prikazati kako su i koliko mediji izvještavali o
recikliranju na području grada Zagreba te jesu li uopće pružali građanima informacije na tu
temu. Istraživanje je provedeno u periodu od 1. siječnja do 31. prosinca 2019. godine., a
analizirani su portali, 24sata i Na uzorku od ukupno 82 članka,
uključujući i grafičku opremu, provedena
... Više je metoda analize sadržaja, . U sklopu istraživanja
provedena su dva intervjua sa stručnjacima iz područja gospodarenja otpada. Istraživanjem
portala se pokušalo utvrditi kakva je vrijednosna orijentacija članaka, tko najčešće daje izjave
u člancima, spominje li se gradonačelnik Milan Bandić kao krivac u vidu problema
gospodarenja otpadom, jesu li članci senzacionalistički, koliko je pojedini članak dao
informacija o načinu recikliranja (gdje, kako) te što ili tko se sve spominje u člancima na temu
recikliranja. U razgovoru sa stručnjacima željelo se saznati na koji način je Čistoća
informirala građane o recikliranju otpada, na koji način percipiraju ulogu mediju u
izvještavanju o recikliranju te što smatraju koje je rješenje za problem s otpadom koji ima
grad Zagreb. Rezultati pokazuju da je portal najčešće izvještavao neutralno na
temu recikliranja otpada, ali i da je taj portal najviše izvještavao o spomenutoj temi. Portali
24sata i u svojim člancima izvještavaju više negativno i kritičko. Članci na sva tri
analizirana portala ne spominju gradonačelnika Milana Bandića u kontekstu krivca za
problem s otpadom, niti su isti kritički intonirani prema gradonačelniku. U većini članaka
spominje se Čistoća, a vrlo često, među ostalim, u negativnom kontekstu spominje se i
poskupljenje odvoza otpada. Naslovi su većinom negativno orijentirani, dok je mali broj njih
senzacionalistički. U razgovoru sa stručnjacima naglašeno je da su građani informirani putem
mnogih kanala te da su od strane Čistoće informirani u potpunosti. U medijima vide veliku
ulogu, ali i potencijal jer im u budućnosti mogu pomoći da svoj posao odrađuju bolje. Iako
smatraju da je uloga medija vrlo značajna, trenutno nisu zadovoljni negativnom slikom koju
odašilju. Kao rješenje problema s otpadom vide uvođenje kazni jer smatraju da bi upravo one
trebale motivirati građane na propisno odvajanje otpada. Isto tako, smatraju da mediji i
građani moraju promijeniti trenutnu negativnu percepciju i početi se ponašati odgovorno. Sakrij dio sažetka
Sažetak (engleski) The aim of Master thesis „Media Informing on Waste Recycling in the City of Zagreb: An
Analysis of Portal Content and Expert Views“ was to show in which way and how much the
media reported on recycling in the city of Zagreb and whether they have provided citizens
with information on this topic. The research was conducted in the period from January 1 to
December 31, 2019 and the analyzed portals were, 24sata and The
used method for research was content analysis,
... Više conducted on 82 articles including graphic
equipment of articles. As part of the research, two experts in the fields of waste management
were interviewed. Research of portal content aimed to determine the orientation of articles,
who most often gives statements in articles, whether Mayor Milan Bandić is mentioned as the
culprit in the context of waste management problems, whether articles are sensationalist, how
much each article provided information on recycling (where, how) and who is mentioned in
articles on recycling. In the conversation with experts, we wanted to find out how Čistoća
informed the citizens about waste recycling, how they perceived the role of the media in the
reporting on recycling and what they thought was the solution to the problem with waste that
city of Zagreb has. The results show that most often reported neutrally on the
topic of waste recycling, but also that this portal reported the most on the mentioned topic.
The portals 24sata and reported negatively and critically in their articles. Articles
on all three analyzed portals do not mention Major Milan Bandić in the context of the culprit
for the waste problem, nor are they critical of the mayor. In the most articles, Čistoća is
mentioned, and very often, among other things, in a negative context, the increase in the price
of waste collection is mentioned. The headlines are mostly negatively oriented, while a small
number of them are sensationalist. In the conversation with the experts, it was emphasized
that the citizens were informed through many channels and that they were fully informed by
Čistoća. They see a big role of the media, but also potencial because they can help them do
their job better in the future. Although they believe that the role of the media is very
important, they are currently not satisfied with the negative image that media is sending. They
see the introduction of penalties as a solution to the problem of waste because they believe
that would motivate citizens to properly separate waste. Also, they believe, that the media and
the citizens need to change the current negative perception and star behaving responsibly.
Key words:The aim of Master thesis „Media Informing on Waste Recycling in the City of Zagreb: An
Analysis of Portal Content and Expert Views“ was to show in which way and how much the
media reported on recycling in the city of Zagreb and whether they have provided citizens
with information on this topic. The research was conducted in the period from January 1 to
December 31, 2019 and the analyzed portals were, 24sata and The
used method for research was content analysis, conducted on 82 articles including graphic
equipment of articles. As part of the research, two experts in the fields of waste management
were interviewed. Research of portal content aimed to determine the orientation of articles,
who most often gives statements in articles, whether Mayor Milan Bandić is mentioned as the
culprit in the context of waste management problems, whether articles are sensationalist, how
much each article provided information on recycling (where, how) and who is mentioned in
articles on recycling. In the conversation with experts, we wanted to find out how Čistoća
informed the citizens about waste recycling, how they perceived the role of the media in the
reporting on recycling and what they thought was the solution to the problem with waste that
city of Zagreb has. The results show that most often reported neutrally on the
topic of waste recycling, but also that this portal reported the most on the mentioned topic.
The portals 24sata and reported negatively and critically in their articles. Articles
on all three analyzed portals do not mention Major Milan Bandić in the context of the culprit
for the waste problem, nor are they critical of the mayor. In the most articles, Čistoća is
mentioned, and very often, among other things, in a negative context, the increase in the price
of waste collection is mentioned. The headlines are mostly negatively oriented, while a small
number of them are sensationalist. In the conversation with the experts, it was emphasized
that the citizens were informed through many channels and that they were fully informed by
Čistoća. They see a big role of the media, but also potencial because they can help them do
their job better in the future. Although they believe that the role of the media is very
important, they are currently not satisfied with the negative image that media is sending. They
see the introduction of penalties as a solution to the problem of waste because they believe
that would motivate citizens to properly separate waste. Also, they believe, that the media and
the citizens need to change the current negative perception and star behaving responsibly. Sakrij dio sažetka
Ključne riječi
gospodarenje otpadom
grad Zagreb
medijsko izvještavanje
analiza sadržaja
Ključne riječi (engleski)
waste management
city of Zagreb
media reporting
content analysis
Jezik hrvatski
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:114:921423
Studijski program Naziv: Novinarstvo Vrsta studija: sveučilišni Stupanj studija: diplomski Akademski / stručni naziv: magistar/magistra novinarstva (mag. nov.)
Vrsta resursa Tekst
Način izrade datoteke Izvorno digitalna
Prava pristupa Zatvoreni pristup
Uvjeti korištenja
Datum i vrijeme pohrane 2020-11-19 15:05:33