Sažetak | Nakon hladnog rata nastala je politička sintagma Zapadni Balkan koji je označavao različite stupnjeve uključenosti postsocijalističkih država u europske i euroatlanske integracije. U tu sintagmu spadaju Hrvatska, BiH, Srbija, Crna Gora, Kosovo, Albanija i Makedonija. Autorica se u radu bavi politikom proširenja NATO saveza na Zapadni Balkan, te kako se to odrazilo na pojedine države ali i sam NATO savez. U budućnosti se predviđa jak savez ali sa promijenjenim prioritetima i smanjenim interesom za daljnjim proširenjem. |
Sažetak (engleski) | After the Cold war it was created political phrase the Western Balkans, which is meant varying degrees of involvement of post-socialist countries in the European and Euro-Atlantic integration. This includes Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Albania and Macedonia. The author is dealing with politics of NATO enlargement to the Western Balkans, and how did that affect individual countries as well as NATO itself. In the future, author predicts strong alliance but with changing priorities and reduced interest in further expanding.
NATO alliance, Westen Balkans, expansion , access, post-Cold War period , the international community , transformation.After the Cold war it was created political phrase the Western Balkans, which is meant varying degrees of involvement of post-socialist countries in the European and Euro-Atlantic integration. This includes Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Albania and Macedonia. The author is dealing with politics of NATO enlargement to the Western Balkans, and how did that affect individual countries as well as NATO itself. In the future, author predicts strong alliance but with changing priorities and reduced interest in further expanding. |