Sažetak | Publika svakodnevno konzumira televizijske sadržaje, pritom i zabavni program. On često služi opuštanju i ne potiče gledatelje na puno razmišljanja o sadržaju. U svijetu i u Hrvatskoj sitkomi su vrlo popularni – situacijske komedije koje traju kratko, svega 20-35 minuta, s dobro poznatim likovima i sadržajem koji prati, uglavnom, njihov privatni život. Zabavne i humoristične situacije u kojima se likovi nalaze uglavnom su plod nesporazuma, njihovog ekscentričnog karaktera ili okolnosti u kojima se nalaze. Budući da je žanr fokusiran na karakter i osobnost, ovaj rad istražuje kako je razrađen poslovni život lika, njegova karijera, obrazovanje, želja za napredovanjem te životne okolnosti koje su vezane za njegov posao. Posebnu pažnju rad posvećuje rodnim razlikama koje se pojavljuju te ispituje postoji li razlika u predstavljanju karijera muških u odnosu na ženske likove.
Pod tom pretpostavkom, zadaća ovog rada bila je na temelju uzorka od 27 epizoda raspodijeljenih na drugu, treću i posljednju sezonu sitkoma Kako sam upoznao vašu majku, Prijatelji i Bitange i princeze, utvrditi postoje li stereotipi ili rodne razlike prilikom prikazivanja karijere određenog lika u sitkomu. Početna je pretpostavka da postoje rodne razlike u prikazivanju i predstavljanju karijera likova s obzirom na poslove kojima se bave, pozicijama na hijerarhijskoj ljestvici korporacije ili tvrtke u kojoj rade te da postoji razlika u prezentiranju njhovih poslovnih ambicija. Nakon provedenog istraživanja, potvrđena je hipoteza ovog rada, a to je da postoje rodne razlike u prikazivanju karijera muških i ženskih likova u američkim i hrvatskim sitkomima. Razlika je očita jer je muškarac češće promaknut na poslu, zadovoljan je poslom jer radi ono o čemu je sanjao kao dječak, načinu na koji govori o svom poslu (kao o dijelu svog identiteta) te u stupnju obrazovanja i koliko se obrazovanje spominje. Također, potvrđena je i pretpostavka da su ženski likovi u ulozi podrške muškim likovima pri ostvarenju njihovih ciljeva, te kako se financijski više oslanjaju na muške likove nego na vlastite izvore prihoda. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The audience is consuming television products daily, including entertaining program. The entertainment program is mainly focused on relaxing and does not pursue the viewer to think deeply about the matter. Globally and in Croatia, sitcoms are very popular. Those are situation comedies which do not last very long, only for 20-35 minutes, with well-known characters and the storyline which follows them. Sitcoms are mostly focused on the character's private life. Fun and humorous situations in which the characters face themselves are, mostly, a result of some kind of a disagreement, their eccentric characteristics or the circumstances they have found themselves in. Because the genre is mostly focused on the characteristics and personalities of the characters, this paper is questiones the ways how the business lifes of the characters are described, their careers, education, ambition to grow professionally and other life circumstances which have something to do with their professional lives. The focus was mainly put on the gender differences which appear and investigates if there is a difference in portraying men and women.
Under that assumption, the main task of this paper was to research on the sample of 27 episodes throughout the second, third and last season of sitkoms How I Met Your Mother, Friends and Bitange i Princeze, and to determine if there are any existing stereotypes or gender differences while portraying the career of a certain character in a sitkom. The starter assumption was that there indeed are gender differences in portraying professional lives of characters, especially when observing the jobs they do for a living, the positions they fulfill at work, and that their professional ambitions are different according to their gender. After the research, where the paper's hypothesis has been confirmed, there are indeed gender differences while portraying men or women at work in American and Croatian sitcoms. The differences are visible while observing which characters have had a promotion at work, their attitude towards their career and job, the way they talk about work and their alma mater, the education they have gained. Also, the assumption that women are inferior towards med has been confirmed because, in most cases, women are supporting men and being there for them when they need it. Also, women are relying more on the male character's source of income, rather than on their own. |