Sažetak | Predmet ovog rada, u prvom dijelu, bio je analizirati grupe proteza potkoljenica s osvrtom na njihove sličnosti, različitosti, prednosti i nedostatke te mogućnosti primjene određenih modela ili grupa u različitim životnim aktivnostima. Provedena je tablična usporedba protetičkih koljena i protetičkih stopala tako što je odabran po jedan predstavnik pojedine grupe proteza i analizirane su njegove karakteristike. Zatim su analizirani i rezultati između pojedinih grupa dobiveni eksperimentalnim istraživanjima. Kod protetičkih koljena analizirana je usporedba iz [8], mehaničkog Mauch koljena i bioničkog koljena C-Leg na 8 ispitanika. Utvrđeno je da postoje određene prednosti bioničkog koljena, no i da su one minimalne, te je opravdanost zahtjevnosti konstrukcije još uvijek upitna. Što se tiče protetičkih stopala analizirana je usporedba iz [9], Flex-foot stopala za višu razinu aktivnosti i Sach foot klasičnog stopala. Donesen je zaključak da iako Sach stopalo ima određene prednosti kod niskih razina aktivnosti, Flex-foot kao i njemu slične konstrukcije ima puno šire područje primjene.
U drugom dijelu analizirane su sportske proteze s obzirom na njihova biomehanička svojstva, tržišnu cijenu i primjenjive materijale. Analizirani su momenti inercije proteza i zdravih potkoljenica oko pojedinih osi rotacije ljudskog tijela. Pri tome je zaključeno da karbonske proteze imaju izrazito male momente inercije oko osi potkoljenice što uzrokuje zakret proteze oko longitudinalne osi. Predložena su 2 moguća rješenja tog problema jednostavnim nadogradnjama konstrukcije. Djelomično je analiziran i problem disbalansa masa kod unilaternih amputiraca. Nakon toga je provedena analiza i usporedba kompozitnih i čeličnih sportskih proteza te mogućnosti poboljšanja čeličnih proteza. Predložen je koncept poboljšanja čeličnih proteza pomoću sustava amortizera s oprugom koji zahtjeva detaljniju fizikalnu i eksperimentalnu analizu, a temeljna mu je namjena bolja podesivost krutosti i prigušenje vibracija lisnate opruge. Na kraju, izrađen je prijedlog koncepta sportske proteze sa mogućnošću montaže i demontaže komponente pete. Takva konstrukcija bila bi potencijalno primjenjiva kao za sportske tako i za svakodnevne aktivnosti i značajno bi rasteretila korisnika velikih financijskih troškova i dovela do komercijalizacije sportskih proteza. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Subject of this thesis, in the first part, was to analyze several groups of lower leg prosthesis with regard to their similarities, differences, advantages and disadvantages, as well as possible application of certain models or groups in various life activities. Tabular comparison of prosthetic knee and prosthetic feet was conducted by selecting one representative of a particular group of prostheses and analyzing its features. Subsequently, the results among the groups obtained through experimental research. At the prosthetic knees the comparison on 8 examiees from [8] between Mauch knee and C-leg bionic knee has been analyzed. It has been found that there are certain benefits of bionic knee, but also that they are very small, so the validity of construction complexity is still questionable. Regarding the prosthetic feet, it was analized the comparison from [9] between the Flex-foot, for the higher using levels, and standard Sach foot. It has been concluded that, despite Sach foot certain advatanges on low levels of activity, Flex-foot and similar contructions has much wider scope.
The second part of the thesis analyzes the sports prosthesis with regard to their biomechanical properties, market price and applicable materials. We analyzed the moment of intertia of prosthesis and healthy calf around single axis of rotation of the human body. There was concluded that carbon fibre prothesis has very low moment of inertia around the lower limb axis which causes the rotation of the prothesis around the longitudinal axis. Two possible solutions, with slight construcion upgrades, was proposed to solve that problem. Also, it was partially analyzed the problem with dissbalance of lower limb masses at unilateral amputees. Furthermore, the analyses and comparison of carbon fibre and steel sport prothesis was carried out and also the improvement possibilities of steel prothesis was discussed. The concept of improving steel prothesis with shock absorber and spring was proposed, which demands more detail phisycall and experimental analyses. Its fundamental purpose is better adjusment of rigidity and damping vibration of leaf spring.Ultimately, an example of sports prosthesis concept was proposed, with the possibility of assembly and disassembly of components of the heel. That kind of construction would potentialy be applicable for sports and everyday activities and it would significantly disburden users of their big financial expenses and lead to the commercialization of sport prothesis. |