Sažetak | Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi utjecaj strukture i gustoće drva na otpornost prema abrazijskom trošenju te utjecaj veličine abrazivnih čestica na intenzitet trošenja. Analizirane vrste drva su: hrast, jasen, lipa, trešnja, jela, smreka i ariš.
Rad se sastoji od teorijskog i eksperimentalnog dijela.
U teorijskom dijelu opisana je struktura drva od makro do molekularne razine i opisana su mehanička, fizikalna i estetska svojstva.
U eksperimentalnom dijelu prikazani su rezultati ispitivanja dobiveni analizom makro i mikro strukture, mjerenjem gustoće te rezultati dobiveni mjerenjem otpornosti na abrazijsko trošenje.
Hrast, jasen i trešnja pripadaju prstenasto poroznim, a lipa difuzno poroznim listačama. Jela, smreka i ariš pripadaju skupini četinjača i ne sadrţe velike provodne sudove - pore. Izmjerene vrijednosti za gustoću pokazuju kako četinjače imaju niţu gustoću od listača. Ispitivanje otpornosti na abrazijsko trošenje provedeno je na ureĎaju s rotirajućim diskom, na brusnim papirima različite granulacije. Pokazalo se da gustoća i poroznost te veličina i raspored pora znatno utječu na intenzitet trošenja. Veličina abrazivnih čestica takoĎer utječe na intenzitet trošenja, na vrlo specifičan način. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The aim of this paper was to determine the influence of wood structure and density on abrasion resistance and the influence of abrasive particle size on the wear intensity. The analyzed types of wood are: oak, ash, cherry, lime, fir, spruce and larch.
The work consists of theoretical and experimental part.
In the theoretical part, wood structure from macro to molecular level and mechanical, physical as well as aesthetic properties are described.
In the experimental part, the results of tests obtained by analyzing macro and micro structure, mesuring the density and results obtained by measuring abrasive wear resistance, are showed.
Oak, ash, cherry belong to the ring-porous, lime to the diffuse-porous hardwood. Fir, spruce and larch belong to softwood and do not contain large vessels – pores. Measured density values show that softwoods have lower densities than hardwoods. .Abrasive wear resistance test was carried out on the pin-on-disc machine where the abrasive clothes of different granulation were used. It has been shown that the density, porosity, size and arrangement od pores significantly influence the wear intensity. The size of the abrasive particles also affects the wear intensity, in a very specific way. |