Sažetak | Energetsko iskorištavanje šumske ili drvne biomase poznato je još od prapovijesti. Stoljećima je ona bila primaran i gotovo jedini energent, isprva za grijanje nastambi i pripremu hrane, a od industrijske revolucije i za pogon strojeva, vozila i sl. Iako je njezina primjena u posljednja dva stoljeća značajno smanjena jer je gotovo posvuda zamijenjena fosilnim gorivima i električnom energijom, u vrijeme tzv. prve energetske krize, sedamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća, njezin značaj ponovno počinje rasti. Do promjena je došlo kada se pomalo počelo shvaćati da fosilna goriva neće trajati vječno i da je njihova intenzivna primjena uzrokovala nepopravljiva oštećenja okoliša. Jedan od načina učinkovitog iskorištavanja energije biomase je gradnja malih kogeneracijskih termoelektrana na biomasu kojima je moguće zadovoljiti veliki dio vlastitih potreba lokalnih zajednica za električnom i toplinskom energijom. Stoga je u okviru ovog završnog rada potrebno predložiti shemu kogeneracijske termoelektrane na biomasu te izraditi predprojekt parne kondenzacijske turbine. Fokus završnog rada je konstrukcija parne turbine zajedno sa termodinamičkim i aerodinamičkim proračunom. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Energy exploitation of forests or wood biomass has been known since prehistoric times. For centuries, it has been primary and almost the only energy source, initially for heating houses and preparing food, and since industrial revolution for powering machines, vehicles, etc. aswell. Although its use has been significantly reduced in the last two centuries because it has been replaced almost everywhere by fossil fuels and electricity, at the time of the so-called the first energy crisis, in the 1970s, its significance begins to grow again. The changes came when it was gradually realized that fossil fuels would not last forever and that their intensive use caused irreparable damage to the environment. One way to make efficient use of biomass energy is to build small biomass cogeneration plants that can meet a large amount of the local communities own needs for electricity and heat. Therefore, in the framework of this paper, it is necessary to propose a scheme of biomass cogeneration thermal power plant and to design a steam condensation turbine. The focus of the paper is the design of the steam turbine along with thermodynamic and aerodynamic calculation.Energy exploitation of forests or wood biomass has been known since prehistoric times. For centuries, it has been primary and almost the only energy source, initially for heating houses and preparing food, and since industrial revolution for powering machines, vehicles, etc. aswell. Although its use has been significantly reduced in the last two centuries because it has been replaced almost everywhere by fossil fuels and electricity, at the time of the so-called the first energy crisis, in the 1970s, its significance begins to grow again. The changes came when it was gradually realized that fossil fuels would not last forever and that their intensive use caused irreparable damage to the environment. One way to make efficient use of biomass energy is to build small biomass cogeneration plants that can meet a large amount of the local communities own needs for electricity and heat. Therefore, in the framework of this paper, it is necessary to propose a scheme of biomass cogeneration thermal power plant and to design a steam condensation turbine. The focus of the paper is the design of the steam turbine along with thermodynamic and aerodynamic calculation. |