Sažetak | Upotreba kompozita obuhvaća širok raspon primjene, od konstrukcijskih i dekorativnih elemenata automobilske, zrakoplovne i brodograđevne industrije, primjene u medicini, elektrotehnici pa sve do proizvoda široke potrošnje. Međutim, široka primjena kompozitnih materijala postala je značajan problem zbog negativnog utjecaja na okoliš. Većina kompozita danas dobiveno je iz fosilnih izvora te nisu biorazgradivi, a povećana upotreba kompozita i nemar ljudi doveo je do povećanja i gomilanja plastičnog otpada. Time se javila potreba za upotrebom kompozita dobivenih iz prirodnih izvora, istraživanja njihovih svojstva u raznim okruženjima te mogućnost veće razgradivosti proizvoda nakon upotrebe. Morska voda predstavlja specifično okruženje za upotrebu biokompozita koje svojim brojnim utjecajnim karakteristikama utječe na svojstva biokompozita. U ovom radu cilj je istražiti utjecaj morske vode na mehanička, fizikalna i kemijska svojstva izabranih biokompozita. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The application of composites has a wide range, like structural and decorative elements of
the automotive, aerospace and shipbuilding industries, applications in medicine, electrical
engineering, and consumer products. However, the wide range of application of composites
materials has become a significant problem due to the negative impact on the environment.
Most composites today are derived from fossil sources and are not biodegradable, and the
increased use of composites and human negligence has led to an increase and accumulation of
plastic waste. This created the need for the use of composites obtained from green sources,
research into their properties in various environments and the possibility of greater
degradability of products after use. Sea water is a specific environment for the use of
biocomposites which, due to their numerous influencing factors, affects the properties of
biocomposites. In this bachelor thesis, the goal is to investigate the influence of seawater on the
mechanical, physical, and chemical properties of selected biocomposites.
In the theoretical part, an insight into the advantages and disadvantages of biocomposite
materials in relation to synthetically obtained composites, their application and insight into the
problems of the marine environment is presented. The experimental part describes the
fabrication of selected biocomposites, mechanical, chemical, and physical properties due to the
influence of sea water and finally gives a comparison of the results concerning properties of
biocomposites tested in normal atmospheric conditions. The last part of experimental work
includes hygroscopicity testing and the long-term impact of seawater on the immersed
composite. Composites reinforced with flax and jute fibers with a bioepoxy resin matrix of a
high content of biodegradable content were selected.
Conclusion of this bachelor thesis shows a review of the obtained results and describes the
need for future research of biocomposites. |