Sažetak | U sklopu ovog rada razvijen je model sustava za mjerenje frekvencije disanja zasnovan na inercijskim senzorima. S naglaskom na primjeni inercijskih senzora i mjerenju pomaka prsnog koša istražene su metode te rezultati iz dostupne literature. Na temelju pregleda literature odabrani su odgovarajući tipovi mjernih modula, te analizom zahtjeva na parametre s naglaskom na osjetljivost, mjerni raspon, razlučivost, frekvencijski opseg te vlastitu frekvenciju pomaka prsnog koša odabrana je odgovarajuća inercijska mjerna jedinica. Razvijen je matematički model pomaka, brzine i ubrzanja prsnog koša pri disanju te implementiran u MATLAB programskom okruženju. Na temelju karakteristika odabrane inercijske mjerne jedinice i razvijenog modela disanja razvijeni su modeli mjerenja akcelerometra i žiroskopa te implementirani u MATLAB programskom okruženju, s naglaskom na utjecaj karakterističnih pogrešaka MEMS inercijskih mjernih jedinica na mjerne signale. Primjenom razvijenog simulacijskog modela, ilustriran je utjecaj voljnih pokreta torza pacijenta na pojavu artefakata u mjernim signalima senzora. Dizajniran je sklop mjernog pretvornika s glavnim komponentama te osmišljen način njegova učvršćivanja na ispitanika, vodeći računa o izboru materijala, robusnosti te minimizaciji mase i volumena. |
Sažetak (engleski) | In this thesis, a model of a respiratory frequency measurement system based on inertial sensors was developed. With an emphasis on the application of inertial sensors and chest displacement measurements, methods and results from the available literature were investigated. Based on a literature review, suitable types of measurement modules were selected, and by analysing the requirements on parameters with an emphasis on sensitivity, measurement range, resolution, frequency range, and the natural frequency of chest displacement, an appropriate inertial measurement unit was selected. A mathematical model of the chest's displacement, velocity, and acceleration during breathing was developed and implemented in the MATLAB programming environment. Based on the characteristics of the selected inertial measurement unit and the developed breathing model, accelerometer and gyroscope measurement models were developed and implemented in the MATLAB programming environment, emphasizing the impact of characteristic errors of MEMS inertial measurement units on the measurement signals. By applying the developed simulation model, the influence of voluntary movements of the subject's torso on the appearance of artifacts in the sensor measurement signals was illustrated. A measurement converter was designed with the main components and a method for its attachment to the test subject was conceived, taking into account the choice of materials, robustness, and minimizing weight and volume. |