Sažetak | U kontekstu dinamičnog poslovanja, gdje je kontinuirana težnja za kvalitetom proizvoda i usluga
ključna za postizanje zadovoljstva kupaca, organizacije neprekidno istražuju i implementiraju
metode za poboljšanje kvalitete svojih proizvoda i usluga. Upravljanje kvalitetom, posebice
implementacija načela kvalitete koje je usmjereno na poboljšanja, ima ključnu ulogu u
diferencijaciji organizacija na tržištu. Unatoč prepoznatim prednostima primjene kontinuiranih
poboljšanja, razumijevanje primjene i učinka na rezultate organizacija, posebno u hotelijerstvu,
ostaje nedovoljno istraženo. Ovaj doktorski rad fokusira se na analizu učinka ključnih faktora
uspjeha kontinuiranih poboljšanja na rezultate provedenih poboljšanja u hotelijerstvu Hrvatske,
koristeći pritom kvalitativne i kvantitativne metode. Dodatni poticaj za ovo istraživanje proizlazi iz
činjenice da je uočen nedostatak empirijskih istraživanja koja se bave ovom problematikom u
hotelijerstvu. Istraživanje se bazira na sistematizaciji prethodnih istraživanja iz područja upravljanja
kvalitetom i kontinuiranih poboljšanja u hotelijerstvu s posebnim naglaskom na rezultate koje
organizacije postižu primjenom kontinuiranih poboljšanja. Analiziraju se i ključni faktori uspjeha
koji su neophodni za uspješnu provedbu kontinuiranih poboljšanja (predanost vodstva, edukacija
za kvalitetu, procesni pristup, uključenost zaposlenika, analiza i vrednovanje podataka i informacija
te usklađenost s ISO 9001). Empirijski dio rada primjenjuje kvantitativni i kvalitativni pristup i
usmjeren je na analizu primarnih podataka dobivenih iz više izvora. U okviru kvalitativnog segmenta
istraživanja sudjelovalo je 11 stručnjaka iz prakse, a pilot istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 33
ispitanika s ciljem testiranja upitnika i osiguranja njegove jasnoće. Empirijsko kvantitativno
istraživanje obuhvatilo je prikupljanje podataka pomoću strukturiranog upitnika na hrvatskom
jeziku gdje su ukupno prikupljena 254 upitnika iz velikih i srednjih hotelskih poduzeća u Hrvatskoj,
prema klasifikaciji NSK I551. Ciljna skupina uključivala je menadžere na višim i srednjim razinama,
kao i zaposlenike u odjelu za kvalitetu. Analiza prikupljenih podataka provedena je korištenjem
deskriptivnih i inferencijalnih statističkih metoda, uključujući faktorsku i regresijsku analizu, s ciljem
testiranja hipoteza. Eksploratorna faktorska analiza identificirala je dimenzije mjernog
instrumenta, a regresijska analiza kvantificirala je učinke šest nezavisnih varijabli na jednu zavisnu
varijablu. Empirijsko istraživanje pokazalo je da pet od šest ključnih faktora uspjeha ostvaruje
pozitivan i statistički značajan učinak na razini pouzdanosti p < 0,05 na rezultate provedenih
poboljšanja. Na temelju rezultata, prihvaćena je osnovna znanstvena hipoteza. Edukacija za
kvalitetu pokazala je najjači statistički značajan učinak, dok nezavisna varijabla usklađenost s ISO
9001 nema statistički značajan učinak na rezultate provedenih poboljšanja. Rezultati istraživanja
predstavljaju znanstveni doprinos u teorijskom, metodološkom i aplikativnom smislu. Teorijski se
doprinos temelji na razvoju znanstvene misli o konceptu kontinuiranih poboljšanja u hotelijerstvu
te sustavnom pregledu literature i analize postojećih konceptualnih i empirijskih istraživanja.
Znanstveni doprinos u metodološkom smislu proizlazi iz prilagodbe i validacije mjernog
instrumenta, dokazujući njegovu pouzdanost i validnost. Kvalitativno istraživanje omogućilo je
analizu kontekstualnih čimbenika koji utječu na primjenu poboljšanja, dok je kvantitativna analiza utvrdila učinak ključnih faktora uspjeha na rezultate provedenih poboljšanja putem višestruke
regresijske analize. Shodno tome, rezultati istraživanja omogućuju menadžmentu identificiranje
ključnih faktora uspjeha koji značajno utječu na aktivnosti poboljšanja te ukazuju na aspekte u
primjeni kontinuiranih poboljšanja koje bi trebalo unaprijediti čime će se postići bolji rezultati u
aktivnostima poboljšanja što predstavlja aplikativni doprinos doktorskog rada. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The hospitality industry is under constant pressure from competitors and customers, so it is crucial
for businesses to make incremental improvements over time. Existing academic research shows a
growing interest in quality management, but there is a lack of academic work examining the
application and impact of continuous improvement. This doctoral thesis aims to analyse theoretical
and practical aspects of continuous improvement in organisations, with a focus on the hospitality
industry. It explores the impact of key success factors on the results of continuous improvement
initiatives. The research intends to expand the existing knowledge base, demonstrating how these
factors impact the improvement results within this specific sector.
This thesis focuses on continuous improvement, the concept is defined as an ongoing process in
an organisation that involves all employees and refers to the introduction of incremental, targeted,
and continuous positive changes aimed at improving systems, processes, products, and services. It
can include both incremental and radical improvements, with incremental improvements being
more common as they allow teams and individuals to regularly find simple solutions to challenges
in business processes and service delivery. Radical improvements, on the other hand, involve a
comprehensive redesign of processes and require significant financial investment. Based on
theoretical considerations and existing research, it can be concluded that continuous improvement
offers significant benefits to organisations. The improvement results analysed in this research
include improving product and service quality, increasing customer satisfaction, improving the
reliability and speed of services and products, increasing productivity, reducing costs, improving
customer relationships, improving employee competencies and skills, improving workplace safety
and conditions, increasing employee engagement, and improving collaboration and
communication within the organisation.
Building on existing research and drawing on current relevant studies, this thesis hypothesises the
following to examine the impact of key success factors on continuous improvement results in the
hospitality industry:
H: Key success factors of continuous improvement have a statistically significant impact on
improvement results.
H1: Leadership commitment has a statistically significant impact on improvement results.
H2: Employee involvement has a statistically significant impact on improvement results.
H3: Process approach has a statistically significant impact on improvement results.
H4: Quality training has a statistically significant impact on improvement results.
H5: Analysing and evaluating data and information has a statistically significant impact on
improvement results.
H6: Compliance with ISO 9001 standards has a statistically significant impact on improvement
The thesis consists of a theoretical and an empirical part. In the introductory section, the purpose
of the study is defined, scientific hypotheses are formulated and the methodological, applicative,
and theoretical objectives are determined.The second chapter focuses on the concept of quality
and development of management systems according to the ISO 9001 standard are explained. In
addition, models for business excellence and the implementation of quality management in the
hospitality industry are analysed. The third chapter deals with continuous improvement through
the analysis of different methods and tools of continuous improvement, with particular attention
to implementation and improvement results of continuous improvement. The fourth chapter
examines the key success factors for continuous improvement, including leadership commitment,
quality training, process approach, employee involvement, compliance with ISO 9001, and
analysing and evaluating data and information.
The empirical part of the thesis is primarily based on primary data collected through a survey
method using a measurement tool - a questionnaire. A structured questionnaire in Croatian was
used, which was developed based on existing and tested measurement instruments and scales,
including those from works by Sloan and Sloan (2011), Oprime et al. (2011), Yasar (2019), Bouranta
et al. (2019), Hirzel et al. (2017), Jurburg (2017), Jimoh et al. (2019), Galeazzo et al. (2017), and
Pereira-Moliner (2016). The respondents' answers were measured on a 7-point Likert scale. The
sample for the study includes 16 large and 66 medium-sized hotel companies in the Republic of
Croatia. The target group of the survey includes top management (hotel directors and employees
in the administration of hotel companies), middle management (department heads in the facilities)
and employees in the quality department. This selection corresponds to previous studies and
provides a basis for relevant results.
The doctoral thesis uses qualitative and quantitative methodologies to address specific research
questions within the hospitality industry. The study initiates with a qualitative phase, focusing on
expert interviews and instrument testing. The interviews were conducted from November 24, 2023
to December 5, 2023. During this period, interviews with 11 industry experts were undertaken to
validate the measurement instruments and deepen the understanding of continuous improvement
practices in the hospitality sector. Subsequently, a pilot study was conducted from November 24,
2023 to December 6, 2023, involving 33 participants. This phase aimed at assessing the reliability
and validity of the scales derived from the relevant scientific literature. The data analysis and an
initial factor analysis were performed using SPSS software, identifying relationships between the
measured variables. The Cronbach's alpha coefficients for all constructs were determined to be
above the acceptable threshold of 0.70, with values ranging from 0.764 to 0.967, thus affirming
the instrument's internal consistency and reliability. Following the pilot study, the main
quantitative research phase was implemented, employing a structured questionnaire distributed from December 11, 2023 to February 23, 2024. Out of 467 initial respondents, 192 were excluded
due to incomplete responses, and 21 further excluded based on specific criteria, including a filter
question regarding their organisation’s engagement in continuous improvement practices and the
relevance of their current roles. The final analytical sample consisted of 254 fully completed and
relevant questionnaires.
A second exploratory factor analysis was conducted to confirm the factors identified during the
pilot phase and their corresponding items. This analysis corroborated the first factor analysis,
verifying that the items consistently measured the intended constructs across independent and
dependent variables. A multiple regression analysis was then applied, using the factors for
evaluating the impact of various independent variables on the dependent variable. The results of
the multiple regression analysis indicate that the regression model is statistically significant
(F=69,987, p < 0,05). The model explains 63.3% of the variance in the dependent variable. Based
on the positive value of the regression coefficient (R2=0,633) and the established statistical
significance at the 5% level, it can be concluded that an increase in the independent variable (key
success factors of continuous improvement), has a positive and statistically significant impact on
the dependent variable (improvement results).
On this basis, the main hypothesis H is confirmed, which states that: The key success factors of
continuous improvement have a statistically significant impact on improvement results. The
regression results indicated that five out of the six examined independent variables (Leadership
Commitment, Quality Training, Process Approach, Employee Involvement, and Analysing and
evaluating data and information) had a statistically significant positive impact on improvement
results (with a reliability level of 0.5%). However, the variable Compliance with ISO 9001, however,
did not show statistical significance.
Building upon established frameworks for continuous improvement within the hospitality industry,
this research aligns with and differentiates from prior studies through a detailed examination of
key success factors. It corroborates findings of Pambrenia et al. (2019), Oprime et al. (2011),
Jørgensen et al. (2006), Khan et al. (2020), Li et al. (2016) and Thuy i Hue (2023) highlighting the
significant positive impact of continuous improvements on business results and their essential role
in enhancing competitiveness across all sectors. This study also supports Jimoh et al. (2019) and
Ndegwa et al. (2016), Koval et al. (2018), confirming the crucial impact of leadership commitment
and process management. It aligns with Hirzel et al. (2017), Bouranta et al. (2019) and Fawzy et al.
(2020), identifying leadership, employee involvement, and process management as pivotal for
quality enhancement. Contrasting findings emerge around the impact of education on customer
satisfaction and operational results. While previous studies have shown mixed results regarding
the direct benefits of education (Koval et al., 2018), this research confirms its significant impact,
aligning more closely with Khan et al. (2020), Sanchez-Ruiz et. al. (2022), Sreedharan et al (2017), and Faraj et al. (2021), who advocate for the profound operational benefits of quality-oriented
The findings from this doctoral thesis reveal that ISO 9001 certification does not lead to statistically
significant improvements in continuous enhancement efforts within hotels. This aligns with earlier
research (Alonso-Almeida & Rodríguez-Antón, 2011; Ingram and Daskalakis, 1999; Nield and Kozak,
1999; Wickramasuriya et al., 2010), which also noted a lack of significant impact of ISO 9001 on
quality improvements. Contrarily, other studies (Alonso-Almeida et al., 2012; Claver et al., 2006;
Minazzi, 2006; Nava Carballido and Rivas-Tovar, 2008; Rubio-Andrada et al., 2011; Tari et al., 2009
and 2014; Jimoh et al., 2018) report positive impacts, such as enhanced quality, increased guest
satisfaction, and better operational performance. These contrasting findings contribute to the
ongoing debate on the efficacy of ISO 9001 certification in driving continuous improvements in the
hospitality sector.
Based on a systematic literature review, the thesis examines quality management and continuous
improvement in the hospitality industry, analysing both existing empirical and conceptual models.
It focuses on the implementation processes, the key success factors, and the results of continuous
improvement. This approach not only systematises previous research, but also enriches the
theoretical basis and offers new perspectives that are essential for a deeper understanding and
effective application in the industry. The scientific methodological contribution of the study is
based on validating the measurement instrument, the reliability and validity of which is ensured
through qualitative and quantitative analyses. The qualitative component deepens the
understanding of the contextual factors influencing continuous improvement and reveals new
insights for practical implementation. The quantitative analysis underpins these findings through
factor and multiple regression analyses, which demonstrate the impact of key success factors. The
study provides a solid foundation for future research on continuous improvement in the hospitality
industry and offers actionable guidelines for implementing continuous improvement in the
hospitality industry. This comprehensive study contributes to the literature on quality
management, expands practical applications in different operational contexts and promotes a
deeper theoretical and practical understanding of continuous improvement. |