Sažetak | Zarazne bolesti su jedan od vodećhi problem u javnom zdravstvu. Najčešće se javljaju u obliku epidemija ili pandemija. U prosincu 2019. godine u Kini se pojavila misteriozna respiratorna bolest, sa vrlo čudnim nalazom RTG-a plućnog parenhima, a uzročnik je bio nepoznat.Nakon kratkog vremena Kineski centar za kontrolu i prevenciju bolesti objavljuje da je riječ zapravo o novom soju korona virusa SARS-CoV-2 (engl. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2), a WHO je naziva koronavirusna bolest 2019 ili skraćeno COVID-19. Nakon prvih slučajeva u Kini, bolest vrlo brzo proširila i na Europu, Ameriku te ostatak svijeta. Djelatnicima Hitne medicinske službe pojavom bolesti u Republici Hrvatskoj uvelike je otežala dosadašnji rad. Naime zbog prirode posla, djelatnici su prisiljeni brzom reakcijom i brzim dolaskom na intervenciju pokušati što bolje i u što kraćem vremenu zbrinuti pacijenta, što u covid- 19 pandemiji je postalo otežavajuće. Naime prije samog dolaska na intervenciju, djelatnice PDJ moraju uzeti epidemiološku anamnezu, što ponekad zbog ne suradljivost pacijenta ili obitelji pacijenta, panike, ne adekvatnih odgovara vrlo teško saznati. Stoga većina intervencija kreće se s tim da se djelatnici moraju zaštiti prije samog kretanja na intervenciju. Ponekad to bude antivirusno odijelo (zaštitna kapa, zaštitna maska, zaštitne naočale, 3 para zaštitnih rukavica, nazuvke, zaštitni vizir) ili zaštitna pregača, zaštitna maska, 3 para rukavica te zaštiti vizir, čemu treba oko 3-4 minute da se djelatnici zaštite, što daje rezultat da se uvelike produljuje vrijeme kretanja i dolaska na intervenciju. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Infectious diseases are one of the leading problems in public health. They most often occur in the form of epidemics or pandemics. In December 2019, a mysterious respiratory disease appeared in China, with a very strange X-ray finding of the lung parenchyma, and the causative agent was unknown. -CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2), and WHO calls it coronavirus disease 2019 or COVID-19 for short. After the first cases in China, the disease quickly spread to Europe, America and the rest of the world. Due to the appearance of the disease in the Republic of Croatia, the work of the Emergency Medical Service has been greatly hindered. Namely, due to the nature of the work, the employees are forced to try to take better care of the patient as soon as possible and in the shortest possible time, which became difficult in the covid-pandemic. Namely, before coming to the intervention, PDJ employees have to take an epidemiological anamnesis, which is sometimes very difficult to find out due to the patient's cooperation or the patient's family, panic, inadequate answers. Therefore, most interventions are based on the fact that employees must protect themselves before moving on to the intervention. Sometimes it is an antivirus suit (protective cap, protective mask, goggles, 3 pairs of protective gloves, nipples, protective visor) or a protective apron, protective mask, 3 pairs of gloves and protective visor, which takes about 3-4 minutes to protect staff , which gives the result that the time of movement and arrival to the intervention is greatly extended. |