Sažetak | Anksioznost i depresija predstavljaju stanja narušenog mentalnog zdravlja, koja se mogu javiti kod svih pojedinaca, neovisno o dobi ili spolu. Američko udruženje za anksioznost i depresiju (ADAA – eng. Anxiety and Depression Association of America) procjenjuje da će 31% svih odraslih pojedinaca u nekom trenutku života doživjeti simptome anksioznosti, a Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija (SZO), procjenjuje da 284 milijuna odraslih osoba širom svijeta osjeća anksioznost, od toga u 63% slučajeva anksioznost zahvaća žene, a u 37 % slučajeva muškarce. Depresija najčešće uzrokuje osjećaj tuge i/ili gubitak interesa za aktivnosti svakodnevnog života ili aktivnosti koje su pojedincima prethodno predstavljale užitak. ADAA navodi kako u bilo kojem trenutku, 3 do 5 % ljudi pati od depresije, odnosno da 264 milijuna ljudi širom svijeta živi s depresijom. Zdravstveni djelatnici, koji zbog prirode svog posla predstavljaju rizičnu skupinu za razvoj anksioznosti i depresije, aktivni su djelatnici zdravstvenog sustava te se očekuje da imaju visoku razinu povjerenja u isti, no anksioznost i depresija mogu utjecati i na njihovu percepciju. Stoga je cilj istraživanja bio istražiti i usporediti prisutnost simptoma anksioznosti i depresije kod zdravstvenih djelatnika i utjecaj navedenih simptoma na povjerenje u zdravstveni sustav i zadovoljstvo istim. Istraživanje se provelo putem 4 anketna upitnika: Zadovoljstvo zdravstvenim sustavom i percepcija povjerenja u zdravstveni sustav, BAI upitnik – Beckov indeks anksioznosti, BDI – II – M upitnik - Beckov indeks depresije i Indeks anksiozne osjetljivosti. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 46 ispitanika od kojih je 23,91% (n=11) muškog spola, a 76,09% (n=35) ženskog. Prosječna dob ispitanika iznosila je 44,17 ± 11,39 godina, medijan 45,50 godina. Prosječne vrijednosti Indeksa anksiozne osjetljivosti (IAO) u provedenom istraživanju iznose 22,5 što ukazuje na nisku razinu anksiozne osjetljivosti kod svih ispitanika. Prema rezultatima BDI – II – M, najveći postotak ispitanika ima odsustvo depresije 91,30% (n=42). Prema rezultatima BAI upitnika, ispitanici su u najvećem postotku 54,35% (n=25) ostvarili 7 ili manje bodova, što ukazuje da imaju nisku razinu anksioznosti. Blaga anksioznost uočena je kod 28,26% (n=13) ispitanika, umjerena kod njih 15,22% (n=7), a teška anksioznost uočena je samo kod jedne osobe i to ženskog spola. Rezultati upitnika o zadovoljstvu zdravstvenim sustavom i povjerenjem u isti, dokazuju da ispitanici imaju visoku razinu zadovoljstva zdravstveni sustav te visoku razinu povjerenja u isti. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Anxiety and depression are states of impaired mental health, which can occur in all individuals, regardless of age or gender. The American Anxiety and Depression Association (ADAA) estimates that 31% of all adults will experience anxiety symptoms at some point in their lives, and the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 284 million adults worldwide feel anxiety, of which in 63% of cases anxiety affects women and in 37% of cases men. Depression most often causes feelings of sadness and / or loss of interest in activities of daily living or activities that have previously been enjoyable for individuals. The ADAA states that at any given time, 3 to 5% of people suffer from depression, meaning that 264 million people worldwide live with depression. Healthcare professionals, who due to the nature of their work represent a risk group for the development of anxiety and depression, are active employees of the healthcare system and are expected to have a high level of confidence in it, but anxiety and depression can also affect their perception. Therefore, the aim of the study was to investigate and compare the presence of symptoms of anxiety and depression in health professionals and the impact of these symptoms on confidence in the health system and satisfaction with the same. The research was conducted through 4 survey questionnaires: Health system satisfaction and perception of trust in the health system, BAI questionnaire - Beck anxiety index, BDI - II - M questionnaire - Beck depression index and Anxiety sensitivity index. A total of 46 respondents participated in the study, of which 23.91% (n = 11) were male and 76.09% (n = 35) were female. The mean age of the subjects was 44.17 ± 11.39 years, the median was 45.50 years. The average values of the Anxiety Sensitivity Index (IAO) in the conducted research are 22.5, which indicates a low level of anxiety sensitivity in all subjects. According to the results of BDI - II - M, the largest percentage of respondents has the absence of depression 91.30% (n = 42). According to the results of the BAI questionnaire, the respondents scored 7 or less points in the highest percentage of 54.35% (n = 25), which indicates that they have a low level of anxiety. Mild anxiety was observed in 28.26% (n = 13) of respondents, moderate in 15.22% (n = 7), and severe anxiety was observed in only one person, a female. The results of the questionnaire on satisfaction with the health system and trust in it prove that the respondents have a high level of satisfaction with the health system and a high level of trust in it. |