Sažetak | UVOD: Opstruktivna apneja za vrijeme spavanja je stanje uzrokovano ponovljenim epizodama kolapsa gornjih dišnih putova tijekom spavanja, koji dovode do buđenja iz sna. Do kolapsa dolazi kada se mišići u stražnjem dijelu grla previše opuste, čime se dišni put sužava ili u potpunosti zatvara na 10 sekundi ili duže. Najznačajniji čimbenici rizika za opstruktivnu apneju tijekom spavanja su muški spol, starija životna dob i pretilost, a dijagnoza se postavlja polisomnografijom.
CILJ: Cilj rada je usporediti razliku u učestalosti postavljanja dijagnoze opstruktivne apneje tijekom spavanja u ovisnosti o kategoriji uhranjenosti i spolu ispitanika.
METODE: U istraživanje su uključeni ispitanici koji su u razdoblju od 01.01.2020. godine do 31.12.2021 godine proveli dijagnostički postupak polisomnografije u Kliničkom bolničkom centru Rijeka – Interna klinika, Zavod za Pulmologiju- Polisomnografski laboratorij. Podatci potrebni za istraživanje prikupljani su i upisivani u tablice programa Microsoft Office Excel 2016., a statistička obrada napravljena je pomoću programa Statistica (Version, 1984-2018 TIBCO Software Inc). Usporedba razlika u frekvencijama opstruktivne apneje s obzirom na spol provedena je pomoću Fischer egzaktnog testa, Kolmogorov-Smirnov testom ispitivala se normalnost raspodjele podataka, razlike u dobi ispitanika i visini prema spolu uspoređivani su T-testom za nezavisne uzorke, a razlike u tjelesnoj masi i BMI-u pomoću Mann-Whitney U testa. Svi testovi provedeni su na razini statističke značajnosti od 0,05 (5%).
REZULTATI: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 200 ispitanika, od čega 57% (n=114) muškog i 43% (n=86) ženskog spola. Prosječna dob ispitanika iznosila je 59,60 godina, a najveći broj ispitanika pripadao je dobnoj skupini od 60 do 69 godina (30,50%, n=50). Prosječan BMI ispitanika iznosio je 32,68, a najviše ispitanika pripadalo je kategoriji pretilosti, točnije 59,50% (n=119). Opstruktivna apneja dijagnosticirana je kod 71,00% (n=142) ispitanika, i to učestalije kod muškog (78,07%, n=89) u usporedbi s ženskim spolom (61,63%, n=53) te kod 82,35% (n=98) ispitanika koji su pretili čime je statistički značajno dokazano da se apneja u većoj mjeri dijagnosticira kod ispitanika koji su pretili u usporedbi s onima koji nisu (p<0,001).
ZAKLJUČAK: Opstruktivna apneja tijekom spavanja učestalije se javlja kod pretilih ispitanika muškog spola. |
Sažetak (engleski) | INTRODUCTION: Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition caused by repeated episodes of upper airway collapse during sleep, leading to waking from sleep. Collapse occurs when the muscles in the back of the throat relax too much, narrowing the airway or closing it completely for 10 seconds or longer. The most significant risk factors for obstructive sleep apnea are male gender, older age, and obesity, and the diagnosis is made by polysomnography.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to compare the difference in the frequency of diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea depending on the category of nutrition and gender of the subjects.
METHODS: The study included respondents who in the period from 01.01.2020. Until 31.12.2021, they performed the diagnostic procedure of polysomnography in the Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka - Internal Medicine Clinic, Department of Pulmonology - Polysomnographic Laboratory. The data required for the survey were collected and entered spreadsheets of Microsoft Office Excel 2016, and statistical processing was done using the program Statistica (Version, 1984-2018 TIBCO Software Inc). Comparison of differences in the frequency of obstructive sleep apnea by sex was performed using Fischer's exact test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test examined the normality of data distribution, differences in age and height by sex were compared by T-test for independent samples, and differences in body weight and BMI using the Mann-Whitney U test. All tests were performed at the level of statistical significance of 0.05 (5%).
RESULTS: 200 respondents participated in the study, of which 57% (n = 114) male and 43% (n = 86) female. The average age of the respondents was 59.60 years, and the largest number of respondents belonged to the age group of 60 to 69 years (30.50%, n = 50). The average BMI of the respondents was 32.68, and most of the respondents belonged to the category of obesity, more precisely 59.50% (n = 119). Obstructive sleep apnea was diagnosed in 71.00% (n = 142) of respondents, more often in males (78.07%, n = 89) compared to females (61.63%, n = 53) and in 82, 35% (n = 98) of obese subjects, which statistically significantly proved that apnea is more diagnosed in obese subjects compared to non-obese subjects (p <0.001).
CONCLUSION: Obstructive sleep apnea is more common in obese male subjects. |