Sažetak | Uvod: Sestrinska profesija se smatra jednom od najstresnijih, a smjenski rad se identificira kao glavni izvor stresa kod medicinskih sestara. Smjenski rad utječe na poremećaj cirkadijalnog ritma, redovitost i broj obroka kao i na povećan unos hrane tijekom rada noću dok manjak sna utječe na povećanje apetita, koji posljedično dovodi do pretilosti.
Cilj: Ispitati utjecaj smjenskog rada na razinu stresa i obrasce hranjenja kod medicinskih sestra
Ispitanici i metode: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 156 medicinskih sestara iz Republike Hrvatske. Srednja dob ispitanika je bila 36,85 (±10,07) godina. Obrasci hranjenja medicinskih sestara ispitani su trofaktorskim upitnikom obrazaca hranjenja, a razina percipiranog stresa ispitana je ljestvicom percipiranog stresa.
Rezultati: Nije pronađena statistički značajna razlika u razini stresa između medicinskih sestara koje rade u jutarnjem i popodnevnom radu i rotirajućim smjenama (F=0,74, p=0,530). Medicinske sestre koje rade u jutarnjem i popodnevnom radu pokazale višu sklonost nekontroliranom jedenju (2,30±0,70), suzdržavanju od hrane (2,41±0,73) i emocionalnom jedenju (2,19±1,02), ali bez statistički značajne razlike (p>0,005). Razlika u indeksu tjelesne mase među medicinskim sestrama ovisno o mjesečnom broju noćnih smjena nije pronađena (F=0,222, p=0,801). Medicinske sestre koje su imale višu razinu stresa bile su sklonije nekontroliranom i emocionalnom jedenju (r=0,268, p=0,001). Indeks tjelesne mase je bio statistički značajno pozitivno povezan sa dobi (r=0,303, p=0,000), nekontroliranim jedenjem (r=0,416, p=0,000) i emocionalnim jedenjem (r=0,452, p=0,000).
Zaključak: Kako bi se zadržalo optimalno zdravlje kod medicinskih sestara potrebno im je pružiti edukaciju o učincima smjenskog rada na njihovo zdravlje, osigurati im što sigurnije radno mjesto i raspored rada koji omogućava dovoljno slobodnog vremena za zdravu prehranu i odmor. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Introduction: The nursing profession is considered one of the most stressful, and shift work is identified as the main source of stress for nurses. Shift work affects the disruption of the circadian rhythm, the regularity and number of meals, as well as the increased intake of food during night work, while the lack of sleep affects the increase in appetite, which consequently leads to obesity.
Objective: to examine the impact of shift work on the stress level and eating patterns of nurses
Respondents and methods: 156 nurses from the Republic of Croatia participated in the research. The mean age of the subjects was 36.85 (±10.07) years. the eating patterns of nurses were examined with a three-factor eating patterns questionnaire, and the level of perceived stress was examined with the perceived stress scale.
Results: No statistically significant difference was found in the level of stress between nurses working in morning and afternoon work and rotating shifts (F=0.74, p=0.530). Nurses working in the morning and afternoon showed a higher tendency to uncontrolled eating (2.30±0.70), abstaining from food (2.41±0.73) and emotional eating (2.19±1.02), but without statistically significant difference (p>0.005). No difference in body mass index among nurses depending on the monthly number of night shifts was found (F=0.222, p=0.801). Nurses who had a higher level of stress were more prone to uncontrolled and emotional eating (r=0.268, p=0.001). Body mass index was statistically significantly positively related to age (r=0.303, p=0.000), uncontrolled eating (r=0.416, p=0.000) and emotional eating (r=0.452, p=0.000).
Conclusion: In order to maintain optimal health for nurses, it is necessary to provide them with education about the effects of shift work on their health, to provide them with the safest possible workplace and a work schedule that allows enough free time for a healthy diet and rest. |