Sažetak | Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati konstruktnu valjanost šest skala profesija Hoganovog upitnika ličnosti (HPI; Hogan i Hogan, 1992). HPI je upitnik razvijen na temelju peterofaktorskih modela: Modela velikih pet (Goldberg, 1990) i Peterofaktorskog modela ličnosti (McCrae i Costa, 1987), a nastao je u kontekstu socioanalitičke teorije ličnosti (Hogan, 1973). Prvenstveno je namijenjen za potrebe profesionalne selekcije i donošenje odluka vezanih uz karijeru. Hrvatska verzija HPI-a, kao i originalni upitnik, sadrži 206 čestica, grupiranih u 41 Homogenu skupinu čestica (HIC), koje formiraju sedam primarnih skala i šest skala profesija. Upitnik mjeri sedam glavnih dimenzija ličnosti: I) Prilagodljivost, II) Ambicioznost, III) Društvenost, IV) Interpersonalnu osjetljivost, V) Razboritost, VI) Intelektualnu znatiželju te VII) Sklonost učenju. Skale profesija čine I) Uslužnost, II) Otpornost na stres, III) Pouzdanost, IV) Službenički potencijal, V) Trgovački potencijal i VI) Menadžerski potencijal. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 367 sudionika, studenata različitih fakulteta. Za potrebe provjere konstruktne valjanosti šest skala profesija HPI, analizirane su spolne razlike u rezultatima na skalama profesija, provjeren je odnos skala profesija s RIASEC tipovima interesa, HEXACO dimenzijama ličnosti te s uspjehom na studiju. Analiza spolnih razlika pokazala je da sudionici ženskog spola postižu više rezultate od muških sudionika na skali Pouzdanosti. Većina skala profesija HPI-a ima značajnu povezanost s očekivanim HEXACO dimenzijama. Ostvarila se polovica pretpostavljenih povezanosti skala profesija s RIASEC tipovima interesa, a najviše korelacije dobivene su kod poduzetničkog tipa interesa sa skalama Menadžerskog i Trgovačkog potencijala. Razlike na skalama HPI-a s obzirom na pohađanje fakulteta dominantnog tipa interesa manjim dijelom odstupaju od očekivanja, no pokazuju da na skalama Uslužnosti i Pouzdanosti studenti fakulteta socijalnog tipa postižu više rezultate od studenata konvencionalnog tipa interesa. Također, studenti socijalnog tipa postižu više rezultate od studenata umjetničkog tipa interesa na skali Pouzdanosti. S uspjehom na studiju najviše korelira skala Menadžerskog potencijala. Iako dobiveni rezultati u većoj mjeri ukazuju na zadovoljavajuću valjanost skala profesija HPI-a, u budućim istraživanjima svakako se preporuča uzorkovanje zaposlenih osoba, za koje su skale profesija zapravo i namijenjene.
Ključne riječi: Hoganov upitnik ličnosti (HPI), skale profesija HPI, RIAS |
Sažetak (engleski) | The aim of the present study was to assess the construct validity of Hogan Personality Inventory's (HPI) six occupational scales. The HPI is an instrument based on the five-factor models: Big Five (Goldberg, 1990) and Five Factor Model (McCrae and Costa, 1987), which was developed in the context of Socioanalytic personality theory (Hogan, 1973). It is most often used in career-related decision making and personnel selection. The Croatian version of the inventory, as well as the original, consists of 206 items, which are grouped into 41 Homogenous Item Composites (HIC) and form seven primary, as well as the six occupational scales. The primary scales are: I) Adjustment, II) Ambition, III) Sociability, IV) Interpersonal Sensitivity, V) Prudence, VI) Inquisitive, VII) Learning Approach. The Occupational scales are: I) Service Orientation scale, II) Stress Tolerance scale, III) Reliability Scale, IV) Clerical Potential Scale, V) Sales Potential Scale and VI) Managerial Potential Scale. The research has been conducted on a sample of 367 college students. In order to assess the construct validity for the six occupational scales, sex differences were analyzed and correlations were established with RIASEC interest types, HEXACO personality dimensions and academic achievement. Sex differences showed that the female students score higher on the Reliability scale. The majority of HPI occupational scales are significantly correlated with the expected HEXACO dimensions. Furthermore, half of the expected relations with RIASEC interest types were established and the highest correlation were those between the Enterprising type and Sales, as well as Managerial Potential Scale. The differences in interest types considering the faculties students attended were found as expected and they indicate that the Social type scores higher both on the Service Orientation and the Reliability Scale than the Conventional type. In addition, the Social type scores higher than the Artistic type on the Reliability Scale. The highest correlation was established between academic achievement and the Managerial Potential Scale. Although these results indicate relatively satisfying construct validity of the occupational HPI scales, the sample extension that would focus on an employees is suggested for future studies.
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