Sažetak | Ovim radom se želi ukazati na problem pristranog prikazivanja žena u medijima.
Uvodni dio diplomskog rada bavi se bioetikom i njezinom ulogom u službi zaštite ljudskih
prava. Prikazuju se podaci i činjenice o diskriminaciji žena te njihovim pravima kroz
povijest pa sve do danas.
U diplomskom radu se piše i o ženama koje su nam daleko, koje mi ne vidimo i o kojima
znamo vrlo malo. Analizirana je činjenica koliko javnost zna o ženama koje su u zaostalim
zemljama potlačene, diskriminirane i zlostavljane, a da mi o tome u našem civiliziranom
svijetu i ne znamo onoliko koliko bi trebali znati.
Nadalje, čitajući novine, gledajući televiziju i slušajući radio, o ženama rijetko kada možemo
dobiti objektivan prikaz. Provodeći analizu novina dolazimo do zaključka da su žene objekti
koje se u istima prikazuju samo kao „robovi“ mode, koji služe za animaciju muškog roda i
pokazivanje svojih atributa. Vrlo malo se piše o uspješnim ženama koje svoju karijeru grade
na „zdravim“ temeljima bez nekih skandala.
Rad je koncipiran u tri poglavlja. U uvodu je ukratko opisana tema diplomskog rada, zatim
se analizira nastanak bioetike i njezina svrha. Treća cjelina prikazuje medije i njihovu ulogu
u prikazivanju žena, te podjelu po odabranim zemljama. U radu je također provedena a zatim
obrađena anketa u kojoj je sudjelovalo stotinu ispitanika i sve je prikazano grafikonima. Na
kraju samog diplomskog rada napravljena je analiza nekoliko internet portala u kojima su
obrađeni članci iz Jutarnjeg lista, Večernjeg lista i 24 sata u razdoblju od šest mjeseci. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The emphasis of this paper lies on how women today are represented in the media. Mainly, I
have tried to point out its problems and suggest some reasonable solutions.
In the beginning of this master thesis, the role of bioethics is being exposed, especially its
impact in the field of human rights. Moreover, many facts and statistic data about
discrimination of women and their fundamental human rights throughout the history are
Women who are the subject of this thesis are those who we, Europeans, do not see nor know
much about. Women to whom I have dedicated this paper are those who live in the countries
where fundamental human rights are being violated, where people are still not allowed to say
their own opinion, where they cannot move or do what they desire, where discrimination is
fully accepted and justified. Those are the women who we in free and democratic countries do
not know much about.
Furthermore, I have written about the representation of women in the media. I have based my
survey on Croatian newspaper articles, TV and radio shows. The results of my survey have
led me to the conclusion that women in Europe are nowadays being represented as fashion
victims and mainly as objects of men’s desire and lust. Successful women, who work and are
highly educated, are not represented in the media very often and even if they are, they are not
taken seriously, nor are they considered interesting.
This master thesis is elaborated throughout several sections. In the introduction, the genesis
and the role of bioethics, as well as its purpose, are discussed. Afterwards, the role of media
and its impact on the representation of women in some selected countries is addressed. Also,
the results of the survey, especially made for this thesis, are represented and clarified. Finally,
various newspaper articles and tables are explained and elaborated in detail. |