Sažetak | Ovaj radu prikazuje istraživanje i analize prostora doline rijeke Neretve, gdje se karakterističan
reljef s nizom kraških polja - zatvorenih geografskih cjelina tijekom prapovijesti pokazao
presudnim pri formiranju više izdvojenih etničkih zajednica. Rijeka Neretva je svojim tokom
otvorila zaleđe istočnojadranske obale utjecajima visokorazvijenih civilizacija mediteranskog
svijeta već od 6. st. pr. Kr. a osobito u osvit antike. Preko trgovišta u delti Narone ostvaruju se
kontakti s centrima južne Italije i Sicilije (Sirakuza), sjevernog (Adria i Spina) i južnog Jadrana
(Dirahij i Apolonija) te srednjodalmatinskim kolonijama (Issa i Pharos). Takve aktivnosti su se
reflektirale na društvene procese i gospodarski razvoj mijenjajući materijalno-kulturnu sliku
etničkih zajednica uz rijeku Neretvu. Istaknuti primjer su Daorsi afirmirani unutar sustava
Ilirskog Kraljevstva. Njihovo središte – Gradina u Ošanićima kod Stoca jedno je od prvih
protourbanih naselja na ilirskim područjima, značajno za razdoblje helenizma. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The course of the river Neretva opens the path to the central part of eastern Adriatic hinterland
for the influences of highly developed civilizations of the Mediterranean. The karst terrain,
criss-crossed by mountains and mountain ranges, with a series of larger and smaller units –
karst fields, was crucial for the process of forming ethnic communities (Daorsi, Pleraei, Ardiaei,
Narensi, Delmatae, etc.).
Changes started to occur as early as the 7th century and throughout the 6th century, in the Early
Iron Age, when the heterogeneous cultural image of the area by the Neretva river started to
change. Influences from the interior, from Glasinac and from the Liburnian, Japodian or
Delmatic areas, gradually withdrew or disappeared, and new, more pronounced influences
appeared. The reason for this were trade and trade-related activities. Evidence of import from
Greece, Macedonia, Epirus and Southern Italy are present in a series of archaeological sites:
Grudine in Ukšići (Ljubomir), Gradina hillfort in Prenj near Stolac, Grebnice in Ukšići, Mosko
near Bileća, Gradac and Vranjevo Selo near Neum, Pod, Pržine and Mazlumi near Bileća. These
are mostly luxury items, prestigious goods, a status symbol for the social elite that was being
formed. The processes in question were representative of social stratification – the creation of
tribal aristocracy, which, depending on its interests and with the support of an already stratified
military class, could have been a factor of integration for close communities in a smaller area
or for greater alliances such as those of the Delmatae or Labeatae, and later for socio-political
communities of Illyrians – the Illyrian Kingdom, in the southern part of eastern Adriatic coast
and hinterland. |