Tijekom izrade studije korištene su slijedeće metode: analiza relevantnih dokumenata na europskoj, nacionalnoj i razini Grada Zagreba te znanstvene i stručne literature (eng. desk research metoda); osnove iz statističko kvantitativnih analiza; metoda obilaska terena te kvalitativno utvrđivanje transformacije prostora. Kao metodološka ograničenja ističu se nedostupnost podataka s obrazloženjem povjerljivosti (bespravna gradnja po naseljima, određeni podaci za obradu gospodskih subjekata,... Više detaljniji demografski podaci i sl.) ili jednostavno nisu dostupni (vrednovanje poljoprivrednog zemljišta). Izrada Studije odvijala se u 3 osnovne etape: A – Pregled, analiza i sinteza relevantnih dokumenata na europskoj, nacionalnoj i razni Grada Zagreba te znanstvene i stručne literature iz područja prostornog identiteta naselja sa svrhom utvrđivanja trendova u svijetu i Europi te da li ih Hrvatska i Grad Zagreb prate. B – Analiza čimbenika koji utječu na formiranje prostornog identiteta suburbanih i ruralnih naselja Grada Zagreba i obilazak terena uz utvrđivanja stupnja njegove transformacije po naseljima. C- Utvrđivanje kriterija i smjernica za očuvanje i unaprjeđenja prostornog identiteta suburbanih i ruralnih naselja Grada Zagreba. U prvom dijelu Studije A utvrđeno je da dokumenti na razini Hrvatske i Grada Zagreba prate trendove u svijetu i Europi za očuvanjem i unaprjeđenjem prostornog identiteta naselja najčešće kroz ukazivanje na njegovu važnost i potrebu za očuvanjem. U drugom dijelu Studije B analizirani su čimbenici koji utječu na formiranje prostornog identiteta suburbanih i ruralnih naselja Grada Zagreba te je utvrđivan stupanj transformacije svakog naselja. Karakteristični prostorni identitet suburbanih i ruralnih naselja prepoznat je kroz tri osnovna tipa krajolika. Transformacija prostornog identiteta analizirana kroz četiri stupnja: male, srednje, snažne i vrlo snažne transformacije. U trećem dijelu Studije C temeljem potrebe za očuvanjem i unaprjeđenjem prostornog identiteta naselja određene su kriteriji i smjernice za očuvanje i unaprjeđenje prostornog identiteta suburbanih i ruralnih naselja Grada Zagreba. U cilju očuvanja prepoznatih karakteristika prostornog identiteta naselja predložena su dva osnovna kriterija (kriterij cjelovitosti i kriterij autentičnosti) i četiri pomoćna kriterija (starost, skladnost, reprezentativnost i raritetnost). Prostorni identitet suburbanih i ruralnih naselja Grada Zagreba potrebno je sagledavati sveobuhvatno, tj. kroz valorizaciju različitih čimbenika koji ga kreiraju. Zbog svoje jedinstvenosti i prepoznatljivosti prostorni identitet suburbanih i ruralnih naselja Grada Zagreba predstavlja važan segment identiteta ne samo Grada Zagreba već i Republike Hrvatske. Budući se prostorni identitet najviše prepoznaje kroz sliku naselja, u želji za njegovim očuvanjem i unaprjeđenjem, predložena je detaljnija razrada urbano - ruralnih pravila prema krajobraznima tipovima / područjima. Sakrij dio sažetka
Opis (engleski)
During the preparation of this study, the following methods were used: desk research method (analysis of the various documents adopted by the City of Zagreb and scientific literature), the basis of statistical quantitative analysis, method of field visit and the qualitative determination of the transformation of the space. The following methodological constraints were present in this study, the inaccessibility of confidential data (detailed illegal construction in settlements, specific... Više data for processing of business entities, more detailed demographic data, etc.) and some unavailable data (agricultural land valuation).The study design was carried out in three stages:The following methodological constraints were present in this study, the inaccessibility of confidential data (detailed illegal construction in settlements, specific data for processing of business entities, more detailed demographic data, etc.) and some unavailable data (agricultural land valuation).The study design was carried out in three stages: A - Overview, analysis and synthesis of relevant documents, at European, national and City level, as well as scientific and professional literature in the field of spatial identity of rural settlements, with the purpose of determining trends in the world and in Europe, and whether Croatia and the City of Zagreb are follow those trends; B - Analysis of factors influencing the spatial identity of suburban and rural settlements of the City of Zagreb and a field visit, with purpose of with determining the degree of its transformation by each rural settlement. C- Conclusion, criteria and guidelines for the Conservation of Spatial Identity of Suburban and Rural Settlements of the City of Zagreb. In stage A, it was found that documents at National level and the City of Zagreb level are following the trends in the world and Europe concerning the preservation and improvement of the spatial identity of the settlement, most often by pointing its importance and the need of preservation. Stage B analysed factors that influence the formation of spatial identity of suburban and rural settlements of the City of Zagreb and the degree of transformation of each settlement. The characteristic spatial identity of suburban and rural settlements is recognized through three basic types of landscapes. The transformation of spatial identity is analysed through four degrees: small, medium, strong and very strong. In phase C, the guidelines and criteria for preserving and improving the development of the spatial identity of the suburban and rural settlements of the City of Zagreb have been defined on the basis of the need to preserve and improve the spatial identity of settlements. Two basic criteria (criterion of completeness and criterion of authenticity) and four auxiliary criteria (age, harmony, representatives and rarity) were proposed to preserve the recognized characteristics of the spatial identity of the settlement. Undoubtedly the spatial identity of suburban and rural settlements of the City of Zagreb needs to be considered comprehensively, more precisely, through valorisation and various factors that create it. Because of its uniqueness and distinctiveness, the spatial identity of the suburban and rural settlements of the City of Zagreb is an important segment of the identity not only of the City of Zagreb but of the Republic of Croatia. Since spatial identity is best recognized through the image of the settlement, it is proposed to elaborate more urban-rural rules in accordance with the established criteria for landscape types / areas in the desire to preserve and improve it. Sakrij dio sažetka