Innovative tourism destination management model of non-conventional tourism in Croatia (rural tourism) and Hungary (health tourism). 2nd report : A study on the destination management model for rural tourism in the County of Koprivnica-Križevci: an extended summary
Innovative tourism destination management model of non-conventional tourism in Croatia (rural tourism) and Hungary (health tourism). 2nd report : A study on the destination management model for rural tourism in the County of Koprivnica-Križevci: an extended summary
Glavni cilj ovog projekta je definirati model upravljanja razvojem ruralnog turizma u Koprivničko-križevačkoj županiji, temeljenog na istraživanju specifičnih karakteristika ruralne turističke ponude ove županije. U tom smislu, Institut za turizam osmislio je program istraživanja, analize i sinteze rezultata, razvio metodologiju za identificiranje, klasifikaciju i vrednovanje turističkih atrakcija s definiranjem pripadajuće elektronske baze podataka; analizu smještajnih i ugostiteljskih... Više kapaciteta te analizu dionika popraćenu dubinskim intervjuima s ključnim dionicima. Kroz unaprijed planirane radionice obučio je tim Visokog gospodarskog učilišta u Križevcima za provođenje svih faza istraživanja te asistirao u sintezi rezultata te definiranju modela upravljanja turističkom destinaciom za razvoj ruralnog turizma. Sakrij dio sažetka
Opis (engleski)
In line with the main aims of the overall project - development of tourism destination model for rural tourism in the County of Koprivnica-Križevci based on the research of specific features of the County's tourism products, the main tasks of the Institute for tourism was to develop a reasearch agenda and methodologal framework, methodology for identification, classification and evaluation of tourism resources with the accompanied electronic data-base; analyis of the accommodations and... Više restaurant capacities and stakeholder analyisis that includes in-depth interviews. Through a searious of workshops the Institute has educated the team of the College for implementation of the planned research activities and assisted in synthesis of results leading to the specification of destination development model. Sakrij dio sažetka