Turizam određuje položaj kupca, a ne vrsta proizvoda, inputa ili napičan proizvodnje. Polazeći od metodološkog okvira za izradu tablica sustava nacionalnih računa, Satelitski račun turizma (TSA) zasniva se na 10 tablica. Tablice jegre odnose se na monetarne i nemonetarne pokazatelje turističkih izdataka i potrošnje te proizvodnje turističkih industrija. Osim 10 tablica, TSA uključuje i 5 makro agregata kao pokazatelja veličine turizma u nacionalnom gospodarstvu. Dva se odnose na potrošnju, a... Više tri na proizvodnju: (i) unutarnji turistički izdaci), (ii) unutarnja turistička potrošnja; (iii) dodana vrijednost turističkih industrija; (iv) izravna dodana vrijednost turizma, (v) izravni bruto domaći proizvod turizma). Sakrij dio sažetka
Opis (engleski)
Tourism is defined by the position of the customer, and not by the nature of its output, inputs used, or techniques of production employed Building on the framework and methodology of the standard SNA tables from a functional perspective, a TSA is comprised of 10 tables. The core tables are related to monetary and non-monetary indicators of tourism expenditure and consumption, and the output of tourism industries. In addition to the ten tables, a TSA includes five macro-aggregates as... Više indicators of the size of tourism in a national economy. Two of them are related to consumption and three to production: (i) internal tourism expenditures; (ii) internal tourism consumption; (iii) gross value added of tourism industries; (iv) tourism direct gross value added; (v) tourism direct gross domestic product. After analysis of the relevance of TSA and its main concepts, project deals with measurement of internal tourism consumption (TSA tables 1, 2 and 4) and production of tourism industries (TSA tables 5 and 6). The results are used for calculation of tourism macro aggregates and their international comparison. Last two parts of project focus on employment (TSA table 7) in tourism industries and calculation of tourism total contribution to Croatian economy based on input-output model. Sakrij dio sažetka