Opis (hrvatski) | Rad na projektu sastojao se iz dvije povezane i međusobno uvjetovane faze. Prva faza ili tzv. 'status quo' analiza podrazumijeva analizu tržišta i trendova u potražnji od interesa za izgradnju suvremenog vodenog parka, kao i upoznavanje s obilježjima lokacije, prostorno-planskim odrednicama i/ili ograničenjima i infrastrukturnom situacijom. Druga faza rada na projektu odnosila se na prijedlog korištenja prostora na način koji će maksimirati dugoročne koristi na grad Novu Gradišku i njegove stanovnike. Na toj je osnovi i predložen konkretan poslovno-upravljački model. |
Opis (engleski) | Work on the projekct consisted of two interrelated phases. Phase one - 'status quo analysis' entailed detailed assessment of the market, as well as relevant market trends of interest for the water park in Nova Gradiška. This phase also included the assessment of the location, verification of the spatial plans, and the availability/adequacy of infrastructure. During the second phase, the proposal of the best utilization of available space was made, and the faciliteic to be build suggested. Based on that, an operational model for each of the characteristic zones/facilities has been proposed in order to maximize the revenues for the city of Nova Gradiška, as well as the benefits for its population. |