Sažetak | Adolescencija se definira kao razdoblje prelaska osobe iz djetinjstva u odraslu dob. Vrijeme
adolescencije obilježeno je brojnim promjenama koje se događaju na tjelesnom, psihičkom,
intelektualnom, društvenom te spolnom planu. U ovom razdoblju mijenja se pogled prema sebi,
obitelji, prema drugima, prema institucijama i religijama. Adolescent sve više postaje svjestan
sebe i svoga života te kreće na put razmišljanja i traženja smisla i svoje svrhe u svijetu.
Adolescenti u ovom razdoblju sve više počinju doživljavati vlastite individualnosti i vrijednosti
te dolaze do spoznaje svojih fizičkih, emocionalnih i mentalnih sposobnosti. U ovom periodu
života adolescenti su izložen različitim poticajima, informacijama i mogućnostima, ali sa
siromašnom i nedovršenom formacijom oni se boje budućnosti, često razvijaju tjeskobu i
različite strahove. Izlaz iz tih stanja adolescenti traže na različite načine i u različitim
skupinama. Najveći izazov adolescencije upravo je formiranje i izgradnja identiteta. S obzirom
na pluralno društvo, mnoge socijalne čimbenike koji okružuju mlade (obitelj, škola, vršnjaci,
mediji...) potrebno je da roditelji, a i svi ostali odgojitelji pomognu mladoj osobi u izgradnji
identiteta preko usvajanja vrijednosti i stvaranja životnog plana u evanđeoskoj perspektivi.
Vidljivo je danas na društvenom planu da su prave vrijednosti poput altruizma, emocionalne
osjetljivosti prema drugima, tolerancije, solidarnosti i učinkovite komunikacije sve više u krizi
te da su zastupljene materijalne vrijednosti profita i moći. Radi toga i mladi, ukoliko prihvate
takav smjer razvoja, mogu biti sve više materijalistički i individualno okrenuti životu. Zato je
važno da oni koji su pozvani na odgoj izobrazbu mladih ljudi sudjeluju u formiranju
adolescenata, što podrazumijeva usađivanje vrijednosti kao što su poštenje, iskrenost, altruizam
i ljubav prema svakom čovjeku. Pri usvajanju pravih vrijednosti i zdravom formiranju svog
identiteta adolescentima pomaže Katolički vjeronauk kojem je vrijednosna svrha upravo u tome
da mladi stječu svijest o samima sebi, svom dostojanstvu i svom pozivu koja proizlazi iz
dostojanstva djece Božje. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Adolescence is defined as the period of transition of a person from childhood to adulthood. The
period of adolescence is marked by numerous changes that take place on the physical,
psychological, intellectual, social, and external levels. This time is also marked by numerous
positive and negative characteristics that are often described as a period of "storms and storms".
In this period, the view towards oneself, the family, others, institutions, and
religions changes. Adolescents become more and more aware of themselves and their lives and
embark on the journey of thinking and searching for meaning and purpose in this world.
Adolescents in this period increasingly begin to experience their individuality and values
and come to the realization of their physical, emotional, and mental abilities. In this period of
life, a lot of different information stands in their way, but with their poor and incomplete
formation, they fear the future and are therefore anxious. The biggest challenge of this time is
precisely the formation and construction of identity. Considering the plural society, many social
factors surround young people (family, school, peers, media...) it is necessary for parents
and all other educators to help the young person build an identity through the adoption of
values and the creation of a life plan in an evangelical perspective. It is visible today on the
social level that true values such as altruism, emotional sensitivity towards others, tolerance,
solidarity, and effective communication are increasingly in crisis and that the system of profit
and power is represented. In such societies, the basic human dignity of God's children is
violated, which easily leads to a moral crisis. Young people are increasingly materialistic and
individually oriented towards life. That is why it is important that all of humanity, especially
those who are called to the education and training of young people, participate in the formation
of a new humanity, which implies the inculcation of values such as honesty, sincerity, altruism
, and love for every human being. When it comes to adopting the right values and forming a
healthy identity, adolescents are certainly helped by Catholic religious education, whose value
purpose is precisely that young people gain awareness of themselves, their dignity, and their
vocation, which transcends the temporal and transitory realm. |