Sažetak | Makrociklički spojevi definiraju se kao makromolekule cikličke strukture ili ciklički dio makromolekule. Ovi spojevi mogu se promatrati kao polidentatni ligandi čiji strukturni „okvir“ gradi minimalno 9 atoma od kojih je najmanje 3 potencijalno donorskih atoma. Za raširenost primjene makrocikličkih Schiffovih baza u ulozi liganda, zaslužna je jednostavna metoda sinteze. U ovome radu opisana je sinteza i karakterizacija Schiffove baze ( pDo5 = 1,6,20,25 – tetraaza – 2,5:8,9:17,18:21,24:27,28:36,37 – heksabenzo – 10,16,29,35-tetraoksa-ciklooktatriakonta-1,6,20,25 – tetraen ) i reducirana Schiffova baza pDo5R (1,6,20,25 – tetraaza – 2,5:8,9:17,18:21,24:27,28:36,37 – heksabenzo – 10,16,29,35-tetraoksa-ciklooktatriakonta). Dobiveni produkti okarakterizirani su FT-IR i NMR spektroskopijom te je ispitana ekstrakcija metalnih kationa iz vodenih otopina. Provedena je ekstrakcija metalnih kationa, a korišteno je 12 metalnih soli: Cu2+, Ag+, Au3+, Fe3+, Co2+, Hg2+, Cr3+, Ni2+, Cd2+, Zn2+, Mn2+, (HAuCl4 x 3 H2O). Rezultati su pokazali selektivnu ekstrakciju Cu2+ korištenjem pDo5 spoja te izvrsnu ekstrakciju Co2+, Ag+, Au3+ i Fe3+ kationa pomoću spoja pDo5R. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Macrocyclic compounds are defined as macromolecules with cyclic structure or the cyclic part of the macromolecule. These compounds can also be considered as polydentate ligands whose structural frame is built from minimally 9 atoms, of which at least 3 are potentially donor atoms. The widespread use of macrocyclic Schiff bases in a role of a ligand is due to a simple synthesis method. This paper describes the synthesis and characterization of Schiff's base (pDo5 = 1,6,20,25 – tetraaza – 2,5:8,9:17,18:21,24:27,28:36,37 – heksabenzo – 10,16,29,35-tetraoksa-ciklooktatriakonta-1,6,20,25 – tetraen) and reduced Schiff base pDo5R (1,6,20,25 – tetraaza – 2,5:8,9:17,18:21,24:27,28:36,37 – heksabenzo – 10,16,29,35-tetraoksa-ciklooktatriakonta). The obtained products were characterized by FT-IR and NMR spectroscopy and the extraction of metal cations from aqueous solutions was investigated. The extraction of metal cations was carried out, and 12 metal salts were used: Cu2+, Ag+, Au3+, Fe3+, Co2+, Hg2+, Cr3+, Ni2+, Cd2+, Zn2+, Mn2+, (HAuCl4 x 3 H2O). The results showed selective Cu2+ extraction using the pDo5 compound and excellent extraction of Co2+, Ag+, Au3+ and Fe3+ cation using the pDo5R compound. |