Sažetak | Primarni cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi učinkovitost metode poučavanja teniske tehnike bazirane na igri u odnosu na konvencionalnu metodu. Učinkovitost metode testirala se kroz uspješnost savladavanja tehnike svih osnovnih teniskih udaraca koju su procjenjivali teniski stručnjaci s najvišim licencama Hrvatskog teniskog saveza s dugogodišnjim iskustvom rada u tenisu. Sekundarni cilj istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje primjenjivosti usvojene tehnike, odnosno definirati kojom se metodom bolje utječe na razvoj preciznosti izvođenja teniskih udaraca, što se provelo pomoću specifičnih teniskih testova preciznosti.
Uzorak ispitanika uključenih u analizu istraživanja činilo je osamdeset i devet studenata koji su pohađali izborni kolegij tenis na Kineziološkom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Oni su nasumično podijeljeni u dvije skupine. Svi ispitanici prije početka provedbe istraživanja dali su pisanu suglasnost za sudjelovanje u istraživanju. Da bi mogli sudjelovati u istraživanju, ispitanici su morali biti potpuni početnici, odnosno morali su zadovoljiti definirane kriterije: nisu prije smjeli sudjelovati u bilo kakvoj vrsti teniske poduke, nisu se smjeli rekreativno baviti tenisom ili aktivno sudjelovati u bilo kojoj vrsti trenažnog procesa u tenisu. Također, morali su aktivno sudjelovati u minimalno osamdeset posto predviđenog programa. Da bi se spriječio mogući utjecaj razvijenosti motoričkih sposobnosti te morfoloških karakteristika na rezultate istraživanja, prije početka provedbe programa provedeno je motoričko i morfološko testiranje ispitanika. Testiranje su proveli iskusni educirani ispitivači standardnim testovima dobrih metrijskih karakteristika visoke pouzdanosti, valjanosti, homogenosti i osjetljivosti. Testiranjem se utvrdilo da među skupinama ispitanika ne postoji statistički značajna razlika, što potvrđuje da su prema morfološkim karakteristikama te prema razvijenosti motoričkih sposobnosti skupine homogene. Kroz naredna četiri tjedna, educirani treneri su proveli dva različita programa prema detaljno definiranim uputama. Tijekom četiri tjedna provedeno je osam treninga u trajanju od devedeset minuta, po dva treninga tjedno. Dvije metode poduke izjednačene su prema vremenu koje se koristilo za svaki pojedini osnovni udarac teniske tehnike. U tjednu nakon završetka provedbe programa treneri s najvišim licencama Hrvatskog teniskog saveza proveli su ocjenjivanje izvedbe osnovnih teniskih udaraca prema detaljnim uputama. Teniska tehnika procjenjivala se kroz četiri segmenta udarca: Ravnoteža - koja obuhvaća namještanje na izbačenu tenisku lopticu i zauzimanje pravilne ravnotežne pozicije za odigravanje udarca; Ritam - koji obuhvaća korištenje prijenosa težine tijekom udarca i upotrebu kinetičkog lanca; Pravovremenost i kontakt s lopticom - koji se odnosi na pravovremeni i pravilan kontakt reketa s lopticom; Pravilnost izvedbe - odnosi se na pravilno izvođenje pokreta, odnosno vođenje reketa kroz sve faze udarca. Također, provedena je i procjena preciznosti kod osnovnih elemenata teniske tehnike kroz dvanaest specifičnih testova. Rezultati su pokazali da je skupina poučavana metodom temeljenoj na igri postigla statistički značajno bolje rezultate kod tehničke izvedbe udaraca u segmentu „ravnoteža“ kod svih osnovnih teniskih udaraca osim kod forhend voleja te u segmentu „pravilnost izvedbe“ kod forhenda. U testovima preciznosti ista je skupina ostvarila statistički značajno bolji rezultat kod odigravanja forhend dijagonale. Kod ostalih testova također se uočavaju bolji rezultati kod skupine poučavane metodom temeljenoj na igri, ali bez utvrđene statističke značajnosti. Može se zaključiti da se metoda poučavanja temeljena na igri u ovom istraživanju pokazala kao jednako efikasna ili efikasnija metoda u procesu poučavanja odraslih početnika od konvencionalne i da je samim time opravdana upotreba ove metode u praksi. S obzirom na uzorak ispitanika i ograničenja istraživanja rezultati se ne mogu generalizirati te se preporučuju daljnja istraživanja efikasnosti metoda poučavanja u tenisu. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The primary aim of this paper was to determine the efficiency of the game-based approach in teaching tennis technique with regard to conventional teaching methods. The efficiency of the approach was assessed by observing the performance of mastering the technique of all basic tennis strokes, which was evaluated by tennis experts with the highest-level licences of the Croatian Tennis Federation and with years of experience in working in tennis. The secondary aim of this study was to determine the applicability of the mastered technique, i.e. to define which approach has a better effect on the development of precision in performing tennis strokes, which was achieved by means of applying tennis-specific precision tests. The sample of respondents included in the research analysis consisted of 89 students who attended the Elective course Tennis at the Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb. They were randomly divided into two groups. Prior to starting with research implementation, all of the respondents gave written consent for participating in the study. In order to be able to take part in the research, the respondents had to be complete beginners, i.e. they had to meet the defined criteria: they were not allowed to have previously participated in any type of tennis lessons, they were not allowed to play tennis recreationally or to actively participate in any type of tennis training process. They also had to actively take part in a minimum of 80% of the planned programme. In order to prevent the potential effect of the development level of motor abilities and morphological characteristics on research results, before starting with the implementation of the programme, the respondents completed a motor and morphological testing protocol. The testing was conducted by experienced and educated examiners, and by applying standard tests with good metric characteristics and high reliability, validity, homogeneity, and sensitivity. The testing determined that there was no statistically significant difference between the groups of respondents, which confirms that the groups are homogeneous in view of morphological characteristics and according to the level of development of motor abilities. Over the following four weeks, educated coaches implemented two different programmes according to defined detailed instructions. During these four weeks, eight training lessons, 90 minutes each, were conducted, two training lessons per week. Two teaching methods were equally applied according to the time used for each single basic stroke of tennis technique. In the week following the completion of the programme, tennis coaches with the highest-level licences of the Croatian Tennis Federation evaluated the performance of basic tennis strokes according to detailed instructions. Tennis technique was assessed through four phases of the stroke: Balance - which includes setting up for the thrown tennis ball and taking the correct balance position for performing the stroke; Rhythm - which involves using the weight transfer during the stroke and utilizing the kinetic chain; Timing and contact - which refers to the timely contact with the ball and the placement of the shot; Correctness of movements - which refers to the technically correct performance of the hand movement, i.e. of the stroke itself. In addition, an assessment of precision in basic elements of tennis technique was also carried out by means of applying twelve specific tests. The results showed that the group which was taught by using the game-based approach achieved statistically significant higher results in the technical performance of the strokes in the “balance” segment for all basic tennis strokes, except for the forehand volley, as well as in the “correctness of performance” for the forehand stroke. In precision tests, the same group also achieved a statistically significant higher result in the performance of the forehand diagonal stroke. In other tests, better results are likewise observed in the group taught according to the game-based approach, however, without determining a statistical significance. The conclusion can be made that in this research the game-based approach showed to be an equally or more efficient teaching method than as opposed to the conventional one in the process of teaching adult beginners, as well as that its use in practice is therefore justified. Upon considering the sample of respondents and the limitations of this research, the results cannot be generalized, and further studies of the efficiency of teaching methods in tennis are thus recommended. |