Sažetak | Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi koji kondicijski i inercijski parametri utječu na kvalitetu suđenja nogometnih sudaca tijekom utakmice, te utvrditi utjecaj morfoloških karakteristika (postotak tjelesne masti sudaca), funkcionalnih i motoričkih sposobnosti glavnih sudaca na kvalitetu suđenja u nogometu. Iako postoji velik broj istraživanja vezanih uz temu nogometnih sudaca, dosad ni jedno relevantno istraživanje nije povezalo sve navedene sposobnosti i parametre s kvalitetom suđenja. Sekundarni cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi morfološke karakteristike, motoričke i funkcionalne sposobnosti nogometnih sudaca u najvišem rangu suđenja u Hrvatskoj.
Uzorak ispitanika čini 17 sudaca koji sude pod okriljem Hrvatskog nogometnog saveza u najvišem rangu natjecanja te čine 100% uzorak svih sudaca koji imaju pravo suđenja u najvišem ligaškom rangu hrvatskog nogometa u sezoni 2022/2023. Listu sudaca određuje Sudačka komisija Hrvatskog nogometnog saveza svake godine prema ocjenama suđenja iz protekle sezone.
Obrada podataka izvršena je statističkim paketom STATISTICA 14.3. Za svaku varijablu izračunata je: aritmetička sredina, standardna devijacija, najmanja i najveća vrijednost i raspon rezultata. Normalnost distribucije provjerit će se Kolmogorov-Smirnovljev testom. Zavisnost prediktorskih varijabli (motoričke i funkcionalne sposobnosti) s kriterijskom varijablom (kvaliteta suđenja) utvrdila se regresijskom analizom za svaku utakmicu zasebno. Zavisnost inercijskih parametara s kriterijskom varijablom kvaliteta suđenja utvrdila se višestrukom regresijskom analizom za svaku utakmicu zasebno uz dodavanje kovarijable za broj odsuđenih utakmica (kako rezultati ne bi ovisili o broju odsuđenih utakmica). Durbin-Watson testom provjerila autokorelacija u ostacima regresijskog modela. Za provjeru povezanosti između svih varijabli koristiti će se korelacijska matrica koja uključuje sve varijable koje će se koristiti u istraživanju.
Testiranje nogometnih sudaca je podijeljeno u dva zasebna dijela na laboratorijsko testiranje i terensko testiranje. Testiranja su provedena u laboratorijskim uvjetima koji su standardizirani prema unaprijed potvrđenom protokolu testiranja. Suci su dolazili na testiranje u unaprijed dogovorenim terminima koji su bili određeni od strane sudačke komisije Hrvatskog nogometnog saveza, a sve prema regionalnoj pripadnosti. Drugi dio testiranja provodio se na službenim utakmicama SuperSport hrvatske nogometne lige gdje je svaki sudac nosio uređaje za praćenje kretanja u realnom vremenu.
Višestrukom regresijskom analizom dokazalo se da samo varijabla maksimalna brzina suca tijekom utakmice ima statistički značajnu negativnu povezanost s kvalitetom suđenja stoga se odbacuje hipoteza H1 i zaključuje da inercijski parametri nogometnih sudaca tijekom utakmice nisu statistički značajno povezani s kvalitetom suđenja. Ostale varijable nemaju statistički značajnu povezanost s kvalitetom suđenja u nogometu. Jednostavnom regresijskom analizom dokazalo se da samo varijabla sprint na pet metara (u testu sprint na 20 metara s prolaznim vremenom na pet metara) ima statistički značajnu povezanost s kvalitetom suđenja u motoričkom prostoru, stoga se odbacuje hipotezu H2 i zaključuje se da kondicijski parametri nogometnih sudaca tijekom utakmice nisu statistički značajno povezani s kvalitetom suđenja. Ostale varijable nemaju statistički značajnu povezanost s kvalitetom suđenja u nogometu.
Provedbom jednostavne regresijske analize u ostalim potkategorijama kondicijskih parametara nisu pronađene statistički značajne povezanosti s kvalitetom suđenja, osim u varijabli sprinta na pet metara. Stoga se odbacuje hipoteza H2a i zaključuje da nema statistički značajne povezanosti nogometnih sudaca u rezultatima testovima motoričkih sposobnosti i kvalitete suđenja. Također ne postoji statistički značajna povezanost u rezultata u testovima funkcionalnih sposobnosti nogometnih sudaca i kvalitete suđenja, stoga se odbacuje hipoteza H2b. U hipotezi H2c se provjerila povezanost većeg udjela tjelesnih masti kod nogometnih sudaca i kvalitete suđenja, te se zaključuje da nema statistički značajne povezanosti i odbacuje hipoteza H2c.
Kod testiranja motoričkih sposobnosti osim varijable sprint na pet metara, nema statistički značajne poveznice s kvalitetom suđenja kod ostalih varijabli, no treba biti oprezan u tumačenju jer su rezultati vrlo blizu graničnih vrijednosti u testovima koraci u stranu, 93639 s okretom za 180 stupnjeva, 20 yardi te u sprintovima na 10 i 20 metara. Ukoliko bi uzorak ispitanika ili kvalitativni rang bio heterogeniji, zasigurno bi se u svim navedenim testovima dokazala statistički značajna povezanost s kvalitetom suđenja. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The main goal of this study was to determine which conditioning, and inertial parameters affect the quality of refereeing in football matches, and to investigate the influence of morphological characteristics (body fat percentage of referees), functional and motor abilities of main (field) referees on the quality of refereeing in football. Although there are many studies related to the topic of football referees, to date no relevant study has linked all these abilities and parameters to the quality of refereeing. The secondary goal of this study was to determine the morphological characteristics, motor and functional abilities of football referees in the highest refereeing rank in Croatia.
The sample of subjects consisted of 17 referees who officiate under the auspices of the Croatian Football Federation in the highest level of competition and make up 100% of the sample of all referees who have the right to officiate in the highest league of Croatian football in the 2022/2023 season. The list of referees is determined by the Refereeing Committee of the Croatian Football Federation each year based on the refereeing assessments from the previous season.
Data processing was performed using the STATISTICA 14.3 statistical package. For each variable, the following were calculated: arithmetic mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum value, and range of results. Normality of distribution was tested using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The dependence of predictor variables (motor and functional abilities) on the criterion variable (quality of refereeing) was determined by regression analysis for each match separately. The dependence of inertial parameters on the criterion variable quality of refereeing was determined by multiple regression analysis for each match separately, with the addition of a covariate for the number of matches officiated (so that the results would not depend on the number of matches officiated). The Durbin-Watson test was used to check for autocorrelation in the residuals of the regression model. To test the association between all variables, a correlation matrix was used that included all variables that would be used in the study.
Referee testing was divided into two separate parts: laboratory testing and field testing. Testing was conducted under laboratory conditions standardized according to a pre-approved testing protocol. The referees came to the testing on pre-arranged dates that were determined by the Refereeing Committee of the Croatian Football Federation, according to their regional
affiliation. The second part of the testing was carried out at official matches of the SuperSport Croatian Football League where each referee wore devices for tracking movement in real time.
Multiple regression analysis showed that only the variable maximum speed of the referee during the match has a statistically significant negative association with the quality of refereeing, therefore hypothesis H1 is rejected, and conclusion is that the inertial parameters of football referees during the match are not statistically significantly associated with the quality of refereeing. The other variables do not have a statistically significant association with the quality of refereeing in football.
Simple regression analysis showed that only the variable sprint at five meters (in the 20-meter sprint test with a intermediate time at five meters) has a statistically significant association with the quality of refereeing in the motor space, therefore hypothesis H2 is rejected and conclusion is that the conditioning parameters of football referees during the match are not statistically significantly associated with the quality of refereeing. The other variables do not have a statistically significant association with the quality of refereeing in football. Conducting simple regression analysis in the other subcategories of conditioning parameters, no statistically significant associations with the quality of refereeing were found, except for one variable of the five-meter sprint. Therefore, hypothesis H2a is rejected, and it is concluded that there is no statistically significant association between the results of the motor ability tests of football referees and the quality of refereeing. There is also no statistically significant association between the results of the functional ability tests of football referees and the quality of refereeing, therefore hypothesis H2b is rejected. Hypothesis H2c tested the association between a higher percentage of body fat in football referees and the quality of refereeing, and it is concluded that there is no statistically significant association and hypothesis H2c is rejected.
In the testing of motor abilities, apart from the variable sprint at five meters, there is no statistically significant association with the quality of refereeing for the other variables, but caution should be exercised in interpretation as the results are very close to the borderline values in the tests of side steps, 93639 with a 180-degree turn, 20 yards and in the sprints at 10 and 20 meters. If the sample of subjects or the qualitative rank were more heterogeneous, a statistically significant association with the quality of refereeing would certainly have been demonstrated in all of the aforementioned tests. |