Sažetak | U ovom diplomskom radu cilj je bio utvrditi razlike u eksplozivnoj snazi tipa skočnosti između bacača, skakača i sprintera u atletici, te u kojim testovima, koja skupina sportaša ima najviše vrijednosti u koncentričnim i ekscentrično- koncentričnim kontrakcijama. Populacija iz koje je izvučen uzorak ispitanika od 30 atletičara, iz svake skupine po 10 ispitanika, predstavlja starije juniore i seniore atletičare u rasponu od 17 do 33 godine ( dob, visina i težina tijela bacača ; 22,8 ±5,18 g, 187,39±7,56 cm, 100,25±12,35, sprinteri; 23,7±5,16 g, 181,35±5,04 cm, 78,10±5,78 kg, skakači; 21,4±3,62 g, 183,4±5,00 cm, 78,10±5,78 (kg) ). Rezultati su pokazali da sprinteri imaju najviše vrijednosti skoro u svim testovima za procjenu ekscentrično i ekscentrično koncentrične kontrakcije skoka, te u samoj proizvedenoj snazi. Skupina sprintera ima najviše vrijednosti u testovima MESSJ-a (cm), MESCMJ-a (m/s), MESCM-a (w/kg), MESCMMAX-a (w/kg), MESSDM-a (m), MESCJBT-a (cm) u odnosu na bacače, ali nešto više rezultate i od skakača koji nisu značajni. Skupina bacača postigla je najveće vrijednosti u silama koje su veće od skakača i sprintera u testovima, MESSJ-a (N), MESCM-a N, MESCMmax-a (N). Skupina skakača ima značajne vrijednosti u testovima MESCM-a (w/kg), MESCJS-P (w/kg), samo između bacača. MESCM (w/kg) je jedini test u kojem se sprinteri i skakači zajedno statistički značajno razlikuju od bacača. Istraživanje je pokazalo da nema velikih razlika između skakača i sprintera niti u jednom od navedenih testova. Ujedno skakači su i dobri sprinteri i obrnuto, postoji visoka korelacija između tih dviju disciplina. Značajne razlike vrijednosti testova javljaju se samo između bacača i sprintera, skakača i bacača. Bacači su jedini postigli najveće vrijednosti u testovima sile, zbog svoje velike tjelesne mase. Istraživanje je još dokazalo da kod pojedinih testova i pojedinih sportaša postoji veliki nerazmjer u eksplozivnoj snazi u testu MESCMLN-a i MESCMDL-a, koje su uzrokovane pogreškama u trenažnim procesima, te buduće smjernice u daljnjim pripremama sportaša. Temeljem ovih podataka vidimo koliko su bitne utilitarne vježbe i njihov značaj u sportskoj pripremi sportaša. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The purpose of this thesis was to establish the differences in explosive strength, for example vertical jump between pitchers, jumpers and sprinters in athletics and which group of athletes has the most important values in concentric and eccentrically-concentric contractions. Population from which the sample of respondents is drawn out from 30 athletes, every group containing 10 respondents, represents older junior and senior athletes in ranging years from 17 to 33 (age, height and body weight of thrower; 22,8 ±5,18 g, 187,39±7,56 cm, 100,25±12,35, sprinters; 23,7±5,16 g, 181,35±5,04 cm, 78,10±5,78 kg, jumpers; 21,4±3,62 g, 183,4±5,00 cm, 78,10±5,78( kg)). Results showed that sprinters have the highest values in tests for assessment of concentric and eccentrically-concentric contractions of jump and in produced strength. The group of sprinters has the highest values in tests , MESSJ-a (cm), MESCMJ-a (m/s), MESCM-a (w/kg), MESCMMAX-a (w/kg), MESSDM-a (m), MESCJBT-a (cm), in relation to pitchers, and they have slightly higher results in relation to jumpers which are not relevant. Group of pitchers achieved the highest values in force which are higher than jumpers and sprinters in tests, MESSJ-a (N), MESCM-a (N), MESCMmax-a (N). The group of jumpers has significant values in tests MESCM-a (w/kg), MESCJS-P (w/kg). MESCM is the only test in which sprinters and jumpers together are notably different then pitchers. The research showed that there are no significant differences between jumpers and sprinters in these tests. The jumpers are good sprinters and vice versa, there is high correlation between the two disciplines. The significant differences in value in these tests are only seen between pitchers and sprinters and jumpers and pitchers. The pitchers are the only one that accomplished the highest values in tests concerning force because of their body weight. The research proved that in some tests and in some athletes there is a huge disproportion in explosive strength in tests MESCMLN and MESCMDL which are caused by mistakes in processes and future guidelines of the athletes. Based on this data we are showed how important are utilitarian exercises and their significance in the athlete's preparation. |