Sažetak | Primarni cilj ovog završnog rada je dokazati tvrdnju da postoji utjecaj navijača na igrače i suce na nogometnom terenu. Završni rad je baziran na terminu „prednost domaćeg terena“, točnije dokazivanja da navijači u određenim trenutcima utakmice donose prednost domaćoj momčadi.
U završnom radu se opisuje i klasificira populacija koja se bavi sportom, pri čemu se pobliže opisuje pasivna populacija u koju se ubrajaju i gledatelji na tribinama stadiona u koju skupinu spadaju i navijači. Istraživanje obuhvaća dvije nogometne sezone u 1. HNL ( Hrvatski telekom prva liga) odnosno sezone 2019/2020 i 2020/2021. U ovom istraživanju uzorak varijabli čine osvojeni bodovi domaće ekipe, udarci na vrata domaće ekipe, udarci na vrata gostujuće ekipe, javne opomene domaće ekipe, javne opomene gostujuće ekipe, isključenja domaće ekipe, isključenja gostujuće ekipe, prekršaji domaće ekipe, prekršaji gostujuće ekipe te prisustvo navijača. Zbog novonastale situacije s COVID-19 pandemijom tijekom sezone 2019/2020 skoro sve utakmice su se odigrale bez prisustva gledatelja što nam je omogućilo dokazivanje hipoteze o povezanosti termina „ prednosti domaćeg terena“ i prisustva navijača na tribinama.
Varijable su uspoređivane kroz podjelu utakmica na kojima su prisustvovali navijači na tribinama i na utakmice na kojima nisu prisustvovali navijači na tribinama. Statistički značajne razlike uočene su u varijablama udarci na vrata upućeni od domaćina, osvojeni bodovi domaćina te slobodni udarci domaćina i gostujuće ekipe. Varijabla osvojeni bodovi domaćina je najznačajnija varijabla u istraživanju te je glavni pokazatelj prednosti domaćeg terena uz prisustvo gledatelja i bez prisustva gledatelja. Statističkom analizom je utvrđeno da je uz prisustvo gledatelja domaća ekipa osvajala 1.76 bodova po utakmici dok u periodu kada na stadionu nije bilo prisustva navijača broj osvojenih bodova je iznosio 1.44 . |
Sažetak (engleski) | The primary goal of this final paper is to prove the claim that there is an influence of fans on players and referees on the football field. The final work is based on the term "home field advantage", more precisely proving that the fans bring the home team an advantage at certain moments of the game.
The final paper describes and classifies the population involved in sports, describing in more detail the passive population, which includes spectators in the stands of the stadium, which includes fans. The research covers two football seasons in the 1st HNL (Croatian Telecom First League), more precisely the 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 seasons. In this research, the sample of variables consists of points won by host, shots on target host, shots on target guest, yellow cards host, yellow cards guest, red cards host, red cards guest, fouls by host, fouls by guests and fans attendance. Due to the new situation with the COVID-19 pandemic during the 2019/2020 season, almost all matches were played without spectators, which allowed us to prove the hypothesis of the connection between the term "home field advantage" and the presence of fans on the stands. The variables were compared through the division of matches attended by fans on the stands and matches not attended by fans on the stands.
Statistically significant differences were observed in the variables shots on goal by hosts, points won by host and fouls by hosts and guests. The variable points won by the host is the most important variable in the research and is the main indicator of the advantage of the home field in the presence of spectators and without the presence of spectators. Statistical analysis showed that with the presence of spectators, the home team won 1.76 points per game, while in the period when there were no fans at the stadium, the number of points won by hosts was 1.44. |