Sažetak | Powerlifting je sport koji se sastoji od čučnja, potiska s prsa i mrtvog dizanja. Glavno obilježje ovog sporta je maksimalna jakost koju želimo pokazati na svakom natjecanju. Hrvatski powerlifting savez vodeća je sportska organizacija za powerlifting u Hrvatskoj i sastoji se od 30-tak klubova. Organizaciju natjecanja provode klubovi, a održavaju se svakih 3-6 mjeseci od kojih je i jedno natjecanje državno prvenstvo. Natjecatelji su podijeljeni po dobi i težini, a to moraju potvrditi i na vazi dva sata prije natjecanja. Sudaca na platformi ima troje, a samo glavni daje naredbe natjecatelju. Svaki natjecatelj ima prvo tri pokušaja čučnja, potiska s prsa i mrtvog dizanja, a da bi ostvarili total moraju imati barem jedan uspješni pokušaj od svakog. Čučanj nam je kao i mrtvo dizanje urođen pokret, jer već od malih nogu moramo čučnuti ili napraviti „hip hinge“ kako bismo pokupili nešto sa zemlje. Ovi pokreti u powerliftingu, uz koje je i potisak s prsa, postali su specifična motorička znanja određena tehničkim pravilima. Također ova dizanja imaju veliku ulogu i u rehabilitaciji, a pogotovo kod powerliftera. Ozljede u powerliftingu nisu toliko česte, a vrste ozljeda najčešće spadaju pod istegnuća i puknuća mišića i sindrome prenaprezanja. Kao najčešći uzroci ozljeda navode se prevelik volumen ili intenzitet, te loša tehnika izvedbe. Tijekom rehabilitacijskog procesa powerlifteri i dalje treniraju međutim u skladu s ozljedom prilagođavaju volumen i intenzitet, a glavne vježbe u potpunosti ili djelomično mijenjaju za varijacije s skraćenim opsegom pokreta ili drugačijim opterećenjem (gume, bučice ,sprave...). Najčešće su ozljede lumbalnog dijela leđa, kuka, koljena i ramena. Kod rehabilitacije i treninga bitno je raspolagati i alatima. Iz njih ćemo moći dobivati informacije o intenzitetu izvedbe i intenzitetu boli. Zbog toga su nam RPE i skala boli izuzetno korisni u programiranju treninga i rehabilitacije. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Powerlifting is a sport that consists of squat, bench press, and deadlift. The main goal of sport is to show of maximal strength in every competition. The Croatian Powerlifting Federation is the leading sports organization for powerlifting in Croatia and It consists of about 30 clubs. Competitions are organized by clubs and held every 3-6 months. Most important competition of the year is the national championship. Competitors are divided by age and weight, and they must confirm this at the weigh-in two hours before the competition. On the platform there are three judges, and only the main one gives orders to the lifter. Each competitor has three attempts: the squat, the bench press, and the deadlift. To achieve the total, lifters must have at least one successful attempt of an each discipline. Squatting, like deadlifting, is a fundamental human movement because, from an early age, we must squat or do a “hip hinge" to pick something from the ground. These movements in powerlifting, along with the bench press, have become specific motor skills determined by technical rules. Also squat, bench press and deadlift play a big role in rehabilitation, especially for powerlifters. Injuries in powerlifting are rare, and the most common types of injuries are muscle strain, tears, and overexertion syndromes. The most usual causes of injuries are excessive volume or intensity, and poor technique. During the rehabilitation process, powerlifters continue to train. However, by the stage of the injury, they adjust the volume and intensity. Main exercises can also be completely or partially changed with variations which will have a shortened range of motion or a different load (bends, dumbbells, machines...). The most common injuries are of the lumbar part of spine, hips, knees, and shoulders. When it comes to rehabilitation and training, it is important to have tools that we can use. Because from them, we can obtain information about the intensity of the performance and the pain. This is why RPE, and the pain scale are extremely useful for training and rehabilitation programming. |