Sažetak | Skrotum je kožna i fibroznomišićna vreća u kojoj se nalaze testisi, epididimisi i donji dio
funikulusa spermatikusa. Akutni skrotum pojam je koji podrazumijeva širok spektar
bolesti. Prema etiologiji razlikujemo upale (epididimitis, epididimoorhitis, orhitis, apsces
testisa, Fournierova gangrena), smetnje cirkulacije (torzija testisa i appendixa testisa,
inkarcerirana ingvinalna hernija), traume (haematocele, ruptura testisa) i ostale, rijetke
uzroke (skrotalni edem, Henoch Schoenlein purpura i drugi). Akutni epididimitis je
najčešći uzrok skrotalne boli u odraslih. Glavni simptom je obično postupna pojava boli
sa stražnje strane skrotuma uz otok epididimisa i testisa, a skrotum je edematozan i
crvenkast. Klasična klinička prezentacija torzije testisa obično je naglo nastala, snažna,
unilateralna bol, često praćena mučninom i povraćanjem. Najveći dijagnostički problem
predstavlja razlikovanje akutnog epididimitisa od torzije testisa, ali također treba
razmišljati i o ostalim mogućim uzrocima. Već nakon 6 sati od nastanka ishemije može
doći do nekroze i gubitka testisa, stoga, ako na temelju anamneze i fizikalnog pregleda
sumnjamo na torziju testisa, obavezna je trenutna kirurška eksploracija. Za postavljanje
dijagnoze često nam je dostatna anamneza i fizikalni pregled, a neizostavan nam je i
ultrazvuk uz Color Doppler sonografiju. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The scrotum is a skin and fibromuscular sac containing the testicles, epididymis and the
lower part of the funiculus spermaticus. Acute scrotum is a term that includes a wide
spectrum of diseases. According to the etiology, we distinguish between inflammations
(epididymitis, epididymorrhitis, orchitis, testicular abscess, Fournier's gangrene),
circulatory disorders (torsion of the testicle and testicular appendix, incarcerated
inguinal hernia), trauma (haematocele, testicular rupture) and other, rare causes
(scrotal edema, Hennoch Schoenlein purpura and others). Acute epididymitis is the
most common cause of scrotal pain in adults. The main symptom is usually the gradual
onset of pain from the back of the scrotum along with swelling of the epididymis and
testicles, and the scrotum is edematous and reddish. The classic clinical presentation of
testicular torsion is usually sudden onset, severe, unilateral pain, often accompanied by
nausea and vomiting. The biggest diagnostic problem is differentiating acute
epididymitis from testicular torsion, but other possible causes should also be
considered. Necrosis and loss of the testicle can occur as early as 6 hours after the
onset of ischemia, therefore, if, based on the history and physical examination, we
suspect testicular torsion, immediate surgical exploration is mandatory. To make a
diagnosis, an anamnesis and a physical examination are often sufficient, and an
ultrasound with color-Doppler sonography is indispensable. |