Sažetak | Uvod: Osobno dugogodišnje iskustvo s različitim vrstama nasilja tijekom rada u hitnoj bolničkoj službi, u jedinici intenzivnog liječenja i na anesteziji, te kao sudionik u domovinskom ratu, bilo je poticaj istražiti kakva su iskustva ostalih zdravstvenih djelatnika, poglavito medicinskih sestara u vezi nasilja na radnom mjestu.
Cilj: Utvrditi rasprostranjenost i oblike nasilja nad medicinskim sestrama i tehničarima zaposlenim u djelatnosti zdravstva: načine nastanka nasilja i jačinu intenziteta koji prepoznaju ispitanici te uvidjeti postoje li sličnosti i razlike između pojedinih zdravstvenih ustanova.
Ispitanici i metode: Ispitanici (N=792) su medicinske sestre i tehničari iz 6 bolnica Republike Hrvatske dobi između 18 i 65 godina s visokom/višom i srednjom stručnom spremom, što čini prigodni stratificirani uzorak od 33 % medicinskih sestara/tehničara od ukupnog broja njih koje rade po pojedinoj zdravstvenoj ustanovi. Metode korištene u istraživanju su anonimni Upitnik o nasilju na radnom mjestu za zaposlene u zdravstvu. Razlike su se analizirale hi-kvadrat testom. Sve P vrijednosti manje od 0,05 su se smatrale značajnima. U statističkoj analizi se koristila programska podrška STATISTICA (data analysis software system), verzija 10.0 (StatSoft, Inc. (2011).
Rezultati: Nasilje je najvećim dijelom od strane pacijenta i veće je nad medicinskim sestrama (82,9 %) nego nad ostalim zdravstvenim djelatnicima (13 %) (p<0,001). Značajne razlike su i u obimu posla za nerealno kratko vrijeme, stresa s posla koji se prenosi na obitelj i privatni život, izostanku podrške institucije nakon napada, nedovoljnoj materijalnoj nagrađenosti za svoje zalaganje na poslu, kao i nemogućnost adekvatne upotrebe znanja i vještina na poslu,nesigurnom radnom okruženju, neadkevatnoj opremi i nedovoljno sredstava za rad, izloženost napadima (p<0,001), uvredama (p<0,014), prijetnjama (p<0,029) i žalbama od strane kolega (p<0,003). Sve su pojave značajno veće u kliničkim bolnicama (p<0,001 do p<0,005).
Zaključak. Nasilje nad medicinskim sestrama/tehničarima je prisutno u svim zdravstvenim ustanovama i izraženije je u kliničkim, nego u općim bolnicama. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Introduction:Years of personal experience with different types of violence while working in a hospital emergency departments, in the intensive care unit and anesthesia, as well as a participationin the civil war, wasaninpulsto explore the experiences of ther health care professionals, especially nurses regarding violenceat working place.
Objective: To determine the prevalence and forms of violence against nurses and technicians employed in health activities: means of the occurrence and severity of violence intensity that respondents recognize and perceivewhe ther there are similarities and differences between health care institutions.
Respondents and Methods: Respondents (N=792) were nurses and technicians from six Croatian hospitals aged between 18 and 65 years with a high/higher and secondary education, which makes the occasional stratified sample of 33% of nurses/technicians of the total number working at each medical institution. Methods usedin the survey are anonymous Questionnaireon violencein the workplacefor employeesin the health sector. The differences were analyzed bychi-square test. All P values less than 0.05 were considered significant. Software STATISTICA (data analysis software system), version 10.0 (StatSoft, Inc. (2011). was used for the statistical analysis.
Results: The violence is largely carried out by the patient an this larger against nurses (82.9 %) than against other health professionals (13 %) (p <0.001). Significant differences are in the scope of work that should be done for the unrealistically short time, stress from work which is carried on the family and private life, lack of institutional support after theat tacks, insufficient material remuner at ed for their dedication to the work, as well as thein ability touse adequate knowledge and skills on the job, unsafework environment, in adequate equipment and resources, exposure to attacks (p <0.001), insults (p <0.014), threats (p <0.029) and complaints by colleagues (p <0.003).
All phenomena are significantly higher in clinical hospitals (p <0.001 to p <0.005).
Conclusion: Violence against nurses/technicians is present in all health facilities an this more expressed in clinical, rather than in general hospitals. |