Sažetak | Cilj je bio procijeniti učinkovitost prethodnih pregleda kao alata primarne prevencije PBK, izloženost kožnim štetnostima i implementaciju mjera zaštite na radu tijekom praktične nastave, te utvrditi pojavu i jačinu kožnih tegoba među frizerskim i kozmetičarskim učenicima. Podaci su prikupljani upitnicima, kliničkim pregledom kože šaka, OHSI indikatorom te mjerenjem TEWL-a na šakama i podlakticama. Odazvalo se 81% frizerskih i 79% kozmetičarskih učenika. Samo polovica učenica bila je prije upisa pregledana od strane SMR, a sadržaj pregleda bio je manjkav. Najčešći radni zadaci frizerskih učenica su pranje, bojanje i ispiranje kose, te čišćenje radnog mjesta i alata, a zastupljenost korištenja OZS bilo je najveće tijekom bojanja kose (91%). Kozmetičarske učenice najčešće čiste radno mjesto, dezinficiraju pribor, čiste i njeguju lice, te pritom manje od polovice njih nose OZS. Dosadašnje tegobe u vidu ekcema šaka/zapešća i/ili urtikarije iskazalo je 35% frizerskih i 25% kozmetičarskih učenica, a suhoću kože njih 37% odnosno 30%, i većinom su nastale nakon upisa u školu. Frizerske učenice ocijenile su svoj ekcem težim nego kozmetičarske. Kožne promjene bile su blage, u vidu eritema, lihenifikacije i/ili deskvamacije, s većom učestalošću lihenifikacije i deskvamacije kod frizerskih učenica, ukazujući na početne znakove iritativnog kontaktnog dermatitisa, što se može povezati s većom izloženosti frizerskih učenica radu u mokrom. Najmanje 1 kožni simptom pronađen je u 40% frizerskih odnosno 36% kozmetičarskih učenica, s otprilike trostruko većom učestalosti među frizerskim učenicama sa samoprocjenjenim tegobama i suhoćom ruku od onih u kontrolnoj skupini, te dvostruko većom učestalosti među kozmetičarskim učenicama sa samoprocjenjenim tegobama od onih u kontrolnoj skupini. Zaključno, rasprostranjenost kožnih tegoba u frizerskih i kozmetičarskih učenika je visoka, a primjena OZS slaba. Potrebne su promjene u postojećim edukacijskim programima učenika i učitelja. Učenike s kožnim tegobama trebalo bi usmjeriti dalje od zanimanja s poznatim kožnim štetnostima i visokim rizikom za razvoj PBK, a učenike bez kožnih tegoba s povećanim rizikom za razvoj PBK periodički pratiti tijekom zdravstvenog nadzora za vrijeme školovanja, te rano intervenirati u slučaju pojave kožnih oboljenja. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The aim was to evaluate the effectiveness of previous examinations as a primary prevention tool for OSD, exposure to skin hazards and the implementation of occupational safety measures during practical training, and to determine the appearance of skin problems among hairdressing and beautician apprentices. Data were collected by questionnaries, clinical examination of hand skin, the OHSI score and the TEWL measurement of hands and forearms. Response rate was 81% among hairdressing and 79% among beautician apprentices. Only half of the apprentices had been examined by OMS prior to enrollment and the examination content was scarce. The most common hairdressing tasks are washing, dyeing and rinsing hair, cleaning the workplace and tools, with greatest use of PPE during hair dyeing (91%). Beautician apprentices most often clean working place, disinfect tools, and clean and nurture face, and less than half of them are wearing PPE. A history of hand/wrist eczema and/or urticarial symptoms was reported by 35% of hairdressing and 25% of beautician apprentices, and a history of skin dryness was reprted by 37% and 30% respectively. Symptoms mostly occurred after enrollment. Hairdressing apprentices rated their eczema more severe. Skin changes were mild, in the form of erythema, lichenification and/or desquamation, with increased lichenification and desquamation in hairdressing apprentices, pointing to the initial signs of irritative contact dermatitis, which may be related to increased exposure of hairdressing apprentices to wet work. At least 1 skin symptom was found in 40% of hairdressing and 36% of beautician appretices, with about three times higher frequency among hairdressing apprentices who reported eczema and/or urticaria, and hand dryness, than those in the control group, and twice as high among the beautician apprentices who reported eczema or/and urticaria than those in the control group. In conclusion, the prevalence of skin problems in hairdressing and beautician apprentices is high, and the use of PPE is poor. Changes in the existing educational programs for students and teachers are needed. Pupils with skin disorders should be directed away from occupations with known skin hazards and high risk of OSD development, and skin symptoms-free risk-prone pupils should be periodically monitored during health surveillance throughout schooling, with early intervention in case of skin disease. |