Sažetak | U ovom diplomskom radu želimo pojasniti na koji način stabilni želučani pentadekapeptid BPC 157 djeluje na okluzije velikih krvnih žila. Okluzije krvnih žila su poremećaji nastali zaustavljanjem protoka kroz krvne žile i najčešće su posljedica krvnih ugrušaka, tumora, stranih tijela ili vanjske kompresije, a ako se ne liječe, tada dovode do nekroze tkiva i smrti stanica tkiva. Dvije vrste okluzija u posebnom su fokusu u ovom radu: Budd-Chiarijev sindrom (okluzija jetrenih vena) i Pringlov manevar (okluzija portalne trijade – vene porte, jetrene arterije i jetrenog žučnog voda). Stabilni želučani pentadekapeptid BPC 157 posjeduje specifičnu citoprotektivnu djelotvornost te je važan posrednik Robertove teorije citoprotekcije, a također se predstavlja kao jedan od mogućih posrednika Selyevog odgovora na stres. Protektivno i terapeutsko djelovanje pokazano je u studijama gdje je BPC 157 ubrzao cijeljenje kožnih rana, ubrzao cijeljenje ozljeda gastrointestinalnog trakta, tetiva, ligamenata i kostiju te je također pokazao djelotvornost na ubrzanom cijeljenju gastrointestinalnih fistula. Svojim protektivnim i terapeutskim djelovanjem na endotel, BPC 157 djeluje i na epitel čime se citoprotekcija širi na organoprotekciju što u konačnici pokazuje širok raspon pozitivnih učinaka. Glavni način na koji BPC 157 ostvaruje svoje djelovanje je utjecajem na NO sustav čijim poticanjem dovodi do proširenja krvnih žila i inhibicije agregacije trombocita, a djelovanjem na VEGF sustav potiče angiogenezu i ubrzava obnovu cirkulacije. U ovom radu napravili smo pregled radova s djelovanjem BPC 157 na okluzije krvnih žila te se pokazalo da BPC 157 smanjuje ishemijsko/reperfuzijska oštećenja aktiviranjem kolateralnog krvotoka čime se smanjuju nastala oštećenja, smanjuju visoki tlakovi u okludiranim krvnim žilama, a povisuju niski tlakovi u sistemskom krvotoku te se u konačnici smanjuju lezije zahvaćenih organa. Slično djelovanje BPC 157 je pokazao i kod Budd-Chiarijevog sindroma i Pringlovog manevra aktivirajući kolaterale kroz venu azygos i rektalne vene čime su se smanjila oštećenja probavnog trakta, jetre, slezene, srca i ostalih zahvaćenih organa. |
Sažetak (engleski) | In this thesis, we want to clarify how the stable gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 acts on large blood vessel occlusions. Occlusions of blood vessels are disorders caused by stopping the flow through blood vessels and are most often the result of blood clots, tumors, foreign bodies or external compression, and if not treated, they lead to tissue necrosis and death of tissue cells. Two types of occlusion are in particular focus in this paper: Budd-Chiari syndrome (occlusion of the hepatic veins) and Pringle's maneuver (occlusion of the portal triad – portal vein, hepatic artery and hepatic bile duct). The stable gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 possesses specific cytoprotective efficacy and is an important mediator of Robert's theory of cytoprotection, and is also presented as one of the possible mediators of Sely's response to stress. Protective and therapeutic effects have been demonstrated in studies where BPC 157 accelerated the healing of skin wounds, accelerated the healing of injuries to the gastrointestinal tract, tendons, ligaments and bones, and also showed effectiveness in the accelerated healing of gastrointestinal fistulas. With its protective and therapeutic effect on the endothelium, BPC 157 also acts on the epithelium, which extends cytoprotection to organoprotection, which ultimately shows a wide range of positive effects. The main way in which BPC 157 achieves its effect is by influencing the NO system, the stimulation of which leads to the expansion of blood vessels and the inhibition of platelet aggregation, and by acting on the VEGF system, it stimulates angiogenesis and accelerates the restoration of circulation. In this paper, we reviewed the effects of BPC 157 on blood vessel occlusions, and it was shown that BPC 157 reduces ischemia/reperfusion damage by activating collateral blood flow, which reduces the resulting damage, reduces high pressures in the occluded blood vessels, and increases low pressures in the systemic blood flow, and the lesions of the affected organs are ultimately reduced. BPC 157 showed a similar effect in Budd-Chiari syndrome and Pringle's maneuver by activating collaterals through the azygos and rectal veins, which reduced damage to the digestive tract, liver, spleen, heart and other affected organs. |