Sažetak | Cilj istraživanja: Procijeniti rizik za nastanak OSA-e u bolesnika s koronarnom bolesti, te ispitati povezanost rizika za nastanak OSA-e s dobi, spolom, pridruženim komorbiditetima, ITM-om, biokemijskim i ehokardiografskim obilježjima.
Nacrt studije: Presječna studija.
Ispitanici i metode: U istraživanje je uključen 131 ispitanik, oba spola, liječen na Zavodu za bolesti srca i krvnih žila KBC-a Osijek, zbog koronarne bolesti, medijana dobi 67 god. Za prikupljanje podataka korištena su tri upitnika: STOP upitnik, Berlinski upitnik, te Epworthova ljestvica pospanosti. Ispitanicima je izmjeren opseg vrata. Iz dostupne medicinske dokumentacije prikupljeni su podaci o komorbiditetima, hemodinamskim, ehokardiografskim i biokemijskim obilježjima.
Rezultati: Povećan rizik za OSA-u prema STOP upitniku ima 83 (63,4 %) bolesnika, prema Berlinskom 45 (34,4 %), a prema ESS-u njih 28 (21,4 %). Pacijenti s hipertenzijom, GERB-om, većim ITM-om, većim opsegom vrata, te pacijenti koji upotrebljavaju sedative imaju povećan rizik za OSA-u prema STOP upitniku. Pacijenti s pozitivnim Berlinskim upitnikom imaju značajno veći ITM, opseg vrata, niže vrijednosti troponina, također su češće kompenzirani. Znatno veće vrijednosti ureje i kreatinina imaju ispitanici s pozitivnim ESS-om. Zbroj ESS upitnika u značajnoj je i pozitivnoj vezi s ITM-om, opsegom vrata te vrijednostima urata.
Zaključak: Bolesnici s koronarnom bolesti imaju povećan rizik za OSA-u. Povećan rizik za OSA-u povezan je s komorbiditetima poput hipertenzije i GERB-a, povećanim ITM-om i opsegom vrata, uporabom sedativa, te povišenim vrijednostima ureje, kreatinina i urata.
Ključne riječi: apneja tijekom spavanja, opstrukcijska; koronarna bolest; rizik. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Objective: The study aimed to assess the risk of OSA in patients with coronary heart disease and examine the correlation of risk of OSA with age, sex, associated comorbidities, BMI, biochemical and echocardiographic characteristics.
Study Design: Cross-sectional study.
Participants and Methods: The study included 131 patients hospitalized at the Department for Heart and Vascular Diseases, Osijek University Hospital Centre, due to coronary heart disease. The study included patients of both sexes, median age of 67 years. Three standardized questionnaires were used to collect data: the STOP questionnaire, the Berlin questionnaire and the Epworth sleepiness scale. The respondent’s neck circumference was measured. Data on comorbidities, hemodynamic, echocardiographic and biochemical parameters were collected from medical records.
Results: According to the STOP questionnaire, 83 (63.4 %) respondents have an increased risk for OSA, 45 (34.4 %) patients according to the Berlin questionnaire, and 28 (21.4 %) according to the ESS questionnaire. According to the STOP questionnaire, patients with hypertension, GERD, higher BMI, greater neck circumference, and patients using sedatives have an increased risk of OSA. According to the Berlin Questionnaire, patients at increased risk for OSA have significantly higher BMI, neck circumference and lower troponin values. They also have normal NT-proBNP and left ventricular ejection fraction values. Patients with a positive Epworth sleepiness scale have significantly higher urea and creatinine values. The sum of ESS questionnaires is significantly and positively related to BMI, neck circumference, and urate values.
Conclusion: Patients with coronary heart disease have an increased risk for OSA. Increased risk for OSA is associated with comorbidities such as hypertension and GERD, increased BMI and neck circumference, sedative use, and elevated urea, creatinine, and urate values. |