Sažetak | CILJ: Utvrditi koncentraciju antioksidacijskog enzima GPx3 u uzorcima hrane koji sadrže različite udjele selena i cinka u svojem sastavu. MATERIJALI I METODE: Tri tjedna stari Sprague-Dawley štakori u razdoblju od osam tjedana konzumirali su hranu koja sadrži različite omjere selena i cinka (hrana Divana) u svojem sastavu. Životinje su bile podijeljene u skupine: 1) niski selen, niski cink (28,56 mg/kg Zn i 0,030 mg/kg Se); 2) visoki selen, normalni cink (30,16 mg/kg Zn i 0,363 mg/kg Se) te 3) normalni selen, visoki cink (70,81 mg/kg Zn i 0,043 mg/kg Se). Nakon osam tjedana hranjenja štakori su anestezirani kombinacijom ketanest S 75 mg/kg (Ketanest S 25 mg/ml, ampule 2ml, Pfizer) i midazolama 0,5 mg/kg (Midazolam Torrex 5 mg/ml, 3 ml, Torrex Chiesi Pharma). Nakon anestezije, životinje su dekapitirane te su prikupljeni uzorci krvi u svrhu dobivanja seruma. Iz uzoraka seruma spektrofotometrijskom metodom (ELISA) odredila se koncentracija enzima glutation peroksidaze 3 (Gpx3). Svi su eksperimentalni postupci bili usklađeni s europskim smjernicama za skrb i primjenu laboratorijskih životinja (direktiva 86/ 609). Istraživanja je odobrilo Etičko povjerenstvo Medicinskog fakulteta Osijek te Ministarstvo poljoprivrede Republike Hrvatske. REZULTATI: Hrana s visokim udjelom selena i normalnim vrijednostima cinka (30,16 mg/kg Zn i 0,363 mg/kg Se) ima značajno povećanu koncentraciju GPx3 enzima (13.96±0.42 mg/ml) u odnosu na skupinu s niskim sadržajem selena i niskim sadržajem cinka (28,56 mg/kg Zn i 0,030 mg/kg Se, 12.04±0.33, P = 0.002) te hranom s normalnim sadržajem selena i visokim sadržajem cinka (70,81 mg/kg Zn i 0,043 mg/kg Se, 12.66±0.66, P = 0.026). ZAKLJUČAK: Koncentracija antioksidacijskog enzima GPx3 ovisna je o udjelu selena u hrani. Hrana koja sadrži visok udio selena pokazala se kao najbogatija antioksidansom GPx3 koji prema brojnim istraživanjima ima zaštitnu ulogu u organizmu u odnosu na prehranu siromašnu selenom. |
Sažetak (engleski) | AIM: Determine the concentration of the antioxidative enzyme GPx3 in food which contain different concentrations of selenium and zinc in its composition. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Three weeks old Sprague-Dawley rats consumed foods containing different ratios of selenium and zinc (food Divan) in its composition over a period of 8 weeks. The animals were divided into: 1) low selenium, low zinc (28.56 mg / kg Zn and 0.030 mg / kg Se); 2) high selenium, normal zinc (30.16 mg / kg Zn and 0.363 mg / kg Se), and 3) normal selenium, high zinc (70.81 mg / kg Zn and 0.043 mg / kg Se). After 8 weeks of feeding rats were anesthetized by ketanest S 75 mg / kg (Ketanest S 25 mg / ml, 2 ml ampoules, Pfizer) and midazolam 0.5 mg / kg (Midazolam Torrex 5 mg / ml, 3 ml, Torrex Chiesi Pharma) . After anesthesia, the animals were decapitated and blood samples were collected to obtain serum. Serum samples were determined by the spectrophotometric method (ELISA) for concentrations of glutathione peroxidase 3 (Gpx3). All experimental procedures were harmonized with European guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals (Directive 86/609). The research was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine in Osijek and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Croatia. RESULTS: Foods with a high selenium content and normal zinc levels (30.16 mg / kg Zn and 0.363 mg / kg Se) have significantly increased GPx3 enzyme concentrations (13.96 ± 0.42 mg / ml) compared to low selective selenium and low zinc (70.81 mg / kg Zn and 0.043 mg / kg Se, 12.66 ± 0.03 mg / kg Se, 12.04 ± 0.33, P = 0.002) and foods with normal selenium content and high zinc content 0.66, P = 0.026). CONCLUSION: The concentration of antioxidant enzyme GPx3 is dependent on the proportion of selenium in food. Foods containing a high proportion of selenium have been shown to be the richest with antioxidant GPx3 which, according to numerous studies, has a protective role in the body in relation to foodpoor with selenium. |