Sažetak | Ciljevi istraživanja: Ciljevi istraživanja ovog diplomskog rada su utvrditi učestalost devijacije nosne pregrade u ispitanika sa simptomima disfunkcije Eustahijeve cijevi, te utvrditi postoje li razlike u učestalosti devijacije nosne pregrade u ispitanika sa simptomima disfunkcije Eustahijeve cijevi u odnosu na dob i spol.
Materijali i metode: Materijali ispitivanja su specijalistički ORL nalazi, nalazi timpanometrije i tonske audiometrije iz registra Zavoda za audiologiju. Anamnestički dobivamo podatke o vodećim simptomima disfunkcije Eustahijeve cijevi koji su zabilježeni u svih ispitanika, a radi se o zaglušenosti, punoći u uhu, tinitusu, pucketanju u uhu, gubitku sluha, autofoniji, boli u uhu i vrtoglavici. Specijalistički pregled obuhvaća otoskopski, rinoskopski i orofaringoskopski nalaz. Iz rinoskopskog nalaza dobivamo podatke postoji li kod ispitanika devijacija nosne pregrade i taj se podatak bilježi uz gore navedene simptome disfunkcije Eustahijeve cijevi.
Rezultati: Analizirani su podatci 136 ispitanika sa simptomima disfunkcije Eustahijeve cijevi među kojima su 92 ispitanika zahvaćena devijacijom nosne pregrade. Utvrđena je statistički značajna povezanost devijacije nosne pregrade sa zaglušenošću kod muškaraca (P=0,002), žena (P=0,027) i dobnih skupina 21-55 godina (P=0,01) te 56-83 godine (P=0,004). Dokazano je češće pojavljivanje vrtoglavice kod muškaraca (P<0,001), a kod žena češće pojavljivanje simptoma pucketanja (P=0,002). Žene koje ne boluju od DSN-a češće obolijevaju od autofonije nego muškarci koji ne boluju od DSN-a (P=0,045), a muškarci neovisno o DSN češće obolijevaju od vrtoglavice nego žene (P=0,025). Simptomi gubitak sluha (P<0,001) i vrtoglavica (P=0,018) se češće pojavljuju u dobnoj skupini 56-83 dok se simptomi punoće (P<0,001) i bol uha (P=0,011) češće pojavljuju u dobnoj skupini 21-55.
Zaključak: Pacijenti s devijacijom nosne pregrade češće imaju simptom zaglušenosti u odnosu na one koji nisu zahvaćeni devijacijom nosne pregrade. Tinitus, pucketanje, gubitak sluha i punoća u uhu su najčešći simptomi kod pacijenata koji nemaju devijaciju nosne pregrade. Pacijenti mlađe dobne skupine su češće zahvaćeni simptomima punoće i boli u uhu neovisno o postojanju devijacije nosne pregrade. Pacijenti koji pripadaju starijoj životnoj dobnoj skupini češće oboljevaju od gubitka sluha i vrtoglavice. Poznavanje najčešćih simptoma disfunkcije EC ovisno o tome imaju li ili nemaju DSN, uz detaljni klinički pregled značajno nam olakšava pristup liječenju i oporavku. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Research objectives: The research objectives of this thesis are to determine the frequency of deviation of the nasal septum in subjects with symptoms of Eustachian tube dysfunction and to assess whether there are differences in the frequency of nasal septum deviation among these subjects based on age and gender.
Materials and methods: The test materials are specialist ENT findings as well as findings of tympanometry and pure tone audiometry from the register of the Institute of Audiology. Anamnestically, we obtain data on the leading symptoms of Eustachian tube dysfunction recorded in all subjects, which are muffled hearing, fullness in the ear, tinnitus, popping in the ear, hearing loss, autophony, ear pain and dizziness. The specialist examination includes otoscopy, rhinoscopy and oropharyngoscopy findings. From the rhinoscopy findings, we obtain information on whether the subject has a deviation of the nasal septum, and this information is recorded along with the above mentioned symptoms of Eustachian tube dysfunction.
Results: The data from 136 subjects with symptoms of Eustachian tube dysfunction were analyzed, among which 92 subjects were affected by deviation of the nasal septum. A statistically significant association was found between nasal septum deviation and muffled hearing in both men (P=0.002), women (P=0.027) and age groups 21-55 years (P=0.01) and 56-83 years (P=0.004). Men were more likely to experience vertigo (P<0.001), while women were more likely to experience ear popping symptoms (P=0.002). Women without nasal septum deviation more often experienced autophony than men without nasal septum deviation (P=0.045), and men, regardless of nasal septum deviation, more often experienced vertigo than women (P=0.025). Symptoms of hearing loss (P<0.001) and vertigo (P=0.018) occur more often in the age group 56-83, while symptoms of fullness (P<0.001) and ear pain(P=0.011) occur more often in the age group 21-55.
Conclusion: Patients with a deviation of the nasal septum have symptoms of muffled hearing more often than those who are not affected by the deviation of the nasal septum. Tinnitus, popping, hearing loss, and ear fullness are the most common symptoms in patients who do not have a deviated septum. Patients in the younger age group are more often affected by symptoms of fullness and pain in the ear, regardless of a deviated nasal septum. Older patients are more likely to experience hearing loss and vertigo. Knowing the most common symptoms of EC dysfunction, depending on whether DSN is present, along with clinical examination, significantly facilitates our approach to treatment and recovery. |