Sažetak | Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja je istražiti čimbenike koji utječu na pacijentovo donošenje odluke o uzimanju ili neuzimanju terapije za osteoporozu, procijeniti samopouzdanje i sigurnost u odluku pacijenta u informiranoj odluci o terapiji osteoporoze te usporediti rezultate sa skupinom pacijentica s dijagnosticiranom hiperlipidemijom.
Ispitanici i metode: U ovo presječno istraživanje su uključene 84 pacijentice iz dvije ordinacije obiteljske medicine u Splitu s dijagnosticiranom osteoporozom ili hiperlipidemijom, po 42 pacijentice u svakoj skupini. Podatci su prikupljeni pregledom medicinske dokumentacije i intervjuiranjem pacijentica koje su odgovarale na pitanja iz upitnika o donošenju informirane odluke, testa procjene samopouzdanja (DSE) i testa procjene sigurnosti u odluku (DCS).
Rezultati: Terapiju za osteoporozu uzima 73,14% pacijentica, a najviše utjecaja na odluku ima preporuka specijalista. Da ima dovoljno podrške od drugih smatra 83,33% pacijentica s osteoporozom, također su izrazile visok stupanj zadovoljstva podrškom obitelji, liječnika obiteljske medicine i specijalista. Kako znaju za prehranu koja pomaže u liječenju osteoporoze smatra 80,95% pacijentica s osteoporozom, a samo 50% ih zna za koristi i rizike lijekova koji se koriste u liječenju osteoporoze. Usporedbom skupina pacijentica s osteoporozom i hiperlipidemijom, utvrđeno je veće zadovoljstvo potporom specijalista u pacijentica s osteoporozom (p=0,020) i niži stupanj procjene vlastitog znanja o prehrani u pacijentica s osteoporozom (p=0,040). Nije pronađena statistički značajna razlika među skupinama u rezultatima testa procjene samopouzdanja (DSE) niti u ukupnim rezultatima testa sigurnosti u odluku (DCS). Utvrđena je veća razina jasnoće vrijednosti u skupini pacijentica s osteoporozom (p=0,039). Utvrđena je blaga, negativna korelacija između rezultata testa procjene samopouzdanja (DSE) i razine informiranosti (rho=-0,36, p=0,018), kao i učinkovitosti odluke (rho=-0,31, p=0,047), sastavnica testa procjene sigurnosti u odluku (DCS).
Zaključak: Nismo dokazali razliku u samopouzdanju i sigurnosti u odluku o uzimanju terapije među promatranim skupinama. Dokazali smo razliku u jasnoći vrijednosti i postojanje korelacije između razine samopouzdanja i razine informiranosti, kao i razine samopouzdanja s učinkovitošću odluke. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the factors that affect patient's decision-making on osteoporosis therapy, to assess patient's self-confidence and decisional conflict in informed decision-making on osteoporosis therapy and to compare the results with a patients with diagnosed hyperlipidemia.
Patients and methods: Total of 84 patients, from two Split-based family medicine practices, with diagnosed osteoporosis or hyperlipidemia, were included in this study, with 42 in each group. The data were collected through medical records and by interviewing patients who responded to questions from the questionnaire on making an informed decision, Decision self-efficacy (DSE) questionnaire and Decisional conflict scale (DCS) questionnaire.
Results: In osteoporosis group, 73.14% patients decided to take therapy. The decision was most affected by specialist’s recommendation. In osteoporosis group, 83.33% of patients believe they have enough support from others. They expressed a high degree of satisfaction with support from their family, family medicine practitioners and specialists. Also, 80.95% of osteoporosis patients believe they know the diet that helps in osteoporosis treatment. Only 50% of patients know the benefits and risks of medications used to treat osteoporosis. Comparison of a group of patients with osteoporosis and hyperlipidemia showed greater satisfaction with the support of specialists in osteoporosis patients (p=0.020) and a lower assessment of their knowledge about the diet that helps in osteoporosis treatment (p=0.040). No statistically significant difference between the groups in the results of the Decision self-efficacy (DSE) or in the overall Decisional conflict scale (DCS) results was found. A higher level of Value clarity subscale (DCS) was found in osteoporosis patients (p=0.039). The negative correlation between the results of the DSE and Informed subscale (DCS) was found (rho=-0.36, p=0.018), as well as the correlation of DSE results and Effective decision subscale (DCS) (rho=-0.31, p=0.047).
Conclusion: We have not find a difference in Decision self-efficacy (DSE) and Decisional conflict scale (DCS) results between two groups. We have found the difference in Value clarity subscale between groups. We have found the negative correlation between the results of the DSE and Informed subscale (DCS), as well as the negative correlation of Decision self-efficacy (DSE) and Effective decision subscale (DCS). |