Sažetak | Cilj istraživanja: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti učestalost i karakteristike glavobolja u studenata prve i šeste godine studija medicine Medicinskog fakulteta u Splitu, te ispitati povezanost s razinom percipiranog stresa, unosom natrija i tjelesnom aktivnosti.
Materijali i metode: Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 117 studenta Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Splitu. Istraživanje je provedeno među studentima prve (N=58) i šeste godine (N=59) studija Medicine na hrvatskom jeziku tijekom svibnja 2020. godine. Online ispitivanje je uključivalo općenita pitanja o studentima i pitanja o karakteristikama glavobolja. Dnevni unos natrija procijenjen je pitanjima o prehrambenim navikama, koja su se potom unijela u dostupni online kalkulator unosa soli. Razina tjelesne aktivnosti se analizirala putem IPAQ-SF (engl. International Physical Activity Questionnaire - Short Form) upitnika, a utjecaj glavobolja na život ispitivao se HIT-6 upitnikom (engl. Headache Impact Test 6, HIT-6).
Rezultati: Ukupno 34,2% studenata se izjasnilo da često ima glavobolje. Studenti prve godine su imali značajno veći udio onih koji su imali glavobolje učestalo u odnosu na studente šeste godine (44,8 vs. 23,7 %; P=0,016). Studenti prve godine imaju veći udio onih na koje glavobolje znatno utječu na život, iako bez postizanja statističke značajnosti (37,9% vs 22,0 %; P=0,061). Nije bilo statistički značajne razlike u zbroju bodova upitnika za samoprocjenu izloženosti stresu (P=0,079), niti u udjelu ispitanika s visokom izloženosti stresa (P=0,293) s obzirom na godinu studija. Zbroj bodova na HIT-6 upitniku je značajno pozitivno korelirao sa zbrojem bodova upitnika za samoprocjenu stresa u ukupnoj populaciji studenata (r=0,424; P<0,001). Studenti najvećim udjelom pripadaju kategoriji visoke tjelesne aktivnosti (55,6%), te nije zabilježena statistički značajna razlika s obzirom na godinu studija (P=0,941). Dnevni unos natrija je u ukupno 64,1% studenata viši od preporučene dnevne vrijednosti od 2 g natrija/dan. Na kraju, pokazana je značajna negativna korelacija unosa natrija s brojem bodova na HIT-6 upitniku u studenata prve godine studija (r=0,278; P=0,034) te u onih studenata koji glavobolje imaju često (r= -0,465; P=0,002).
Zaključak: Rezultati našeg istraživanja su pokazali da glavobolje mogu predstavljati problem u studentskoj populaciji koji utječe na svakodnevni život. Potrebno je napraviti daljnje studije koje bi uključile veći broj ispitanika kako bi se detaljnije istražila povezanost glavobolja s unosom natrija i tjelesnom aktivnosti. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the frequency and characteristics of headaches in first and sixth year medical students at the School of Medicine in Split, and to examine the relationship with perceived stress levels, sodium intake and physical activity.
Materials and Methods: This study included a total of 117 students. The research was conducted among students of the first (N=58) and sixth year medical students (N=59) in the Croatian language during May 2020. The online survey included general questions about students and questions about headache characteristics. Daily sodium intake was assessed by questions about eating habits, which were then entered into an available online sodium intake calculator. The level of physical activity was analyzed using the IPAQ-SF (International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short Form) questionnaire, and the impact of headache on life was examined with the HIT-6 questionnaire (Headache Impact Test 6).
Results: A total of 34.2% of students reported having frequent headaches. First-year students had a significantly higher proportion of those who had headaches frequently compared to sixth-year students (44.8 vs. 23.7%; P=0.016). First-year students have a higher proportion of those who are significantly affected by headaches, although without achieving statistical significance (37.9% vs 22.0%; P = 0.061). There was no statistically significant difference in the sum of points of the questionnaire for self-assessment of stress exposure (P=0.079), nor in the share of participants with high stress exposure (P=0.293) according to the year of study. The sum of points on the HIT-6 questionnaire was significantly positively correlated with the sum of points of the questionnaire for self-assessment of stress in the total student population (r=0.424; P<0.001). Students mostly belong to the category of high physical activity (55.6%), and no statistically significant difference was recorded according to the year of study (P=0.941). In 64,1% of students, the daily sodium intake is higher than the recommended daily value. Finally, there was a significant negative correlation of sodium intake with the HIT-6 questionnaire score in first-year students (r=0.278; P=0.034) and in those students who have frequent headaches (r = -0.465; P=0.002).
Conclusion: The results of our research showed that headaches can be a problem in the student population that affects daily living. Further studies involving a larger number of participants are needed to research in more detail the association of headaches with sodium intake and physical activity. |