Sažetak | Svojte roda Dictyota su široko rasprostranjene, a većina vrsta obitava u tropskim i umjereno
toplim morima. Cilj ovog rada je ispitivanje morfoloških, reproduktivnih i antioksidacijskih
značajki alohtone vrste Dictyota cyanoloma na području Splita. Jedinke su prikupljene u
razdoblju od 15. prosinca 2021. do 20. ožujka 2022. godine, u razmacima od četrnaest dana.
Utvrđeno je da na području Splita obitavaju pretežno sporofiti (94,3%) s povremeno prisutnim
ženskim gametofitima (2,85%). Muški gametofiti nisu zabilježeni. Izračunat je promjer
sporangija koji iznosi 58,39 ± 15,9 μm s gustoćom od 6120,22 ± 2236,69 po centimetru
kvadratnom. Dužina sorusa iznosi 210 ± 110 μm, a širina 130 ± 60 μm, a broj oogonija po
sorusu iznosi 25,48 ± 19,13. Također, od morfoloških vrijednosti zabilježena je prosječna
dužina talusa 79,13 ± 22,99 mm, internodija I 7,98 ± 4,67 mm, internodija II 7,9 ± 3,41 mm te
terminalne grančice 1,54 ± 0,78 mm. Dužina kortikalnih stanica iznosila je 33,46 ± 10,77 μm,
a širina 14,29 ± 4,82 μm. Dužina medularnih stanica iznosila je 69,79 ± 14,41 μm, a širina 47,51
± 8,79 μm. Antioksidativna svojstva su određena koristeći FRAP („ferric reducing/antioxidant
power“) metodu s rezultatom 1131,86 ± 12,96 µM Fe²+
i određivanjem inhibicije DPPH (2,2-
difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil) radikala s rezultatom 34,82 ± 0,3% inhibicije. Ukupni fenoli su
određeni metodom po Folin-Ciocalteau s rezultatom od 167,08 ± 5,95 mg GAE/L. S obzirom
na rezultate može se zaključiti da se D. cyanoloma u Jadranu razmnožava uglavnom nespolno
te da su talusi nešto većih dimenzija, ali s malo manjim kortikalnim, medularnim i spolnim
stanicama nego prethodno opisano. Alga pokazuje dobar antioksidacijski potencijal te visoki
udio ukupnih fenola. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The genus Dictyota is a widely distributed with most species inhabiting tropical and subtropical
seas. This paper is focused on morphological, reproductive and antioxidative characteristics of
Dictyota cyanoloma in Split area. The specimens were collected between 15.12.2021 and
20.3.2022 in fourteen-day intervals. The results showed that the populations present in Split
area are mostly sporophytes (94.3%), with few female gametophytes (2.85%) and absent male
gametophytes. Sporangia diameter was 58,39 ± 15,9 μm and density 6120,22 ± 2236,69 per
centimeter square. Sori lengths stood at 210 ± 110 μm with widths of 130 ± 60 μm. Oogonia
per sori count was 25,48 ± 19,13. Additionally, morphological traits were measured, and thalli
length was 79,13 ± 22,99 mm, internodium I 7,98 ± 4,67 mm, internodium II 7,9 ± 3,41 mm
and terminal branch 1,54 ± 0,78 mm. Cortical cells length was 33,46 ± 10,77 μm with widths
of 14,29 ± 4,82 μm. Medullar cells lengths was 69,79 ± 14,41 μm with widths of 47,51 ± 8,79
μm. Antioxidative properties were determined using the FRAP (ferric reducing/antioxidant
power) method with a result of 1131,86 ± 12,96 µM Fe²+
and the inhibition of DPPH (2,2-
difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil) radical which was 34,82 ± 0,3%. Total phenolic content was determined
using the Folin-Ciocalteau method with a result of 167,083 ± 5,95 mg GAE / L. The data above
clearly shows that D. cyanoloma populations in the Adriatic Sea reproduce mainly vegetatively
and that the thalli are slightly larger than previously described, but with smaller reproductive,
cortical, and medullar cells. Additionally, the algae exhibit a good antioxidative potential with
a high total phenolic content. |