Sažetak | Prakticiranje zdravog načina života predstavlja velik izazov svoj populaciji, a posebice medicinskim sestara i tehničarima. Naglasak na način života i životne navike je dosegao svoj vrhunac od početka pandemije koronavirusa. Medicinske sestre-tehničari svakodnevno su izloženi velikim stresorima kao što su dugotrajan radni dan, preopterećenosti, nedovoljan broj slobodnih sati. Ti stresori su još došli do naglaska s pojavom koronavirusa i početkom COVID-19 pandemije. Poznato nam je da samo neki od loših mehanizama suočavanja sa stresom kao što su pušanje i pretjerano jedenje pridonose komorbiditetu i mortalitetu zdravstvenih radnika. U ovom istraživanju smo ispitali životne navike medicinskih sestara s obzirom na mjesto rada, dob ispitanika i utjecaj COVID-19 pandemije te utvrdili razlike u pridržavanju obrasca mediteranske prehrane s obzirom na mjesto rada, dob ispitanika i utjecaj COVID-19. Istraživanje je provedeno na 221 ispitiniku pomoću online upitnika sastavljenog od pitanja koja su se odnosila na opće i demografske podatke ispitanika,a u drugom dijelu ispitivanja korišten je modificirani Upitnik o životnim navikama. 42,8 % ispitanika smatra da je COVID pandemija negativno utjecala na njihove zdravstvene navike iako je statistička ispitivanjem utvrđena samo razlika u broju glavnih obroka i međuobroka tijekom radnog dana te broju međuobroka tijekom slobodnih dana te u unosu orašastih plodova obzirom na negativni utjecaj COVID pandemije na zdrave navike ispitanika. Ispitivanjem nije utvrđena razlika u broju obroka, ni u zastupljenost mediteranske prehrane s obzirom na mjesto rada i dob ispitanika. Utvrđeno je da porast dobi prati pad broja obroka u danu. Zaključak je da COVID-19 nije mnogo utjecao na zdravstvene navike medicinskih sestara. Razlog tome je što se medicinske sestre svakodnevno neovisno o kojoj je bolesti riječ suočene sa stresnim stanjima, iako je upravo loše suočavanje s njim razlog njihovih nezdravstvenih navika. Samo neki od loših mehanizama suočavanja sa stresom su pušenje i pretjerano jedenje. Njih bi trebalo zamijeniti tjelesnom aktivnosti kojom se medicinske sestre uglavnom ne bave, a povoljne utječe na sve aspekte zdravlja. Mediteranska prehrana kao zlatni standard zdravlja je slabo zastupljena, iako bi zdravstveni radnici trebali biti prvi u provedbi i promociji zdravog načina života. Možemo zaključiti da je potrebna ne samo trajna edukacija o zdravom načinu života već i viši stupanj osviještenosti među zdravstvenim radnicima. Neodgovarajuća prehrana, manjak tjelesne aktivnosti i općenito nepridržavanje zdravih životnih navika ne samo da mogu negativno utjecati na profesionalnost medicinskih sestara u obavljanju svakodnevnih zadataka već mogu narušiti i njihov kredibilitet da u tim segmentima djeluju savjetodavno prema pacijentima. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Practicing a healthy lifestyle is a big challenge for the entire population, especially for nurses and medical technicians. The emphasis on lifestyle and healthy habits has reached its peak since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. Nurses are daily exposed to great stressors such as long working days, overloads, insufficient number of free hours. These stressors emphasized with the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic. We know that some of the poor stress coping mechanisms, such as smoking and overeating, contribute to the comorbidity and mortality of healthcare workers. In this research, we wanted to examine the lifestyle habits of nurses with regard to the place of work, the age of the nurses and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and to claim if there is differences in adherence to the Mediterranean diet pattern with regard to the place of work, the age of the nurses and the impact of COVID-19. The research was conducted on 221 respondents using an online questionnaire consisting of questions related to general and demographic data of the respondents. In the second part of the study, a modified Questionnaire on lifestyle habits was used. 42.8% of the respondents believe that the COVID pandemic has had a negative impact on their health habits, even though the statistical examination only revealed a difference in the number of main meals and snacks during the working day and the number of snacks during days off and in the intake of nuts, considering the negative impact of the COVID pandemic on healthy habits of respondents. The research did not establish a difference in the number of meals with regard to the place of work and the age of the respondents. The conclusion is that the unhealthy habits of nurses have not been greatly affected by COVID-19. The reason for this is that nurses are facing with stressful situations every day, regardless of the disease in question, although it is precisely the poor coping with stress that is the reason for their unhealthy habits. Just some of the bad coping mechanisms for stress are smoking and overeating. They should be replaced by physical activity, which nurses generally do not engage in, and which has a beneficial effect on all aspects of health. The Mediterranean diet as the gold standard of health is poorly represented, although health workers should be the first to implement and promote a healthy lifestyle. We can conclude that not only permanent education about a healthy lifestyle is needed, but also a higher level of awareness among healthcare workers. Improper nutrition, lack of physical activity and general non-adherence to healthy lifestyle habits can not only negatively affect the professionalism of nurses in performing their daily tasks, but can also damage their credibility to act as advisors to patients in these segments |