Sažetak | Moždani udar je naziv za iznenadno odumiranje moždanog tkiva koje nastaje zbog prekida krvotoka ili zbog nedostatne opskrbe mozga kisikom. Dijeli se na ishemijski i hemoragijski. Podatci koje je objavilo Global Burden of Disease 2015. godine uz demografske projekcije Eurostata predviđaju porast ukupnog broja oboljelih od moždanog udara u Europskoj uniji za 34% u razdoblju od 2015. do 2035. godine. Europski savez za moždani udar (SAFE, engl. Stroke Alliance for Europe) je u svom izvješću prikazalo da u Hrvatskoj svake godine preko 11 300 ljudi doživi moždani udar što odgovara broju od 150 moždanih udara na 100 000 stanovnika godišnje. Stopa smrtnosti 30 dana nakon moždanog udara iznosi 23,5%. Moždani udar godišnje uzrokuje 94.6% smrti na 100 000 stanovnika.
Afazija se javlja u trećini, odnosno 25-40% oboljelih od moždanog udara te je povezana s moždanim udarom u lijevoj moždanoj hemisferi. Afatični poremećaji se manifestiraju u raznim afatičnim sindromima ali variraju u kliničkoj manifestaciji, težini kliničke slike te lokalizaciji moždanog oštećenja.
Tijekom rada s bolesnicima s afazijom medicinska sestra mora poticati razgovor i postavljati otvorena pitanja te treba dati bolesniku dovoljno vremena da odgovori na upite, kao i podupirati ga u komunikaciji. Bolesnika i obitelj treba potaknuti na korištenje jednostavnih izraza i gesti, i po potrebi ponavljati ih dok se ne postigne adekvatna komunikacija. Tijekom rada u liječenju, kao i rehabilitaciji afazije bitna je suradnja logopeda s fizioterapeutom i neuropsihologom kao i ostalim medicinskim stručnjacima, kako bi se postigla najobjektivnija procjena stanja i plan terapije koji najbolje odgovara mogućnostima i potrebama bolesnika s afazijom. Medicinske sestre su ključ rehabilitacijskog koncepta govora kod bolesnika s afazijom, zbog učestalog kontakta s bolesnikom i njegovom obitelji te su često most između liječnika i bolesnika. Kroz rehabilitaciju govora medicinska sestra pomaže bolesniku pri vračanju u svakodnevni život, uključujući u terapiju njegovu obitelj i prijatelje. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The sudden death of brain tissue resulting from a blood flow interruption or because of a lack of oxygen supply to the brain is called a stroke. It divided into an ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. Data released by Global Burden of Disease in 2015, along with Eurostat's demographic projections, predict a 34% increase in the number of stroke patients in the European Union between 2015. and in 2035. The Stroke Alliance for Europe (SAFE) in its report shows that in Croatia, over 11,300 people experience a stroke each year, equivalent to 150 strokes per 100,000 inhabitants a year. The mortality rate 30 days after stroke is 23.5%. Stroke causes 94.6% of deaths per 100,000 inhabitants annually.
Aphasia occurs in third, i.g. 25-40% of stroke patients, and is associated with the stroke located in the left hemisphere. Aphasic disorders are manifested in a variety of apathy syndromes but vary in clinical manifestation, the severity of clinical presentation, and localization of brain damage.
While working with patients with aphasia, the nurse should stimulate conversation, ask open-ended questions, and should give the patient sufficient time to respond to the questions, as well as support patients in communication. The patient and the family should be encouraged to use simple expressions and gestures, repeat them as needed until adequate communication achieved. During the rehabilitation process, the collaboration of speech therapists with the physiotherapist and neuropsychologist, as well as other health care professionals, is essential to achieve the most objective assessment of the condition and the treatment plan that best suits the capabilities and needs of patients with aphasia. Nurses are the key to the rehabilitative concept of speech in patients with aphasia due to frequent contact with the patient and his family, and they often represent the bridge between the doctor and the patient. Through speech rehabilitation, the nurse helps the patient return to daily life, including therapy with his family and friends. |