Sažetak | Cilj ovoga rada je bila analiza proizvodnje pšenice na OPG-u Pero Barišić-Jaman tijekom dvije vegetacijske godine, 2014./2015. i 2015./2016. te utvrditi utjecaj godine (vremenskih prilika), sorte i primijenjene tehnologije uzgoja na prinose zrna, hektolitarsku masu, sadržaj proteina i ostale pokazatelje kvalitete zrna. U 2014./2015. godini zasijane su dvije sorte pšenice - Ingenio i Kraljica, a 2015./2016. godine sorte Ingenio i Illico.
Vremenske prilike su bile različite; obje vegetacijske godine su bile toplije u odnosu na višegodišnji prosjek, ali s različitom distribucijom oborina. Tijekom 2014/2015. ističu se sušni studeni, travanj i lipanj i jako vlažan svibanj te iznadprosječno topli prosinac i siječanj. U 2015./2016. osobito kišovit mjesec je bio listopad, a izrazito suh prosinac te toplije zimsko razdoblje, naročito veljača. Pojedini agrotehnički zahvati prilagođeni su specifičnim vremenskim uvjetima i potrebama pšenice.
U obje vegetacijske godine postignuti su visoki prinosi, te je prosječan prinos 2015. godine iznosio 8,16 t/ha, a 2016. godine 7,99 t/ha. Sorta Ingenio koja je uzgajana u obje godine imala je najviši prinos, zatim sorta Kraljica te sorta Illico. Hektolitarska masa je u obje godine u prosjeku bila viša od 80 kg/hl, što je vrlo zadovoljavajuća vrijednost, a viša prosječna hektolitarska masa je bila kod pšenice roda 2015. godine (83,55 kg/hl) u odnosu na 2016. godinu (80,55 kg/hl). Sadržaj proteina je također bio veći kod pšenice roda 2015. godine (13,63 %), u odnosu na 2016. godinu (12,85 %), dok je sorta Kraljica ostvarila najviši sadržaj proteina od 14,0 %. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The aim of this study was the analysis of wheat production on family farm Pero Barišić-Jaman during two growing seasons, 2014/2015 and 2015/2016, as well to determine the impact of the year (weather conditions), wheat cultivar and applied technology to grain yield, test weight, protein content and other indicators of grain quality. In 2014/2015 were planted two cultivars of wheat - Ingenio and Kraljica, and in 2015/2016 cultivars Ingenio and Illico.
Weather conditions were different and both vegetation seasons were warmer compared to the long term average, but with a different distribution of rainfall. The main features of 2014/2015 were arid November, April and June but very wet May and above-average warm December and January. In 2015/2016 particularly rainy month was October and extremely dry December and warmer whole winter period, especially February. Agricultural practices was adapted to the specific weather conditions and requirements of wheat.
In the both growing season high yields were achieved. The average yield in 2015 was 8.16 t/ha, and in 2016 was 7,99 t/ha. Cultivar Ingenio which is grown in both years had the highest yield, then Kraljica and Illico. The test weight on average was higher than 80 kg/hl, which is a satisfactory value. The higher average test weight was achieved in 2015 (83.55 kg/hl) compared to 2016 ( 80.55 kg/hl). The protein content in the grain was also higher in 2015 (13.63%) compared to 2016 (12.85%), while the cultivar Kraljica recorded the highest protein content of 14.0%. |