Sažetak | U ovome radu opisane su osobine lješnjaka kao što su prosjeĉan prinos jednog stabla, visina, ţivotni vijek, kad
daje prve plodove itd. Jasno je da prosjeĉan prinos po hektaru varira zbog izbora sorte i uzgojnog oblika pa se
zbog toga prinosi kreću izmeĊu 2,2 i 3,6 tona po hektaru. Osim glavne, prehrambene, primjene lješnjaka, koristi se i u kozmetiĉke svrhe (ulja i kreme). Ljuska lješnjaka se sve ĉešće koristi za ogrijev. UtvrĊeno je i koji su najveći svjetski proizvoĊaĉi lješnjaka: Turska, Italija, SAD. Najveći uvoznici lješnjaka su Njemaĉka, Italija i
Francuska. Proizvodnja lješnjaka u Hrvatskoj je i dalje nedovoljna da se zadovolje potrebe domaćeg trţišta, ali
se biljeţi stalan rast površina na kojima je zasaĊen lješnjak. Najveći proizvoĊaĉ u Hrvatskoj je Poljoprivredno
poduzeće Orahovica d.d. Za podizanje nasada najvaţnije je odrediti sortu, uzgojni oblik i pripremiti zemljište.
Najzastupljenije sorte su obiĉni lješnjak, istarski dugi, rimski i halški div. Uzgojni oblici su: grm, stablo, u obliku
ţive ograde. Prema dostupnim kalkulacijama od pripreme terena do trenutka kad će nasad dati prve plodove,
potrebno je uloţiti sveukupno 60.527,00 kn po hektaru. Broj sadnica je po hektaru kreće se uglavnom oko 500
komada iako neke metode idu i do 5000 komada. Uzgoj lješnjaka u obliku grma najbolji je odabir za poĉetnike s obzirom da relativno brzo daje prve plodove i brţe dolazi do pune rodnosti. Prema dostupnim informacija
izraĊen je raĉun dobiti i gubitka koji pokazuje da se kroz 10 godina na 1111 sadnica ostvari dobit od 10.564,40
kn. U istim uvjetima sa istom sortom i istim brojem sadnica uzgojni oblik stabla daje puno bolje rezultate i to ĉak
42.826,24 kn. Stablo lješnjaka traţi puno više pozornosti i znanja te je stoga odluka autora, za moguću buduću
plantaţu lješnjaka – grm. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This paper describes the properties of hazelnut such as the average yield of a tree, height, life span, when it gives first fruits and so on. It is clear that the average yield per hectare varies due to the choice of varieties and growth form and therefore yields range between 2.2 and 3.6 tons per hectare. In addition to the main application in food industry, hazelnut is used for cosmetic purposes such as oils and creams. The hazelnut shell is being used for fuel. It is explained who are the world's largest producers of hazelnuts: Turkey, Italy, USA. The largest importers of hazelnuts are Germany, Italy and France. Production of hazelnuts in Croatia is still insufficient to meet the needs of the domestic market, but there has been a steady increase in area planted with hazelnut. The largest producer in Croatia is Agricultural company Orahovica d.d. For the cultivation of hazelnuts, the most important thing is to determine the variety, growth form and prepare the land. The most common varieties in Croatia are:
common hazelnut, Istrian long, Roman and Halske giant. Breeding forms are: shrub, tree, living fence or hedge. According to the available calculations, from preparing the ground until the moment when plants give first fruits, it is necessary to invest a total of 60,527.00 HRK per hectare. The number of seedlings per hectare is it is about 500 pieces although some methods go up to 5000 pieces. Cultivation of hazelnuts in the form of a shrub is the best choice for beginners since it relatively quickly gives the first fruits and it reaches full fertility faster. According to the available information, profit and loss account is made, which shows that over 10 years with 1111 seedlings makes profit of 10564.40 HRK. In the same conditions with the same variety, the same number of seedlings but with growth form of a tree gives much better results 42826.24 HRK. Hazelnut tree requires a lot more attention and knowledge and is therefore the author has decieded for possible future plantation of hazelnuts the growth form - shrub. |